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You went outside this year didn't you anon?
Why yes I did
You don't need to bump your own thread. If it's not getting replies it's because it wasn't worthy of replies.
Dude this is a time honored tradition
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Northeasterner? Looks like Maine or NH, maybe some VT. What's your favorite activity? Hiker?

Mostly a dispersed camper here. Can you guess my state or region?
>You went outside this year didn't you anon?
not as much as i wanted to, due to medical issues, only went canoeing 3 times, did harvest quite a lot of "rams" spring onion when they were in season, biked a few good trails with a few good friends, had a few good mushroom hunting trips in autumn, found some good shelters that me and my friends are planning on visiting come spring.
i dont really have any winter camping planned, mostly because it is likely to remain snowless, and camping in slushy mud just isnt fun at all.
looked into getting an electric motor for my canoe just for shits and giggles, so that might be the late winter-early spring project
oh, and i rarely take pictures, so...
im admittedly a newfag to this board who only started lurking in 2022 but I dont recall seeing this for last year
Bingo, mostly NH with some ME, and the berkshires / northwestern CT. Though July is in WV.

Looks like you're out west? Though ngl not sure where.
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Didn't check in last year but we do this every year.
Arizona? I've never been down there.
NM- Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May/June/Aug/Oct/Nov
AZ- July/Sep
TX- Dec

My first instinct was some sort of scandinavian country, but I'd think more snow would be present if so. Somewhere in the Southern part of Canada I'm guessing?
>I'm guessing?
Look at December. Only an American is that edgy.
Doesnt look like an American landscape tho
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Locations in the pics:

Jan - local forest where I live

Feb - Artist Point, WA

Mar - Saskatchewan Glacier, AB

Apr - Wolf Rock, OR

May - Crater Lake, OR

Jun - Rainbow Peak, AK

Jul - Mendenhall Glacier, AK

Aug - Mt Stuart, WA

Sep - Castle Towers, BC

Oct - Seven Fingered Jack, WA

Nov - Ha Ling Peak, AB

Dec - Crater Lake, OR
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I did but I don't take camera or smartphone with me anymore. I do enjoy outdoor and nature more without all that electronic crap.
Sweden. High snowfall happens only in the mountains and in the north.

Remigration is very popular here.
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Of course
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the template was different in previous years, here's from 2019
I went outside so much this year that I stopped posting on here. I can't relate to most of this board anymore. i did a ton of traveling, did some /out/ school programs, got an /out/ job, and now I visit the board maybe a handful of times a year.
I apologize for it not being much. I’ve only started going /out/ recently. Not shown is that there’s at least more than one /out/ing each month. I also haven’t done much of what is considered true /out/ with national parks or forests or mountains, but I’ll get to that. I do live in Texas so options are limited

August-Turner Falls State Park, OK
September-LBJ National Grasslands, TX
October-Goatman’s Bridge, TX
November-LBJ National Grasslands, TX
>December-Fishing locally
Are you from new England anon? Can we meet up?
jan 2 outings
feb 4
mar 1
apr 1
may 0
jun 2
jul 1
aug 1
sep 1
oct 1
nov 0
dec 0

i have been so depressed most of the year, should and could have done much more than what i did but it is so hard to drag myself out of the house and convince myself that it will be worth it, it almost always is but still i feel empty afterwards and each time i feel less excited about the next one, i start planning and i get bored or can't bother to go out the weekend i finally can

how do you guys keep motivated? each outing used to be a great adventure back when i started, now they feel banal and not worth the driving time
Did you finally move out west?
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You have to change your activities with the seasons.
Jan-Apr - ski season - 2-3 weeks of cross country skiing, bird hunting on skis
End of Apr - trailrunning
Mai - weekend hikes, hammocking
June/Juli - summer break, chill at a cabin
August/September - hiking, live in tent for 1-2 months
September to January - hunting season
I hike for sport or do hunting or animal photography.
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I didn’t go out every month but I went to Olympic and st Helen’s in June, hiked the JMT in July, went to rainier in August, New Mexico in November and Guadalupe in December
Not nearly as much as I’d like to. My wife had a heart attack due to a 95% blockage in her LAD. Inb4 fat; she’s normal (5’ 3”, 120lbs). It took everyone by surprise considering she was 39 years old. If we weren’t a 5 minutes drive from the hospital she would have died. So the past year was spent with her during recovery. Lots of stuff planned for the upcoming year though.

Hug your loved ones.
Put em on clutch
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didn't get to go yet this month bc exams :(
Jan-Feb are the himalayas, the rest are Scotland
finally moved back :^)
was stuck out east for school

sorry but not any more anon
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Does it count if all my /out/door activities are from work?

>Jan - Scouting day before a class
>Feb - UTV training in Vegas
>Mar - Snowcat training in southwestern CO
>Apr - Grouse, class in CO with a bunch of guys from MN
>May - Last ride of the season, big gathering of motorized snow enthusiasts, bbq, raffle, camping
>June - Microwave install, 65ft
>July - Moto trip to the top of a mountain to replace a camera, pull fiber to a radio, and fix some DC wiring
>Aug - Microwave install, VHF antenna install. Air show in town below me a few hours after this photo, got to look down at the Blue Angels performance from 120ft
>Sep - Microwave install on a Long Lines site, 170ft (creepy af in the fallout shelter downstairs)
>Oct - VHF antenna installation for their dispatch system; 120ft
>Nov - Inspect and repairs for a broadcast customer, 270ft
>Dec - UTV training, SoCal
hey you're kind of annoying but at least you are one of the real ones
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Here's mine, I admit there's some pretty big gaps, I did go /out/ in every month up to November but didn't have pictures to document. In November my daughter was born and since then the most /out/ we've done is a walk around the block.

A summary of the notable outings:
Went on a quick package vacation to Cuba Varadero with my wife. Although most of the time was spent lying on the beach we did do an outing which included snorkeling, cave exploring, and a boat tour of the mangroves pictured.
A quick hike at Plaisance National Park in Western Quebec; nothing too special, just a waterfall and some trails alongside but nice walk.
A weekend trip to New York City which included exploring some really innovative urban parks including the Hi-Line, pictured, which is a former elevated railway converted to a linear park with considerable plantings.
Honestly couldn't find much for the summer although we did a lot of walking and hiking; this is just a snapshot from a walk along the Ottawa River near where we live.
Trip to Portugal; most of it was more urban / heritage than nature but we did spend some time at the beach which was a nice break from the crowds (Portugal is incredibly crowded during tourist season).
Hiking in the Adirondacks. I'm a lazy fat fuck by my wife is athletic and LOVES mountain climbing so we went for a quick weekend trip. Weather was terrible; rainy, cold, and windy. Still got some good hikes in although I was miserable.

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