#518- “Santa Claws” EditionPrevious Thread:>>2789429janny pls…Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here! http://www.pastebin.com/u/fishingandtacklehttps://imgur.com/a/1Xw3NNew Bong Fishin Guidehttps://pastebin.com/sDB5SQTqFirst for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.Talk about fishin
Redpill me on the best value tackle?Specifically for Walleye, Smallmouth Bass (diff from LM?), and Muskies?What's great? Overrated? Cheap or Overpriced trash? Far as popular brands and chinese shitWhat are must haves to catchem all [spoiler]and if I were to start a small bait shop to sell?[/spoiler]
>>2796036Biggest value artificial tackle is a jig and soft plastic. A pack of 6 pack of 3 in swimbaits costs 6 dollars, and you can buy a bunch of jig hooks for 10 dollars or so from Amazon. If you snag, try to get it unstuck, but if you break it off, you aren't losing as much money as you would if it were a crankbait. Stick baits are in a similar category. For muskies, you don't want to use jigs but specific muskie crankbaits, glidebaits, jerkbaits, spinners, and spoons.Since you don't already know these things and I remember you from last thread, I'd say that opening your own baitshop at this point is delusional. It still wouldn't be a good idea, but a better approach would be to do a lot of fishing next year to become informed on the local area, and then, in the winter, start up your business so that you can be ready for the following summer.
>>2796126>a better approach would be to do a lot of fishing next year to become informed on the local areaProbably this, because the biggest reason people will still shop independent bait shops is to talk to somebody who is knowledgable on the area. Otherwise they can go get Rapalas and nightcrawlers for $2 less at Walmart.
>>2796129I work at an independent sporting goods store, and I must say that prices are pretty comparable to Walmart and big chain sporting goods stores. The sales are deeper at the big stores, and sometimes, there's a greater selection. Before I working here, I was a loyal customer due to a good rewards program you wouldn't find at a chain.
>>2796036Man i love getting my bait here, especially the "BAITT An e SNOP"
>>2796036Troll post
I haven't fished since I was a kid. I only ever used spincasting reels and didn't even know that term until I decided to get back into fishing and was like wtf are these other weird reels.I enjoy backpack camping in AZ and there are a few stocked mountain lakes that I'd like to fish from the shore. I'm a poorfag anti-gearfag and I want the cheapest, most basic bitch spincasting reel that doesn't suck. What should I look for in a used one? Any brands or features to look for or stay away from? Light weight would be an advantage. I have a graphite rod that comes apart in 4 pieces that I got at a yard sale or something.
>>2796289Spincasting reels are all trash and for retards / very little kids. I used a spinning reel since I was 5. If you're dead set on spincasting, get whatever cheap one you can find at the store. Have the employee put line on it for you because you'll be too retarded to do it yourself. Keep in mind that most spincasting reels require casting rods. Your pack rod is probably a spinning rod. If it is, you can get a Shinano Sienna. for $30. Get 4 lb monofilament line.
>>2796289You shouldn't be using spincasting reels if you're a grown adult
>>2796290>Your pack rod is probably a spinning rod.Yeah, it has large guides. Okay, so I'll look for a spinning reel. Can the crank generally be switched left to right?
>>2796294On a spinning reel? Yes.
>>2796289Zebco 33>>2796294On almost all spinning reels the handle is switchable. Diawa sweepfire or diawa crossfire.
Merry Christmas. I'm the guy who got that expensive euro nymphing setup on a great discount. I'm going to take it out for trout fishing tomorrow, God willing. I've been watching a lot of tenkara videos, mostly because one tenkara YouTuber in my area shares a lot of good stream information. One thing I am realizing is that tenkara is simply a less customizable version of what I'm looking to get out of euro nymphing, minimal contact with water and ability to wear gloves. I'm committed to euro nymphing this winter, but next winter, I might get into tenkara.
santa was good to me this year boys, i got pic rel as a gift. i need it to replace a bass pro baitcaster i had that exploded in my hands with had half of it fall into the river
I have some monofilament line spooled on a reel for about 10 years now. I think I barely used it back then and it's been in the dark since then. Should I respool with new line or can I risk it?
>>2796539>risking a catch for like $10damn, I thought I was a poorfag
>>2796126Errm actually I have been researching what works best in the area for walleye and bass and can confirm you're right on the soft plastics and jigs. Haven't looked into Muskies too much, big baits and figure eights. And you're also right it'd be best if I had a year to learn the lake and area, git gud at fishing again, but needed to utilize the land aka a new job/biz, now something else came up that'll allow me to do just that. >I'd say that opening your own baitshop at this point is delusional. It still wouldn't be a good ideaPerhaps but it's not about the money, the land and chilling all day by the lake is the prize already won by buying the land. It's a sell my house and quite my job to live the rest of my life and raise a family on the lake deal. But yeah, the bait shop can wait a year and it'll all work out splendidly>>2796588
This fish angers me. I've caught chunks of bark smaller than this that have put up a.better fight. I didn't even get him on the reel, I just stripped him in. I hate bobber fishing. >>2796539Get new line
After months of waiting it arrived just in time for Christmas. The Daiwa SOL MQ, 5000. My new surfcasting reel. I could toss plugs all day on this.
>>2796170This guy's talking facts. I got fed up with walmarts small selection, went to dicks and they had a bit more colors/styles of the same shit at walmart, a few exclusives, the prices were a few dollars more. Hit up the local bait store they got every option possible of everything on the wall for less than dicks. The dude gave my son a bag of doritos and stickers too.
>>2796724>The one thing keeping me from adding a fly rod to my aresenal is the thought of people assuming I'm a homosexual or a liberal.This speaks volumes about who you are as a person. Who cares if people see me in my gay waders with a strip basket and a vest? I'm having fun.
