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Eg. tourniquet, split, bandages, splits, etc.
Specifically, these guys.
I got to work with them briefly for some SAR stuff and they seemed great.
Very practical
A big bottle of whisky.
An appropriately sized gun and an abundance of situational awareness so I don’t get mauled in the first place. If you’re unironically trying to set up a trauma first aid kit though, look into what soldiers have in their IFAKs, that’s basically what you need or at least a good starting point.
bear spray so I don't get mauled in the first place, and >>2793901 or similar. Basically a phone to call in an airlift.
>if you got mauled by a bear?
well, if ive already gotten mauled, I'm dead, so, say hi to my ancestors i guess
Agreed that its a good starting point, but OP shohlf bear in mind that IFAKs are designed to be administered by a fellow soldier when you're incapacitated. Like youre not meant to be able to insert a nasalpharyngial tube or dress a sucking chest wound on yourself
deepthroat onahole
Poison capsule in my mouth
I feel like if you're already getting mauled by a bear the tourniquet is not going to help you, that thing is going to fucking eat you alive so maybe a gun to blow my brains out lol.
You feel or you think?

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