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File: Pig.png (335 KB, 466x300)
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What does a pig cost? Is it cheaper to buy a sub-adult, raise it into adulthood, then slaughter it and butcher it yourself or just buy a whole pig already butchered?
Depends on where you live, access to feed ect. $45-60 for a feeder pig but you’re talking 4-7 lbs of feed a day for 3-4 months to fatten it up. Half a hog is like 450 - 500 mcdollars processed probably 800 - 900 for a whole hog.
Getting pigs is easy but getting breeders is getting a bit harder unless you're in the midwest. It really only makes any money sense though if you've got some source of cheap feed.

When I grew up my grandfather always kept a ton of pigs when it was still profitable. For alot of his life he farmed but would sell a load of hogs every month for his walking around momey. He had his own corn crop and the only thing he'd buy is a supplement and in the 90s it became pointless even for him from a money standpoint.

Cows are different though you can make money on that and it's alot less trouble if you have the space for them.
you can buy a 200 pound finished hog or a 300 to 400 pound failed breeding sow for about the same price here
a little over $200 canadian
the hogs are slaughtered, dehaired and split
i can cut and wrap a hog in a few hours, i leave all the skin on
>Germhogs sweating bullets

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