>>2796724>tl;dr I'm not confident enough in my sexuality or political convictions to fly fish
Opps Forgot to post fish
>>2796597I've never understood the fascination with trout. Every time I've caught a larger than average one I've been underwhelmed with the fight. Tiny brook trout are hard to catch only because they go spazzo ballistic as soon as you set the hook,then you get to enjoy the mushy meat. Not that I'm a bass fag but at least then you get to feel something.
>>2796746>>2796746>mushy meatYou're doing something wrong.The big rainbows I get are great lakes run so they're usually a good fight but I fish for them in the cold a lot and they're lazy and just try to bulldog you. More squirmy head shake stuff, less runs and jumps. But in 45-60 degree water they go nuts, I actually had a fish smaller than Pic related bruise my knuckles because he kept running and the reel handle would slam in to my hand any time I tried to regain control. I could.use lighter gear to make them seem more fun but I know I'd lose more flies, and I wouldn't be so easily able to throw my bigger flies
>>2796746I think they're fun. Bass will attack anything. Bluefish will attack anything. Trout, grayling, bonefish etc are a lot warier. It's 85% "the hunt" when it comes to species like that and 15% the fight.
>>2796763Trout are kinda retarded
>>2796170What made the rewards program great?Redpill me on working at an independent sporting goods shop? in a small town, living in the real world with an old soul?
Got some Cabela gift cards, suggestions on little fishing stuff to get besides just rods, lines and flies/lures? Have 100$ to blow.
>>2796835Tools like pliers, similar terminal tackle, ammunition, tackle bags (my favorite tackle bag is actually a sling pack that was being sold as a range bag for shooting)
>>2796763This is true. Big trout are definitely not as easy to find I'll grant, but they are not more intelligent. I caught the fish in my pic on a garden worm sitting on the bottom looking for drum. Fly guys are making it hard on purpose don't forget most trout are caught on corn or worms or powerbait just like fucking catfish.>>2796760You can't deny trout meat is soft, especially on those little guys.
Only trout I ever got was snagged in the eye. No one was biting but I just kept trying. Pyrrhic victory.
>>2796853I've never had issues with it being soft, no more than perch, crappies, walleye, sunfish, or most saltwater fish.
>>2796779Sitting on the toilet again. This time, I'm not feeling the best. My store's rewards program is $5 of in-store credit for every $125 you spend. There is the occasional email (you can unsubscribe), and there is a 20% off nighttime sale for rewards members. There's other fun stuff too, like free booze and raffles. My store does has other unique things, like a bow range, a fly tying workshop, free holiday cider, etc. Going to a small independent retailer means that you can talk to a dedicated expert who will be happy to talk to you, and if you are getting a service done, it will be done right. There is no credit card, and like I said earlier, prices are competitive. Thus, it's like free money.My store is in a rapidly growing college town that is quickly losing it's college feel. The store was established decades ago and had a few failed expansions (Great Recession, I heard). Simply put, it is not the small town shop you thought it to be, but I guess it used to be.I experience various trials and tribulations at work. I can't say that I enjoy the work for the work itself, since I'm mostly a cashier and experience other problems. Simply put, I continue to work here because there is no better option available. I'd rather be working retail at a place I like to shop at than at some generic place.>>2796835I have been in scary situations where I got stuck in the mud. Today, I ditched my ski pole and nearly fell twice while climbing a steep bank in the rain. The big ski pole will either clank behind me while walking in shallow water or be a burden to carry. It's even annoying sometimes when just standing and fishing. I went to Cabela's for the first time today, and I like their selection of hiking staves. I was going to buy one but decided to think about it. Why spend when I can save?
>>2796893Dangerous driving conditions today and yesterday. Massive rainfall this evening. Caught a tiny brown and a fee suckers while euro nymphing. My caddises were too big, so I was throwing a pink squirrel and a prince nymph after fishing a long while with a thin mint. That fly has really grown on me.
Fucking honeycomb ice already and it’s not even January yet. Fuck this gay earth.
Why the hell do some people absolutely hate catfish and consider it disgusting (everyone where I live, in Canada), but other people (such as in the American south) consider it a delicacy?Is there a difference in taste/texture between catfish from the Southern US and colder northern places like the Canadian prairies? Or is it just a matter of different local palettes?
>>2797071Freshwater cats in the south taste like mud. Saltwater cats taste better. It’s an acquired taste for some. But yeah catfish taste like mud and cigarette butts. You have to deep fry them and bread them, or you can blacken them.
>>2797071Catfish isn't terrible, but in places where it's highly praised, the freshwater fish I would consider better eating than channel cats don't exist.
>>2797071I think its cultural too. Like in the south, battered catfish is considered delicious. I live 15 minutes from the Hudson River/NYC so to me, catfish are full of hundreds of years of pollution runoff. I'd order them from a restaurant but I would not eat the ones I catch.l
Any of you ever encounter bleeding hearts who whine that fishing is murder? How would you deal with them if you did?
>>2797193Never, but I'd probably either ignore them or give short answers >you enjoy killing fish?yep>how would you like it if someone hooked your lip and pulled you out of your homethey won't>how can you do this?I'm hungryThey want reactions nine times out of ten. So getting irate or arguing give them the win (in their mind). It might even be better to ignore them completely.Reminds me of this, not fishing but still.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSvDXDCcBt0
>>2797198>you enjoy killing fishWell my lawyer said I have to stop killing people and suggested this as an alternative >hooked my lip and pulled me out of my homeKinky>how can you do thisIt's pretty easy. come over here, I'll teach you; the fish are pretty stupid
Looking to buy my first waders to use year round down to -20. Apparently even the high-end ones leak after 1 or 2 seasons. Can anyone give a recommendation?
