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Redpill me on exploring abandoned mines

Just today I discovered an exposed entrance to a former clay mine. I want to go back with flashlights and I guess chalk to point where i came from since i was able to find a map of the mine and its confusing af. What else do I need? Its horizontal, entrance is at the base of a mountain. I don't think there is anything vertical about it, just horizontal pathways
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Dangerous but interesting and fun.

t. state with 100-250k abandoned mines.
Be safe down there, dawg. Seems very fun tho, maybe you could find something that you could keep.
2 flashlights and extra batteries, like 24 hours worth of extra batteries. If one malfunctions, you'll have the other. Bring a can of spray paint with you. Leave arrows on the walls every time there is a junction to show yourself the way back out. Do it a little bit at a time until you familiarize yourself with the place. Don't walk 3 miles in the first time. Leave a note or tell somebody where you're going in case you get trapped. Don't go anywhere near anything flooded. Bring a pair of sharpened screwdrivers with you in case you slip down a sharp incline and can't climb back up. Stab them into the ground. Pull yourself up with them. Take somebody else with you if at all possible. Don't go anywhere near, or past, obvious cave-ins. Don't try to climb up or down anything steep or sketchy, that's where slides will most likely occur. And, you break your ankle in there, you may never get out.

Take absolutely 0 risks while you're in there. Experienced miners die in mines every day, so where does that leave you? Think about everything, don't rush anything.
Remember there IS treasure down there, those miners were just too big a pussy to go get it, not like you eh?
If this is the one you're talking about, full of water, don't go anywhere near it. You could walk off into a submerged stope with 1000 feet of water under your feet. You'll go right to the fucking bottom with all the shit in your pockets. That's a bad idea. Stay away from that mine.
i never understood the urge some people have to die underground, in the dark, alone.
and not even get payed to do it, seems like a "high risk - no reward" kind of deal.
My brother worked in the Hudson's Bay copper mine as a geologist in the 90's. He said he had a creepy, ominous feeling every time he had to go down there. Like people were never meant to be a mile in the ground, with a mile of rock over your head.
i doubt it, old bricks are a dime a dozen
i was going to bring extra batteries and some people to take with me. I have a geiger counter to bring and i ordered an air quality meter to tell me levels of O2, CO2, H2S and explosives in the air (in case i want to light up a cig).
>Don't walk 3 miles
I think a straight line from the entrance to the rear is about 0.7 miles according to the mine map but its probably at least 10 miles of maze and the map isnt completed, mine shafts are drawn as just not being mapped further, and i wouldnt mind getting to that point.
they mined clay to make bricks idk what you expect
>He said he had a creepy, ominous feeling every time he had to go down there. Like people were never meant to be a mile in the ground, with a mile of rock over your head.
your brain is a liquid quantum computer that works on the lowest voltage feasibly possible and lots of rocks + solar wind powering them makes the computations get deterministic or non deterministic so crazy stuff happens
I mean I wouldn't worry about a typical mine or other spelunking, but these yt fags with spic cat bodies slithering into crevasses is something else
according to my time playing minecraft it's a great place to find cool stuff.
dont go wandering in mines unless you have a minimum understanding of what the dangers are. its not worth dieing deep underground.
pic related has stagnant water which can trap hydrogen sulfide and other gases in the bottom mud. walking through it can release the gas, displacing the air in the workings, killing you.
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what are the dangers fren?? besides getting lost.
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Drowning, asphyxiation, rotten timbers and soft dirt that causes cave ins and collapses, falling, getting some sort of respiratory illness from whatever's down there including copious amounts of mouse/rat shit, sharp objects everywhere, exposure to toxic materials or waste that idiots dumped down the shaft, mole people.
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It's awesome if you have the SOVL of an adventurer. Like a combination of caving and urbex.
Just be careful and do your research. Bring all the standard safety gear that you would use for caving + a 4 gas detector. Bad air is probably the scariest thing down there, and it can be a big concern in old coal mines especially.
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in a dry cave?
oh you mean that dead air thing that goes against the second law of thermodynamics?
>getting a respiratory illness
from a few hours of exposure? no. stop fear mongering shill.
>sharp objects everywhere
i mean come on.. just watch where you step.
>toxic materials
wtf are you even talking about? people throwing some trash down there doesnt make it toxic.
>mole people
fair enough, i shall not enter.
What's the appeal? What do you imagine you'll come across in them, aside from an untimely death via poisonous air?
dead air is very much a real thing, its especially common in heavy metal rich mines that are very wet. The sulfide minerals decompose, stripping oxygen from the local atmosphere. The gases the rock then generate also take up space in the workings. If the mine is not naturally ventilated, you can easily succumb to asphyxiation in minutes. Dry mines are far safer then wet ones over all, wet means rot, and often less detectable buried or covered structures such as winces and stopes.
depending on the location, you can find entire intact mine sites. Places where the miners just up and walked away for the day and never returned. I ve found air drills, bags of old explosives, lots of tools, notes burned on walls left by previous crews. It can be very fun to see what guys were up to in some areas based on what they left in their workings.
Maybe you could find some diamonds down there so you can make yourself a diamond pick.
if you fart in a large room, the smell will eventually find everyone's nose in that room. this is a law of nature.
>I discovered an exposed entrance to a former clay mine
Clay mines are up there with gypsum mines for burying you alive, you should probably stay out since you don't seem to know anything.
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too bad im going in
i got a headlamp im bringing extra batteries for, plus flashlights and an air quality meter
take a half face respirator, some gloves, and some rope as well
i already have gloves and rope packed
no half faced respirator but i planned to bring my m40 gas mask. I also have a can of oxygen
and a auto rope ascender and some chalk to mark areas so you can retrace your steps
Expect unexpected issues that come with total darkness. Having nothing but a spotlight on you can make it exceedingly difficult to see holes, steps, etc.
Use a rope, have backup lights.

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