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We havnt had an /edc/ thread in a while.
What are you carrying every day?
>r8 h8 apreci8
deez nuts
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>empty phone case
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Representative of a hand held tephone
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forgot my wallet, keys and proper flashlight in my car
I have a big soviet ammo pouch(for round machine gun discs) which i fill with someu some items and take everywhere, either on my belt or in the pack. In it, i have a soviet folding knife(very thick and sturdy, even usefull in chopping firewood), a soviet eating tool(table knife, fork, spoon, can opener all in one), a small keychain hygeine knife, 50 meters of thick synthetic thread and needle, phone charger, some cloth, a lighter and a can opener. I alkso take a soviet military flask everywhere for hydration, usually on my belt, never going outside without it and even wearing it indoors usually. Another thing i began taking recentrly is a sewing kit, with rivets, buttons, needles, thread and bits of leather all in a belt-attachable wallet to sew some usefull things when i can. I also keep things in the pockets of clothes, such as a supply of coffee beans in tins(in my pants, jackets and shirts), a foldable fork, knife(soviet, of course) and a sweddish army knife knockoff in my overcoat. In my everyday backpack, i have sopme things stashed in the outer pockets, which i never remove from there, such as a bigger supply of cofee beans for chewing, tea packets, a little electric boiler, toilet paper, socks, a soviet gasmask bag(a thin cotton shoulder bag, compact when stored but can fit a lot), about five carbines, rope, and a leather belt. my clothes and shoes are survival items on their own, being either very sturdy soviet wok/hiking wear or military items. I make sure than all my clothes can be put over every other one and still look appropriate, so that i can switch them around an appear different if needed, and rather wear a lot of thin layers than a few thick ones for control. I also wear soviet body armour every time leaving the house, lead plating protecting the front and back of my chest.
Most people carry an actual phone because you can call people with it. Something that is “representative” of a phone isn’t so good at watching TikTok videos on.
Cool knife, source?
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Get on my level plebs
Cool banana, source?
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i miss that era of cellphones
>air pistol
Come on Bepster, not even you can be this retarded
why do you carry so many knives trannygaynon-san?
this shit reminds me of that guy who tried to assassinate someone,
Got all the way to their house, pulled the trigger, realize he forgot to load any bullets at all into his rifle and then ran away.
well, Mr. brainrot /pol/ user, try to use your brain and imagine, that, that guy doesn't carry all those knives at once.
kek'd thank you for playing along
Some $190 Benchmeme

>caring enough to zoom in on the “Daisy”

All ya really need is some Newport 100s and a little Buddha made of ivory.
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This is my Backpack EDC. I got a little of everything.
That's a good box cutter.
>unused mini Knipex
>unused Wera
Checks out!
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>not fag cum
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>Yuro tools
They released a bunch of it in Burgerland as Craftsman V-Series a couple years ago. They recently had some of it for dirt cheap at Lowe’s and I kinda regret not buying more than just the ratchet set.
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>Yuro tools
Bepster, this might come as a surprise, some of us aren't americlapistanis
The Klein here >>2794218 is a rebadged NWS
no, the slide looks like plastic and the daisy logo in the grip doesnt require any zooming

Trying to be short. I want to assemble a first aid kit to be ready for potential incidents related to my 4 years old son. I know for serious shit, like being hit by a car, the best tool is the phone to call for an ambulance, plus I'm not a properly trained medic or something.

Still, I want to do better than hugging and trying to sooth him after tripping while running or the like.

Any advice? Pic related.
i have "advanced first aid training" and "advanced firefighter training" and i was a kindergarten teacher for a couple of years
1. is there blood yes/no
if there is blood, you need to act fast, call an ambulance
2. is there swelling?
this is mostly fine.
3. has the kid ingested anything
this can potentially be very VERY dangerous, for example i was working at a daycare that had deadly nightshade in its bushes

i dont know where you live, but, learn your local poison control telephone number, at least the police
oh, and forgot, i wish nothing but good for you and your son
Come on what's the knife

I was more about what to pack in an EDC kit, maybe I wasn't clear enough. As I said, I want to keep it realistic instead of trying to carry enough supplies for an organ transplant, but not sure what exactly is a good set up.