>>2797071catfish is popular in the south because it's plentiful and both a good eating and sporting fish. poor people have been able to feed themselves for generations on it. with that said, our water is polluted to hell so I'd actually wager that canadian catfish taste better. the only people who don't like catfish are bass fishermen or people who believe the bullshit that catfish are "bottom feeders that only eat trash" when in reality they are apex predators. catfish are slimey and fuck your line up when you're not trying to catch them, but I don't hate them. in a lot of places it can be very difficult to keep the dink channel cats off your bait when going fr other species of fish, maybe that's why some people get annoyed also.>>2796835trade me for a $50 Visa gift card
>>2797240Buy Simms. Don't get the cheapest ones. Get the ones that are one step up. If you want to be out in cold conditions, you must have boot foot, not stocking foot, waders. Waders will be too hot to wear in the summer, so you'll have to wet wade.
>>2796893Nice, was thinking doing fun stuff too. Will keep the other stuff in mind and check out local competition. What do you estimate the sales break down to far as bait and tackle? Live bait, lures, rods, basics, merch, etc?>There is no credit card, and like I said earlier, prices are competitive. Thus, it's like free money.What did he mean by this?Keep us updated on the trials and tribulations you face each day from the shitter.
>>2797071rare to find catfish round these parts but I must say, the bullhead is based. I watching my granny pulling the skin off in the musty fish shack as a boy. Rank it up there with any freshwater fish but behind the Walleye
>>2797193Only one I ever encountered was a chomo. You ignore them. All of them are full of shit.
>>2797222>the fish are pretty stupidWell, only to our standards. That fish you hooked could have been the Fish Scientist that was on the cusp of curing Fish Cancer. Or it could have also been Fish Hitler you just pulled out the lake...
Who makes knockoffs of Heddon Spook Jr's and Boyos? I use the small ones all the time but 8 bucks a piece is hurtin'
Are these actually worth using if I'm fishing with plugs and spoons?
>>2797377I only use snaps or clips with bite leaders, I tie everything else.
>>2797354> https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/heddon-saltwater-super-spook-jr-3-pack-assortment
>>2797282>What do you estimate the sales break down to far as bait and tackle? >Live bait, lures, rods, basics, merch, etc? Not sure what you're asking.>>There is no credit card, and like I said earlier, prices are competitive. Thus, it's like free money. >What did he mean by this? Big sporting goods chains have credit cards, and due to poor money management, people end up going into debt. Our store simply has a rewards program, no credit cards. You come in, spend money, and get in-store credit (free money).>Keep us updated on the trials and tribulations you face each day from the shitter.Am on the shitter.
Skid, would you consider wearing your dog kink outfit while steelheading?
>>2797422>dog kink outfitHis WHAT outfit?
Anyone have experience with rapala countdown elite? Or xrap countdown? Not regular xrap or regular countdown. I wondering the action is better than a normal rapala... rapala action is atrocious....The countdown elite reminds me of the MegaBass GreatHunting 64... there are not enough sinking jerkbaits in the world. I prefer 2.75inch to 3inch sinking jerk baits... anyone have recommendations? Salmo minnow is the best, but they sell out fast and the website only let's you buy like once a year then they take the option to buy away. And I don't want to pay $20 on ebay to import 1 lure from Poland. I've tried nearly every sinking jerkbait on the market. They just work better for trout.
>>2797447I have one, I like it, but I also find lots of Rapalas to be productive, so if you can’t get a husky jerk or tail dancer, x-rap, shad rap, etc to produce for you, I can’t say that you’ll find success, because I don’t know what you’re doing except it’s different from what I’m doing.
>>2797422I have many a time, it would keep me warm and probably keep other anglers away
>>2797458>>2797458I fish very pressured waters. The key to getting a trout to hit is holding the lure in the strike zone as long as possible. A floating rapala, when paused, floats out of strike zone. A suspending rapala can only dive so deep. A sinking jerkbait you crank down, let it sink, twitch, reel, twitch, etc. It stays in the zone longer and is better for steelhead and trophy browns. The xrap is okay, but since it suspends, you have to really crank it down to the strike zone, it gets more complicated to put where the fish are. A sinking jerkbait minnow you can cast closer to the fish and let it sink down then work the bait. Much more finesse involved than the lures you have success with. I guess your water is less pressured.
>>2797463Skid, I’m visiting my sister and her family in Lakewood.. how’s fishing for steelhead in the rock river metro park or whatever it’s called?
What's the best rig for passive fishing in freshwater at larger distances (~80m) where I don't have to be very attentive?I'm thinking something like a bottom rig with a fixed sinker and a short leader where the fish hooks itself. This is what's usually used for carp fishing, but with a bunch of added autism, like hair rigs, electronic bite indicators and so on.Anyone have some experience with this kind of lazy fishing?
>>2797539The rocky River i don't have a lot of first hand experience with but I know it gets a lot of trout and has lots of public access but you're probably gonna want to go farther inland looking for them
>>2797475add a little weight to a suspending model that you like.>>2797570it's hard to have a rig where the hook "sets itself" unless there is line tension, that's why circle hooks were invented... but if you really want to get autistic, you can try out something I've used before. it takes a bit of experimenting with float/sinker size to get right and works better with light wire sharp hooks, so it's not really good for big powerful fish. you basically run a dropshot style rig with a float above it that can slip infinitely up the line. the line between the sinker and float maintain enough tension to keep the line taught, causing the fish to get hooked. considering that you are casting far out, the angle of the line above the float should be at enough of an angle where the float won't slide up the line anymore once the sinker reaches the bottom. this essentially created a draggable dropshot rig. it only really works well if it's further out though, because once it gets reeled close enough, the line above the float is too similar an angle to the line below the water, so the float will just slip easily instead of creating a fulcrum point(pictured.) Obviously, the bigger the weight and float, the more tension... but too heavy of a weight and it will just cause the float to slip on the fulcrum point. something like a 3/16 or 1/4oz weight is ideal, and then use a pretty good sized float that doesn't get pulled under super easily. You will have to experiment. Make sure the float can slide up the line easily, even if that means adding a split ring, swivel, or whatever to the bottom side of the float. I've used this rig a number of times when bank fishing spots that I can't get on the "good side" of the waterbody, so I have to cast across to the other side.
