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Now that the bears are asleep why aren't you hiking gizzly territory?
I don't want to wake them up.
because I can't afford to have teeth let alone go have fun
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I am. but you never know these days. My nieghbor saw a griz out 10 days ago or so. still keep my head on a swivel....for cats and wolves too.
Your neighbor didn't see any grizzlies in an area like that LMFAO. I don't know why larpers even try.
I hike in grizzly territory year round.
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lol. oh really? Why not? I get griz thru there all the time. What makes you think that isnt griz habitat? picrel is from my trailcam about 1/4 mile from the first pic. explain yourself.
mangy paws typed this post
Cause what if they wake up, obviously

Why don't people find and kill hybernating bears? Seems like quite a safe way to get a fuck fur coat and a good pair of slippers to me.
its illegal to kill grizzlies in the lower 28 because there are so few of them.
48 lol
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thanks. I had a fire after awhile
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Are you allowed to shoot wildlife in fear of life? Bears and Big cats scare shit outta me. If I see would my reaction is to kill on sight or run. At least Alligators have boundaries.
You're allowed to not be a pussy
>Are you allowed to shoot wildlife in fear of life?
yes. you can shoot bears and cats in self defense without breaking the law.

>Now that the bears are asleep

holy kek what a tard. You got BTFO lol
He's pretending he actually lives around grizzlies and not in Pennsylvania.
Put em on clutch
Come back and defend yourself since you know it all. Want another? This big boy came thru this past sumer. same spot (diff camera).

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