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/qtddtot/ - Questions that don’t deserve their own thread
I’ll start: how do you clean and dry out a hydration bladder after use? I haven’t used one in a few years and I stopped because they would always mildew eventually and I’d have to throw them away
Chlorine bleach and a brush. Use an old toothbrush if your too cheap to buy a bottle brush. It isn't rocket surgery bro.
Use it at least once a week.
What's the point of kettles? Wouldnt just a regular pot be just as good, but more versatile?
When I return to my country I am going to start solo camping, pretty much what vlogers do but I won't be filming it. I am creating a list of the equipment which I will need. Can I have some input from some other /out/ers. Some things like a backpack etc I already have.

>Small Axe
>Multi-tool Knife
>Small Hiking Tent
>Lightweight Mattress
>Water filtration setup
>Foldable fishing rod/hand reel
>Flint & Steel/Lighter
>Hiking camp stove
>Pot & cutlery
>Small fishing lure box
>Basic medkit/snakebite kit

Terrain is rainforest Australia.
Need a flashlight or headlamp
Snakebite kits are a meme
they ain't a meme in Australia
Yes they are.
Alright, hears my list of shit I've got to go solo backpack hiking. I've only hunted on the great plains, so no bears and all of that crazy shit. Would appreciate feedback.

>Sleeping pad
>Sleeping bag
>Small wood stove, pot, & tripod
>Hunting knife
>Paracord & clips
>Fire starter
>Neck light
>Power bank
>Gravity-fed water filter
>Bear spray
>2L bottle
>Bear canister
>Mini bidet

On another note, I'm aware bears have an incredibly strong sense of smell, and they'll persue unique/human scents. That being said, am I safe using sun screen, bug spray, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. so long as I lock the container itself in the bear canister when I set up camp? Are there specific brands of these toiletries and whatnot that I should use?
He's wrong, they're not a meme.

But all they need to include is a good snake-bite bandage.
There's no medicine (beyond maybe some panadol for pain relief) that'll do anything and any shit like pumps that promise to suck the venom out of the bite or whatever are memes.
>Goes into a rainforest
>Cuts a bunch of trees down to larp
you fuckers are cancer
Assuming you just mean black bears, nothing to worry about with toiletries. Don't even really need to go in the can unless you're in a problem area.
Axe is unnecessary and a silly amount of weight to add for a first time. If you really want a fire you'll have an easier time just finding downed stuff and using that.
I wouldn't cut down a living tree, it wouldn't burn? just for stuff already fallen on the ground, would just be used for splitting dead timber. Relax white knight.

Would just be a very small axe for splitting kindle. Also I wouldn't be hiking great distances so I can deal with some weight.
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Who makes the best balaclava?
Learn what a white knight is cuck.
Your list is also very retarded for what you claim you want to do.

The only reason fuck faced retards like you bring an axe is so they can build larper shelters or oversized bond fires--otherwise they're totally useless dead weight. You don't need an axe to build a cooking fire.
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Not the Italians, probably Germany or the Swiss >>2794173
no, bring a gun
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looking for a decent tent that will last me years, so far ive only used tarps in my few adventures.
doesnt have to be ultralight but it shouldnt be super heavy either.
Price range? My sierra design 2 man tent has held up well over the years, but I think it’s hard to go wrong if you buy from a reputable brand. Just pick something that’s the size, weight, and color that you want.

On a related note, has anyone here ever tried dying a tent. I like mine pretty well except for the fact it’s white, blue, and yellow. Bright colors are good for mountaineering, but not so much if you’re in the woods and don’t want to be seen

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