My brother stores his 2 piece rods like this putting the upper part through the eyelets and locking it in place with the bail. Isn't this really bad for the rod especially the eyelets?
Limit on dink stockers to end the year
>>2797580That's an interesting setup. I've never seen something like that before.
>>2797576thanks for the answer anon, but I'm not sure I understand. Do you use the float as an indicator for bites or do the fish hook themselves?If you just want tension, you could just used a fixed float and a sinker, right? The float would be underwater, but there would still be tension between float and sinker.
>>2797599the only specific purpose of the float is as a fulcrum point, it makes the rig behave like a normal dropshot rig that you would drop right underneath you, but it will still act as a visible strike indicator to a degree when still. the whole point of this method is that you can suspend your bait a certain distance off the bottom and keep the line taught, effectively killing two birds with one stone. it's just more effective in keeping a completely vertical portion of line under the water. with a float underwater, your line from the sinker to your rod will be fairly straight, which while taught, isn't the best angle for a dropshot style presentation. you will have way better hook up ratio with it vertical. it's the same concept as a float and sinker with the sinker suspended, but better for fish hooking themselves and depth control without having an obnoxiously long section of line with a fixed float that hinders casting. it's entirely useless for the most part outside of long range fishing.
oh and it must be noted that you should make sure to maintain relatively taught line from the float o your rod tip too, otherwise when a fish strikes on slack line, it will just pull the slack downward. if the current is taking the float away from the bank it keeps the slack out naturally, but otherwise you have to check regularly. it's not entirely passive fishing, but you can stand a rod up and keep a check on it
>>2797593Its homebuilt. An old electricians fish sanded down and dental wire guides. Works nice. >>2797611This is fucking retarded. You know just enough to look like an idiot. If you put a float between the hook and the rod that float you're creating a bow in the line that will need to be pulled tight before you can set the hook.
>>2797709> calls someone an idiot> can't even read> also uses eyelets as a hook keepernobody said anything about setting a hook.
>>2797740If you're hoping the tension in line against a slip float and a quarter ounce sinker will be enough for fish to hook themselves you're going to lose way more fish than you catch, nevermind all the bites you won't see or feel because again, you've got a ton of pointless slack. All this dumb extra rigging to be just as effective as a toddler ignoring a worm hook and just catching the bluegill fired up enough to hook themselves anyways.
>>2797753Once again as I mentioned already... light wire hooks will penetrate when rigged via direct line dropshot. only minimal tension is required. the fish's mouth hits the mainline and keeps them from inhaling it deep. Traditional bobber fishing is 25% gut hooking in comparison. are you saying that a dropshot isn't effective? that's essentially what this is lol. you're talking like a fudd. I can catch panfish all day with this technique without gut hooking like a 70iq bucket boy.
Can anyone explain why mexicans are always drowning at popular fishing spots? It seems to happen monthly and is all over the news. The fishing spots get closed down while divers search for them. My buddy on the other side of the country said it happens there too. These mexicans even swim in fecal matter ridden wastewater holes too. What is that all about? Why can't they just go to a pool? Are they attracted to muddy water or some shit? The wildlife division has even started putting up signs in spanish all over the place to warn them of the risks kek
>>2797760Damn that sounds hilarious. I wish Mexicans kept killing themselves around here like that. That's like the crickets with parasites that make them an hero into water. Never heard of anything like that.
>>2797760made up news to make you think the water is polluted and the fish is unable to eat
>>2795992Some of my recent catches this past week. 1/3
>>2797778Rock fish 2/3
>>2797766Nah I see the mexicans swimming all the time in the most unreasonable places. and by swimming, I really mean just wading around in waste deep water while drinking beers. There can be a designated swimming beach with buoys a couple hundred yards away and they instead choose to get in where all kinds of broken off fishing line and partially submerged timber is. I don't understand it. A lot of times when one drowns and the police show up, the mexicans that were there with them and saw it act like they don't know anything or even know who the victim was. I assume because they are illegals or some shit. I even saw some mexicans getting baptised at the fucking boat ramp. Everyone was looking at eachother like wtf these mexicans doing?
>>2797778>>27977793/3 not sure what this fish is but these were all caught in the pacific. I have never fished the pacific before as normally I have fished the gulf coast where i am from and the North Sea and Baltic when I lived there so this was exciting and new and I really enjoyed it from an anglers perspective
>>2797781Forgot photo
This year I am going to try catching walleye. I've only ever caught panfish and crappie, I don't think my tackle is great either. What should I stock up on to target walleye?
>>2797791Adorable and extremely venomous, I caught quite a few puffer fish. Wish I knew how to make fugu
>>2797760>These mexicans even swim in fecal matter ridden wastewater holes too.I wade near multiple wastewater treatment plants. I'm 100% white. Are you black and unable to swim?
>>2797578I use an elastic band on each end to hold them together. I wouldn't want to put any tension on the guides.
Does Matt still have a YouTube? Anyone have a link?
>>2797784Most of my walleyes have been caught on minnow and hook setups, like Lindy Rigs in the summer or hook and tungsten bead bobber rigs ice fishing, but they also love crankbaits, dropshots, and ned rigs.My most productive artificial setup is the Rapala "Shad Dancer", but Tail Dancers work too, and so do Countdowns and smaller Husky Jerks.
>>2797836Can I use a lindy rigs if I am fishing from the shore? Or static on a boat at least?From what I read it is usually used for trolling. Thanks anon!
