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Have you ever tried it? I have and I think it's cool but it's not significantly faster than normal hiking cause stopping to admire the landscape is a must.
It's the only cardio that doesn't get boring after a few weeks.
I've been running the same 2.5 km route around my neighborhood >50 times a year for 3 years (of course it's not my only running route) but it may just be autism
no, running is faster than walking, especially with lots of downhills
unless you're running for 15 min and walking the rest
>unless you're running for 15 min and walking the rest
Usually I'm running around the route twice (5 km), which takes 26-33 min
Trail running is one of the most enjoyable things a human can do
that's cool, but its not enough to run even that hill you posted, let alone a mountain
its really weird to say running is not faster than hiking, especially with that pic of a mild trail where you can really go fast
One time I was driving through Scotland and I wanted to see the top of Ben Nevis but I didn't have time in my itinerary to hike to the top. So I got up at 5am and ran to the top in the dark whkle my wife and son still slept, and was at the peak to see the sun rise and was back to my hotel by breakfast. When I was running back down a Scottish man who was just starting the hike with his hot teen daughter said
>tale meh yu dednt just run upe that mowntane!?
Ffs lad it's just called trail running
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here is my favorite rock on my mountain running route (arguably a trail run, but the rock is not part of the trail so it's more of a mountain run on average). Maybe I'm gonna stash some stuff in this crevice, donno yet

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