Got fed up with all the preppers in youtube flexing their gear, so wanted to look for some other opinions in this topic.
I don't really have credentials, but what's wrong with, like, a generic hiking first aid kit maybe with some painkillers, antihistamines and an emergency blanket?
Those gauze that stop bleeding and clot blood super fast would prob be very handy, so would a tourniquet. Blood loss is prob the biggest thing you gotta worry about in an immediate emergency (impaled on a stick etc lol)
The grey and blue one? Some limited edition Benchmade Grip with a 20CV blade.
gayest shit I ever see
The like
The mirror?
no holster in picture == larp
I like the implications that you
>put balaclava on
>wear fawkes mask over the balaclava
>put bandana over the fawkes mask
>fedora on the top
Very cozy
>Car broke down on the side of the road.
>Was able to find the issue and fix it.
tell me more about how i dont live up to the hype?
oh yeah your the jealous fag with the shit knife collection.
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let me guess. you need more?
Your AAA card wasn’t in the pic tho

Meme’d and unused

Anybody who actually carries the tiny Knipex are Redditors. Real life stuff looks like picrel if you live in the real world and not Reddit
Also tell the real story. Your keyfob battery died and your lock was seized up and that little WD-40 can saved the day by loosening it up?

Also where’s your beater multimeter for diagnosing electrical issues on the side of the road? Not even a mini test light or some fuses and a few inches of wire and some splices? Are you even trying?
why do you think i have to prove shit to you? because you live in a machine shop and are a greaseball?
the only reason i would ever work in and industrious setting would be in a garage working on a race car. you keep all that asbestos air to yourself.
>chinkwanese tools are better than german steel.
lolcow poor fag. just upgrade and quit being a bitch.
>noo the tools are just fine.
yeah, so same argument. get with the times or get out of the way.
honestly, the Surge is just too large and heavy, the Wave is superior
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You don’t have to type anything to prove yourself. Redditors who post EDC pouches with $300 worth of Wera and Ti widgets prove all of it with that pic.

I think you missed the point. Nobody who is serious carries around an EDC pouch full of Wera and Kickstarter wallet cart tools.
im going to buy more expensive tools to passively use when the need calls for it and not give a damn about how dirty yours are.
>to passively use

Plus anybody who seriously uses the tools doesn’t get Wera. It’s some overpriced Redditor meme stuff made in post-Soviet shitholes and Southeast Asia. But if you want to be a #TOOLREBEL and write 5-star reviews all about how great the tools work without ever using them, then go live your truth. But go live your truth on Reddit where you belong.
you're going to be so mad when i buy a garage full of Snap-On to use to fix my cars on the weekends. you're gonn cry about how im not a real mechanic and my tools are not dirty. LOL, LMAO even.
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>to use to fix my cars on the weekends
Meh, I will probably be happy you’re buying tools that are overpriced and work, and if you’re using them to fix cars on the weekend, that’s a huge step up from what you’re doing right now which is collecting overpriced Taiwan playskool tools to get a Reddit-tier EDC.
3-0 cry
Wut? Me no speaky Reddit
of course Beperino is also a toxoplasmosis drone. like pottery
Reddit links don’t work the same way on this website friend-o. Go back.

Life’s a party!
you are drunk go back to DIY. this is a EDC thread.
Oh I was just trying to post what it looks like when tools get used. It’s something Wera collectors don’t see much except when their wife’s boyfriend comes over to fix the water heater
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edc thread? honestly, I don't know how people manage without.
watches are redundant. just use your phone.
a watch take a split second to check, depending on your watch you can also read the date, all sorts of other information as fast as you can flick your wrist, for a phone, you need to pull it out of your pocket, push a button or some touchscreen bullshit to get it open.

ive had this debate with my Dad many times, i wear a wristwatch, he also says it obsolete, but guess what, when someone asks what time or date it is, ive already answered before he is halfway to his pockets.

and yes i will die on this hill, is my phone solar? my watch it, can my phone tell barometric pressure without an internet connection, no, my watch can, can my phone show a compas, no, only google maps, can my watch, yes. has my watch literally never needed to be recharged? yes, can my phone last barely 2 days. well i think ive made myself clear
Is there a guide/diagram/video or anything that will show a clever way to fold up a pair of nitrile gloves as small and secure as possible to not take up much space in my daily carry pouch?
flashlights are not redundant because you can carry one more powerful than your one on your phone. its not like a wrist watch will tell time better than your phone.
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Same way you do with socks, line them up, facing the same direction, fold one into the other. Job done.