>>2797890Yeah, a lindy rig is a trolling setup, if only because if you try and fish it cast and retrieve, you'll cast off your minnow pretty quick, I would just carolina rig or jighead leech/jighead crawler if you're shore fishing live bait for eyes.
>>2797890cont.static from boat, look up "power corking".
Do circle hooks work on carp or similar coarse fish? If yes, what size and what rig?
>>2798092Yes and depends on what you’re doing.
>>2798102i'm this >>2797570anon
>>2798103Every hair rig I’ve ever tied has used a circle hook, typically a #6. Circle hooks Carolina rigged with meaty baits like cut bait or night crawlers are a classic way to target catfish and sturgeon, and would work for any rough fish that will take meaty baits. If you want to use this kind of rig for live minnows to pursue predator fish, I recommend a worm float between the hook and the lower weight stop to help keep the minnow off the bottom.
Spoonfeed me like a retard please... i got an empty reel says braid capacity 120yds/50lbs. I got pack of 200yds 30lb braid. I looked up the diameters and shit, etc. If I use the whole roll, I'll be "over capacity" by like +30 yards. 34 I think. But it's 30 yds over at 50lb diameter. So it's actually less overspooled or someshit. Is that too much or just send it? If too much, I was thinking half the roll and fill half the spool with mono backing. But honestly don't give a fuck about the price, I'm just never gonna use the bit closest to the spool because I'd change it all before that. But also I got a dozen half rolls and shit I don't wanna use coz I'm worried I'd start spooling it and it not be enough.Tl;dr is 30yds over rec capacity too much?
>>2798121Take line capacity ratings with a grain of salt. They are often way off. Just spool by eye. Overfilling is bad, your line will jump off the spool and cause all sorts of problems. Just leave enough of a lip on the spool. Never fill to the point where the line is extremely close to being flush with the spool, once you develope any slack it will even make it's way under the spool. Make sure you have something grippy around your spool, electrical tape is quicker than wasting mono for backing.
>>2798195If the anon just filled up his reel at a store, they'd give him free mono backing. When fishing braid, many people like to have a leader. Anon should have some mono for leaders, so buying some for this purpose is not out of line.
>>2798195Just fill your spool and if you have 30 yards left over you have 30 yards left over Fuck
>>2798243How will I know if my spool is full, and what am I going to do with those 30 yds?
>>2798256Look on YouTube about how full is too full.For the extra, burn it, use it as string, throw it away, tangle it up and eat the birds nest, whatever you want really.
>>2795992is there any good 12-20 rod reel combo at about 50-60$?t. broke thirdie
>>2795992Anyone on here watch them Fishing Florida Water Vids YouTube has?>picture related
>>2798263>tangle it up and eat the birds nestIs this a frequent snack of yours?
I don't respool often enough for it to be frequent
>>2798318>>2798317Fugg I missed >>2798264The ugly stick combo is ok, or if you can go $10 over budget you can buy an ugly stick rod and a diawa sweepfire separate and it'd actually be a really good combo.
I bought a pair of Ozark Trail trekking poles. After getting stuck in mud by myself without cell service, I opted to always carry a ski pole. However, typical ski poles are bulky and do not collapse. Some kind of wading staff is a must for every wading angler because it helps in navigating creek beds with boulders, murky water, deep water, climbing up and down steep banks, and getting out of mud without having to crawl / swim out of it.I'm the guy who works at the fly shop. My fly shop sells a Simms wading staff, which is inferior and incredibly overpriced. Bass Pro makes a trekking pole for cheap, but a single pole is the same price as two Ozark Trail ones. Since Walmart exists nationwide, I encourage all you waders to get one. I tried it out yesterday, and it worked great.
>>2798264depends on what you can get in your region. in us, daiwa aird-x rod and shimano fx fc is it unless you manage to find some other stuff on a good sale. you don't have to spend a ton to get good reliable stuff these days, most people just end up not doing research or taking bad advice and getting a reel that turns to slop after 6 months of use. shimano trickle down system and in house manufacturing means their cheap reels feel really smooth and and quality even in the long run, as long as you don't abuse them too much and use your drag properly.>>2798256lots of reels have lines to show, but if it doesn't just see pic rel. left is overspooled, right is proper. if your reel has a stepped top lip like the shimanos and the one on the right of the pic, always stop at the step.
>>2798316>picture related
>>2798264don't buy most combos unless the deal is too good to pass up. they often have a shit rod+mediocre reel or mediocre rod+shit reel. your money is better spent buying the rod and reel separate. be patient and wait for sales, even if you have to buy the rod and reel a month apart. there are always decent sales in rotation if you're ordering from us sites. I assume you are due to the dollar sign or no? also what do you mean by 12-20? line or lure weight in grams?
>>2798108Ok, what do you do with your rod and reel while wating for a bait? Leave the bail open or closed? or use a baitrunner? And do you position the rod parallel to the line or at an angle?
>>2798412I use a baitrunner. I would be willing to loosen my drag, but I would want to leave the bail open. The chances of missing a fish are too high.
>>2797415>Not sure what you're asking.Wondering what are the must haves and best sellers? Bait, tackle, and overall like beer and snakes? Dependent on location/fish, im in the MidwestAlso, what doesn't sell and not worth the space bc it'll be a small shop? Figure most expensive purchases would be onlineRedpill me or may your anus be cursed with hemorrhoids that'll fuck you bloody, bastard
>>2798390i meant line, i was kinda confused yesterday, since there isn that much information about fish in my area i just rely on what the old anglers i found at the fishing spot when i was passing by told me "pican peces de entre 5-12 kilos" so something like 12-20 lbs should be enough to catch fish there
>>2798434also, i should add that i want to do mostly saltwater fishing from some rocks, i dont know that much about fishing and just want to get a new hobby since i got a new bike
is it freshwater or saltwater? I need more information. just look up what kinds of fish are in your country in general and post them. for all we know you might need a big ass catfish/surf style rod. those numbers sound like some big ass fish.
