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What's wrong with using my car as my tent?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with it you retarded frogposting attention seeking redditor. It is just banned in nicer campgrounds because they don't want people like you around them. And who could blame them. I despise you and all I know about you is your retarded question and your even more retarded decade old meme you posted.

But you are welcome to sleep in your car all you want on your own property, or even in the national forests if you ever grow any balls.

I truly hope you kill yourself though. You are everything wrong with this world.
Right now? Nothing. If that's what it takes to get you outside, then go car camping. Enjoy nature. In time maybe you'll figure out things that you don't like, things that can be improved on. But for right now go outside and have fun. Bring a 0° bag and a fleece blanket for maximum comfort, crack a window at night, and pass out with the absolute peace and quiet.

You need to lurk more before posting, redditor.
I enjoyed it on occasion, I would fold the back seats down in my car and have my legs in the trunk space with the entire back window to see the stars with. A little uncomfortable and not at all embarrassing because I was by myself
i'm considering buying a new car just because i can't lie down in the back of mine, it's too tiny
Nothing. Anyone who says it’s wrong has their head so far up their ass that they’re reaching Neptune. I’ve done it and it’s comfy. It is different than sleeping in a tent and certainly more insulated from the outdoors but it’s nice being able to park, wrap up in a blanket with my seats down, then leave the next morning without taking anything down. How about you go try it out? Seriously, do it
What do you currently drive?
well, nothing really, besides a couple of scenarios where your car will be colder then just a sleeping mat and a tarp outside, because, well, its a big metal box.
condensation is also an issue. and that, you dont really go outside, just trawling parking lots like a cheap rent-a-minute whore, not to be mean.
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that you can't take it up here
suzuki swift. i've slept on the front seat but it's not comfortable at all
>It is just banned in nicer campgrounds
It is? Which ones?
i live in Sardinia i can't go to Switzerland all the time
Nicer campgrounds aren't accessible by vehicle.
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First day on 4chan?
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there is nothing wrong with it...
just dont forget to keep the car running at night so it does not get to cold.

oh and also, try to connect the exaust to your cracked window.

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