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Why do i need snow shoes in winter? My boot seem to do just fine walking through snow as is.
They are for flotation in deep snow. If your snow isn't deep, you don't need them.
does that work even if im really fat?
Yes, if you buy larger ones.
meaning like wider or longer or both?
Both. Snowshoes come in different sizes, if you are fat you should buy the largest size.
Skiis are better in every single situation other than going up steep hills.
>Why do i need snow shoes in winter?
well, you dont, a solid pair of boots is fine
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why do i need winter shoes in snow?
Yeah bro just post hole for a few miles you’ll be fine lol
they also make really long, narrow ones
>t. Never hiked for miles in even knee-high snow
*adds skins to skis*
*adds crampons to skis*
Uphill doesn't stop you anymore.
enjoy dying in a crevasse OP
Can be solved easily by having skins. But I find snowshoes to be better in varied terrain.
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Great advice anon, I'll just burn out stomping through the snow
Ski boots suck though
You can get skis that stay on normal boots, norwegian military uses them.
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Snowshoes are a versatile tool that everyone should be carrying for winter hikes. They only weight 3 or 4 lb and provide excellent traction second only to proper mountaineering crampons (which usually require specialized rigid boots)
It's also courteous to your fellow hikers, once snowshoe hikers break in a trail, there's usually a point where the snow isn't compacted enough to walk on it bareboot or in microspikes without postholing and doing so will ruin the smooth compacted trail that's been broken.

It absolutely depends on where you hike and the weather that year but the cost of jamming some snowshoes into the compression straps of your bag is pretty low for the payout if you need them. Also heel lifters (pic related) are an absolute godsend for going uphill.
You need them, look up mad trapper of rat river for how useful snow shoes are.

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