>>2798437if you can find a penn pursuit IV on sale that's a good reel for saltwater on a budget. you have to maintain reels for saltwater use but at least that model has sealed bearings and it's built to handle saltwater fish. size 4000 minimum would work. it's over budget at msrp but they go on sale here for $40 regularly. then you could just pair it with some cheap daiwa 8-9ft surf rod or something. the reel is going to need to hold up to strong fish more than the rod. but like I said, you need to maintain saltwater reels. not difficult, especially if you don't have water splashing up on them or dunking them underwater. there are plenty of youtube tutorials. sealed bearings just eliminate one of the failure points.
>>2798412Bait runner reels or open bail, rod generally parallel to line lay. I use a bell too.
>>2798387>picture related
>>2798441With cheap road do you mean something like this or something a litte bit better?
>>2798458that says trolling rod. search specifically for surf spinning rods. every major manufacturer makes entry level ones. here in the US they range from like $25-45 and are often on sale. a 9 footer is perfect for fishing from the rocks and won't be anywhere near as heavy as a 10-12ft rod. you don't really have to get anything fancy for that, you just want something that will do the job and hold up. spend more on the reel because that's gonna see more wear. that's why I recommended the penn pursuit iv. specifically the iv has sealed bearings, good drag, a thick bail, and you can order replacement parts for dirt cheap if you ever need any. people use that reel for a beater reel here in the US so it's proven..it will save you money in the long run even if you gotta save for another month or two. much better than buying something that doesn't last then your money is flushed down the toilet and you're back to square one.some examples of cheap surf rods in the US are the daiwa beefstick, daiwa FT, okuma tundra, etc. sometimes amazon prices are all over the place too and more than actual msrp
>>2798326that's my kind of weather
>>2798387Drop a toaster in.
>>2798465oh, right now the one that is available is the 10ft version, the 9ft isnt available in the us and the stores that had it in my country are out of stock, since the weight line is juust 10lb higher and the rod weight (apparently, according to amazon) is the same/almost the same i could also go with that one, right? (talking about pic rel)also, sorry if i make questions that may be stupid, but since fishing seems to be somewhat geographically specific i'd rather ask to a certain extent than goin blind
>>2798470>picture related
>>2798504Lmao he can't level wind his conventional reel
>>2798423>Wondering what are the must haves and best sellers? Bait, tackle, and overall like beer and snakes? Dependent on location/fish, im in the Midwest >Also, what doesn't sell and not worth the space bc it'll be a small shop? Figure most expensive purchases would be online I don't work at a bait shack on a lake like the kind you want to own, but I live in the Midwest. I remember your thread. I also have only worked for a few months. I've shopped at small bait stores before but not a whole lot and not so much recently.Bait: I can definitely suggest live bait like crawlers, minnows, and possibly wax worms. Larger suckers might work too. I don't know your lake, but you might want to avoid stink bait because it won't sell. I'm envisioning a pike, perch, walleye, bass, bluegill, muskie lake--no catfish.Tackle: Get the typical hooks, line, and lures. Being able to spool line will be a plus, so you might want to buy some bulk spools at some point. You're a bait shack. You don't need to get unusual brands people won't find anywhere else. Get some Rapalas, Daiwa reels, Ugly Stik, and some Fenwick rods or something. No need to stand out. That's where you can make mistakes and develop stagnant product. Don't forget tackle boxes, sun glasses, etc.Etc.: Stock non-perishables and definitely sell ice. A liquor license might be hard to get, so maybe forget it. Like the sun glasses earlier, the way to make your store stand out is not to sell the weird tackle but to stock stuff that people will need in a pinch. This includes common boat parts, life jackets, maybe sandals‐‐the kind of thing that non-target demographic customers will love you for and cause them to recommend you to others. I'm not going to buy some weird, niche, expensive Japanese thing on a whim at your store when I can ponder that purchase online or over multiple visits at my neighborhood store. I might buy a beef stick and a hat, though.>hemorrhoids that'll fuck you bloody, bastardbenchod
>>2798494you can get whatever size you want really. longer rods are just heavier. but they also cast further so there is the tradeoff. 10ft and larger is still the most popular for fishing from the shore in saltwater anyways. the main thing about amazon is you have to be careful ordering rods from them. it seems like 50% of the time(at least going by reviews) they don't even ship the rod in sturdy cardboard tube, but instead just in a box. this leads to an extreme amount of broken or damaged rods upon delivery. dunno why they do that to be honest. I would assume that some amazon sellers put rods in a proper tube, but it can be hard to figure out which ones will. amazon prices are also kind of all over the place? is that the cheapest place to order internationally? what about ebay? either way... if you do plan on getting that penn pursuit iv reel also, I'd go with either the 4000 or 6000 size. if you plan to use heavy line like 20lb, get the 6000, 15lb line maybe the 4000. the 4000 is generally meant to be paired with shorter inshore rods, and the 6000 or bigger is really for what you're doing with a bigger rod. 5000 is fine too if it's cheaper, it's just the 6000 body with a spool that holds less line. those two are just the best choices when it comes to weight of the reel compared to line capacity. the 6000 will definitely be more durable, have more drag, and more power for winding in fish on heavier line, but it's noticeably heavier. all the sizes are usually around the same price here. as for the brand/model of rod, there are definitely other options within $10 of the price the beefstick is going for, but the beefstick is fiberglass so it will be more durable for a new fisherman in case you bend it the wrong way or hit it on something. so if that's worth it to you then it's the one I'd get. the daiwa sealine surf rod is like $10 more and it's graphite, which is more sensitive and lighter, but also more fragile when it comes to mishaps.