Don't let the aparent size fool you, they are really squishy, hand one glove in my work boot an entire day without noticing
>empty phone case
I think in most cases. The picture is taken with the phone. So people just take pics of their phone case to represent their phone.
where did you get fork one, I only have knife in it >>2793943
I can't believe I posted the wackiest nonsense set of items I could come up with and yet got legitimate replies
that's the detachable fork of a Mikov Piknik
>I can't believe I posted
could there be anything sadder, than trying to impersonate someone on 4chan, because you have an irrational hate against random pocket junk?
i think you are my soulmate
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today's EDC. Phones a pixel 5.

I got more stuff in my work backpack but this is what goes in my pockets whether I'm at work or not. Lighter and knife and specific key combinations change frequently depending on mood or needs.
Anyone know a small, compact emergency lighter I can keep in my day bag?
I need something that can stay good staying stowed inside a bag for an entire year and still reliably light.
I want to avoid bic disposables because of the exposed trigger and I don't want it accidentally being snagged on something and just constantly venting out the lighter fluid.
>german steel.
Such a boomerfaggot thing to say or believe in in 2024. Enjoy paying a premium for inferior garbage made by ackmet and abdulah. Made in gaymany though, amirite?
Are these emergency radio worth at all? I noticed almost nobody ever mention having one of these in their EDC, but plenty of weighter stuff.
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for most people, probably not
an frs/gmrs radio with weather is probably a better option
baofengs are trash, except as your first ham radio.

I usually edc a hiviz viking, but i'm in the communications business. That's a $6k radio.
Bic with something to cover the trigger. They’re the best.

They sell little can coozy type things for Bic lighters, I used to have a leather one that was some souvenir from Puerto Rico. Find one of those and put the lighter in upside down and it should protect the button.
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Here is what I would pack: bandaids, tape, guaze (4x4 or 5x9, dont need much, 2-3 tops) - these will do the trick 99% of the time and a maylar blanket. If you're concerned about a car or other serious injury then a TQ (cat5). Take a stop the bleed class or some other first aid class just to have some practice and know how on how to use your equipment.
t. EMT
Man, we got the same
>lip balm
I also have a Toyota but not a Corolla because I'm not a proud black woman that don't need no man.
I got the Corolla because it was the cheapest thing available new with a manual.

In retrospect, I should have died on the "cheapest station wagon" hill rather than the "cheapest manual" hill.
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Any recs for a leather belt pouch for a swiss knife (Victorinox spartan)? I was looking at the victorinox ones but they only have velcro which is a dealbreaker
damn this is a good EDC
iphone 13 mini, sig p365, the lighter and the blade are pretty gay though
Juuls are so nice and convenient
What else does a man need
rope lighter in a ziploc
Why are you bringing a watch, are you synchronizing with the boys ?
being able to tell time is bad now? oh no, you are one of those "i will just use my phone" people, aren't you, be honest.
I enjoy not knowing the time
I have to know the time all the time, so any time that I don't have to know the time it's time to not know the time for a time
>empty phone case
What is wrong with you people?
gee hunny bun, maybe i cant be fucked to go dig around in my basement for 10+ year old DSLR to take a pic for 4chan, when it is a quick and easy way, to show non-baiting retards like you, that you have a phone, in your EDC

you do the exact same retarded bait EVERY THREAD and post your same old pictures avery time. get fucked, and you are, predictably, going to reply with "huurrr mad!" like you FUCKING DIOD EARLIEER IN THE THREAD, is this some fetish for you or something? OCD? brain worms?
I can’t believe people carry around an empty phone case tho. What poseurs
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So I might be moving into my sister's back yard bungalow. It has no toilet or shower, or washing machine (but I will have access to the main house one) so I going to treat this experience kind of like an /out/ seeing that at the ripe age of 35 i have never moved out of the family home and never really did anything besides go to work at my min wagie job.

Now what sort of gear/edc do you think I should bring with me. I don't think I will be bringing or having a bed, maybe just tatami mats.
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Whens yours from? Mines from '38
Too lazy to dig it out.

Have a sword with some moon runes
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>Too lazy to dig it out.
Not very becoming of a mother of the German folk, also learned you could get one with diamonds if you had over 16 children, hardly seems worth it
why would i need UV and a laser pointer?
To blind helicopters, retard
you may call me retard, but I'm still gonna call you based

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