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2/2 is life really about giving up all ur possessions and connections to civilization and returning to being an animal? the rest of the world is going to space and theyre going to party with the aliens while ur getting all upset about 'the system'

obviously u should do it at some point in ur life. but its not a matter of morality as far as im concerned. friends and family is the highest truth in life, and whatever makes having those things the easiest is the right way forward. u dont have to totally sell ur soul in order to have those things.

i dont like the fact that all technology, our food, clothes, cars, appliances, are made with slavery. am i a bad person for using any of these things? is some indian dude, packed into a reeking call center cubicle, in the middle of jeetistan, a bad person for using a computer and phone, that was made with slavery? no.

obviously, u get to choose what kind of life u want. if u spend an hour playing video games, u r not spending an hour outside with the woodland critters. the choice is yours.

but it seems like 'living in the woods' just ends up falling back into the category of 'work.' ur not partying w friends, laughing, joking, drinking, smoking, eating delicious food, having a picnic in the park... ur ruggin' it out. and its just work at the end of the day. play is where its at. more play with friends and loved ones, less work, is freedom. the best things in life r free, friendship and love.
I like trees and wildlife and fresh air. I also enjoy technology and a lot of luxuries produced by society. This isn't a zero sum game. You don't need to be a feral savage to enjoy the outdoors.
I read a book by Terry Pratchett called Colour of Magic. It has a quote: “Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too”.

If being in the outdoors is inspiring these negative thoughts, then maybe it's not for you or maybe you need to approach it with a different mindset. Don't let society poison your brain when you go out there.
its the f*ght cl*b dilemma. on one hand, ur angry about all the evils of civilization, but on the other, u cant live w people unless u have civilization. u cant have children unless u have a moat, walls, and guards.

i guess i feel like morally speaking, im a carlinist. i sit in the bleachers and try to talk sense into the people around me. but the trouble is that people will always compete. and competition is war. winners who get the gourmet food and losers who cheat, lie, and steal to get even.

i just feel like the bleachers is the place to be. try to have a decent life and be good to people as best u can. when someone with an ego inevitably questions u, y u rnt keeping up with the joneses, etc., u have to 'let him win' until he leaves u alone.

u can grow ur own food, but u have to be quiet about it or else the industrial farmer man will come knocking.

i dont want to hurt and i dont want to be hurt. in civilization u r master or slave. but u cant have a family in the woods.
>is life really about giving up all ur possessions and connections to civilization and returning to being an animal?
Of course not. That's a dumbass idea.
I think most people on here including me can pick up what you're putting down and that's why a lot of us are here. Just don't get carried away with what other people thing. "Hike your own hike" as it were. You'll do fine. Just enjoy nature in your own way and come back occasionally to play some vidya. We're all modern men.
False dichotomy. The choice isn't shitty civilisation vs zero civilisation. The choice is between a shitty civilisation or a good civilisation. The fight is to make civilisation better.

Anything else is puerile whinge.
Going from the Great Outdoors to being able to have Taco Bell teleported to my doorstep is such a fun juxtaposition and I don't hate it.
I agree it's a false dichotomy. You can enjoy the outdoors without completely swearing off the indoors. My main concern is making sure that the outdoors can exist for as long as possible after I'm gone. Also, making sure that I enjoy the outdoors as much as possible before I'm gone.
>not going to share what happened
this mentality that interesting things only happen when they are captured for social media is the complete farce of modern culture. i give zero shits if anyone knows about what i have done in my life and frankly hardly anyone would care. none of my interests can be monetized
if it wasnt for walden wed all be working in an office, and no one would be allowed to live in the woods for free

u dont have to monetize it. im just saying everything we do is about improving human society ultimately..
>lol u tk him 2da bar?
why does anybody think somebody will take your opinion seriously when u typ lyk dis.
I didn't even finish reading what this idiot wrote.
Spending all day in nature and with your family is slavery but spending 80% of your life in a wagie job and the other 20% crammed in a small apartment with no money is freedom.
exactly, these are shill threads trying to prevent us from just going deep innawoods and being free of the slave system.
80% of your life in a wagie job and the other 20% crammed in a small apartment without money
80% of your life in a survival job and the other 20% crammed in a small hut without money
>"u" instead of "you"
I just don't care about whatever it is you're trying to say.
FPBP. Realistically most of us are going to live in cities because that's where jobs, facilities, and amenities are located. Doesn't stop us from going out into nature in our spare time. Doesn't stop us from planting gardens. Doesn't stop us from traveling and enjoying life. I love the outdoors but I'm always going to live in a city because that's where I work and where my family lives.
It doesn't require romanticizing. You either have a fascination with it or not. The balance and intricacies of it all, the cycles, the sheer amount of all the species big and small that fit together like puzzle pieces in this big incomprehensible, beautiful, brutal panorama. The little variations, feedback loops, the whole thing is such a mind fuck... in a good way. I'm trying to put this into words the best I can, and yes there are insights and lessons you take away from this but it is all very ephemeral hard to nail down stuff that has largely been made into banal coffee table conversation by hippies, dopers, naturalists etc. For me it is just a self indulgent self serving fascination I have, particularly the plant life.
I didn't read your opinion but based on your borderline illiteracy I'm pretty sure it's dumb
I can fuck a woman in a cabin and get her pregnant with no moat, you motte and bailey bitch
Put em on clutch

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