>>2798507Lmao ikr what a Googan!
>>2798547sadly yeah, they're the cheapest place to order, and some items have free shipping so thats a plus, i'll still have to use a locker to get the rod since it doesnt ship to my country so maybe i can ask them to ship both the rod and the reel in a safer package even if it cost a little bit more, or try to get the rod in mercadolibre (latin ebay) and hope it doesnt have a big markup (sometimes sellers take like 10% or 2-3 times the og price) and then get the 6000 in amazon since its just 6 dollars more than the 4000, thanks for your tips anon
>>2798565no problem. sucks that prices are marked up but it's still better than spending money on video games or some other time waster. outdoor hobbies are really the only thing I indulge in these days. at least you can occasionally catch food that you would otherwise have to buy with a hobby like fishing so it eventually pays for itself.
>>2798524Lads, I'm at work. I'm having diarrhea. Oh, it hurts. I gave the best advice I could.
>>2798524Was thinking of not bothering with wax worms but seems they're popular in the winter? How often are they bought? Wouldn't most just buy crawlers for panfish? I vaguely remember using them for rainbow trout when younger but no trout on this lake.Just trying to figure it out and stuff I haven't thought of. Spooling line was oneAny tips far as the customer service side? Thanks man, I appreciate it and best wishes to your anus as well.
>>2798781Yesterday was my first day really selling wax worms, as in I was working in fishing and selling them. It's more labor intensive than I thought. I had to take the worms out of a big 250 count container, put them in little 25 count containers, and remove the dead ones. There's a technique to doing it. People use wax worms for all kinds of fish in winter, mostly pan fish, though. Watch NDYakAngler's most recent video. Some fish will refuse bigger bait. I mostly fished wax worms in summer as a kid. They are very clean, unlike crawlers.Customer service: One tip I've been told is to walk the department and sort the rods regularly. My colleague, also part-time, knows exactly what we have because he organizes them every shift, since they get moved by customers a lot. When a customer wants a particular rod, you'll be able to help him quickly. It looks better when you know what you're talking about. One thing we do at my store is to prioritize the customer before all else and to greet and offer help to every customer. I like to chat with people about equipment and fishing spots (generally). I've learned a few little things that would be hard to put into a 4chan comment that I'd be willing to talk to you about. Most recently, I picked up a few tips from a Kelly Galloup podcast.One thing you didn't ask and I haven't mentioned is dealing with companies and reps. I don't have anything to do with that, so I don't have much advice, but that's going to be a huge aspect of your business.
The fly tying workshop was a big success. I think 30 people showed up, and they came from all over. I learned some new things and had a good time. Having had profuse diarrhea earlier in the day, I was lightheaded before dinner, but after that, I could think clearer. I'm really looking forward to the state fly fishing conference in a couple months.
>>2798549That's a fucking meat rig. Gets me all fired up seeing big predator tackle.
loving tying streamers and losing them within an hour. first time fishing the peanut envy.
>>2798836>picture related
>>2798879Sup Matt
>>2798832>Watch NDYakAngler's most recent video. Some fish will refuse bigger baitI will and that's interesting. Have to sell them now and are supposedly easy to breed. Guess reps start reaching out once you register your biz, will definitely have to learn how to deal with them, but thinking I'd buy bait & tackle lots online/listed in the area bc I see quite a few then buy whatever else needed for the basics to start, along with the bait, and the rest like snacks, ice, pop, etc and I'm good to start>hard to put into a 4chan comment that I'd be willing to talk to you aboutThat'd be great, man. PatrickBaitman69@protonmail.comIf you ever make it to the area, your fresh bait for the trip is on me. On a great fishing lake surrounded by great fishing lakes in an amazing /out/ area, worth the trip and maybe not too far if in the Midwest.100% seriousTrying to speed run learning all this shit to go along with all the other shit I have to deal with so appreciate all the help I can get
Hey Skid, I'm planning on buying myself some waders this year. What would you suggest in the ~$250 range? I've already decided on a set of Buckskin Korkers with the Omnitrax soles for my boots. They come with one set of rubber and one studded rubber and I got a set with the aluminum bars for Christmas.
>>2799060I'm not Skid, but I like Simms. They have one for that price right now. I bought the pair one step up from that and like them a lot.
>>2799060Simms is my first choice, my second being orvis
>>2799195Anon who said Simms here: Any word on Reddington?
>>2799196No first hand experience
is fishing more of a consumption hobby like reading or a creation hobby like writing?
>>2799195Any opinion on Paramount? Not sure if it's an amazon only brand or not. All of the Simms are 320+ and the Orvis Clear Waters only have short in stock. Should I wait for the Orvis to get back in stock? I suppose I don't need to buy them today... The Paramount Deep Eddys are the same price as the Orvis Clear Waters, $249
>>2799265Id say fishing is a consumption hobby with optional creation subhobbies like rod building, lure making, fly tying, etc>>2799277Couldn't say.I could've sworn simms had a budget option in the mid 200s? Freestone or something.
>>2799299>>2799277Simms tributary waders, the simms website has em for $230
>>2799300Thanks! I found them on Amazon too, had to search specifically for them by name. Probably because they're out of stock... Hmm.. Guess I'm waiting. I could buy them from the simms site, but I get cash back rewards on Amazon..
>>2799301The waders will probably not return for 2025. Notice how so many waders are out of stock or missing sizes. I'm betting that they are introducing updates to most waders and will charge a higher price.
>>2799301Get em from the simms website or the most local fly shop you can order them from
>>2799311I pulled the trigger on a tranx301 because it was 25% off at tackle warehouse. It's going to replace my curado 300e that I bought used like 4 years ago. That thing was still kicking and I could have serviced for like $25 but I want to upgrade to something new. I would have bought the 401 but it wasn't on sale like the 300. I don't think I need it that size anyway since I target calico/Hali most of the time and I do have a torium 16 when I look for yellowtail (haven't gotten one yet)
Is it okay to poison a lake if the fish keep getting off the hook? It was my first time fishing, I walked away with nothing yesterday after 7 hours. I was thinking either used car batteries or 100 liters of bleach.
https://riggedandready.net/collections/all-rods/products/the-x5-adventure-travel-fishing-combination-5-fishing-rods-in-one-the-interchangeable-spin-fly-bait-travel-fishing-rod-and-reels-designed-in-britain-by-rigged-and-ready-travel-fishingIs this worth it? I'm brand new to fishing. I intend on hiking a lot this year and catching a lot of fish on the journey through Scotland and North England. I don't know much about fishing but this seems extremely versatile and I don't think I'll be limited in any way. Considering I intend to catch food to eat, something a little more expensive and durable seems to be a good idea. I'm a neet so it's expensive to me but when you're eating mostly fish and rice on a month long wild camping trip I will be saving a lot of money anyway so a reliable tool will be worth the investment. It's tiny, fits in the bag, I can do all types of fishing including trout which is the main fish I'll catch and mackerel over summer. 2 year warranty which is supposedly on everything if anything breaks. 2 reels, supposedly they're both good quality. Seems expensive but again, reliable equipment that will treat me well is important.
>>2799470that seems excessively unnecessary. too much different shit, and you're paying for it too. you can get one nice rod and a reel for that price. eliminate all the extra bullshit. will be lighter too. that kit is also gonna be one big compromise because of the "universal" modular nature. also, look up "thiaminase" when eating mostly fish/seafood so you don't fuck yourself over. very often overlooked and not talked about often enough.
>>2799486Thanks. In what sense is it unnecessary and what alternatives should I begin to look for? Mobility was the absolute key for me and this seemed to fit the bill. Are there any other brands in the UK that are more sensible?
>>2799465Getting skunked is perfectly normal, especiallythis time of year. I'm guessing you probably have bad technique or maybe improper tackle.
>>2799487just get a normal 3 piece or short 2 piece spinning rod and reel. the fly reel and all the extra pieces are not needed. shimano, daiwa, etc. then just buy your own rod tube to carry it in. figure out the weight of the lures you want to use based on the fish you want to target and choose a rod based on that.
>>2799470I've got a 6'6" Daisa Presso. It is a 4 piece UL rod with case. I love the rod and take it trout fishing. Like others were saying, I would strongly advise against the gimmicky trash you found. My rod was $80. I got a Daiwa Regal on a discount for $40. Line was $8. Get the lightest possible line you can get away with but especially when fishing for trout (6 lb or less).
>>2799486https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiaminase>Cooking thiaminase-containing foods usually inactivates the enzyme.so this is only a problem if you eat raw fish?
>>2799506It’s only a problem if you eat enough raw fish that you end up destroying all the thiamine you eat in other foods. It’s not a concern for people unless you’re the kind of weirdo to eat only one thing for every meal and that one thing is raw goldfish or whatever.
>>2799529the most common way people get fucked by it is daily alcohol use. but anon was mentioning going all out on fish and rice so who knows, had to tell him n case he was going bear grylls or something.
>>2799465Mullien seeds.
>>2798990Been tough the last couple of times we been out fishing just bad all around we went down to Channel 2 in islandmorada just trash dinks. We gonna need the boat next time we go out.
Went fishing for the first time today. Struggled for a little bit, got my line tangled up.Someone came by and offered to help. They showed me a way to set up my line. He even gave me some bait, hook and weights. I can't wait to go fishing again next week.
>>2797283I ate a bullhead once. Wasn't very good, but I just panfried the fillet with butter and garlic salt. I think I overseasoned it.I want to try channel cat sometime but I've yet to catch one.
>>2798195I wasn't worried about overfilling it. I was taking that grain of salt into consideration and someone might be like "yeah I put 200yds of 30lb on my 150yd reel and it's perfect". It's fine I just put it on with a mono back like I always do and have enough left for another time. Probably. But it'll be in the box with the rest for now I guess
>>2799753I don't remember attaching that pic nor know how it happened.
A used hobie compass 2020 for $1500 with a basic fish finder. Should I buy????
>>2799943>fish finder
>>2799952Well, I have my own from my own paddle kayak I plan to retire.However, it is the same brand of Garmin so maybe I can just reuse the rigging and just plug mine in and have a back up fish finder.
>>2795992im about to pull the trigger on a lightly used 2022 version of this sea-doo. my kayak's been fun and i will def hang on to it, but the sea doo is going to open up so many possibilities here in coastal georgia
I have a South Bend reel, not exactly this one but similar. I want to switch the crank to the other side but this fucker won't come off. Am I correct in assuming that if the crank comes off with a left handed thread (righty loosy) then the cap should as well?
>>2797760I wish they'd drown. My closest lake is surrounded by Mexicans who blatantly violate state fishing regs by using more than two poles per person. None of them probably have licenses but game & fish won't do shit. I guarantee if I go out there with a one-day-expired license they'll be on me like white on rice.
>>2800263I solved my own problem by thinking about it harder. If the other side were also a left handed thread, the crank would loosen while you fight a fish. That's why there are two threads on the crank, one bigger than the other, with opposite chirality. The cap came off lefty loosy, although I needed a wrench.
>>2797760>>2800266I have never seen one of these poaching mexicans, and I'm in a fairly "culturally enriched" urban area.is this a coastie thing or a DNR spook?
>>2800269And in fact the cap threads were completely independent of the crank threads.
can I cook pawns I catch or is it gonna be chock full of human shit (I live south coast UK)
>>2800279on the east coast mexicans poach all the time. especially deer. they will literally shoot deer in the woods behind neighborhoods on other people's personal property at night. whenever you go to any of the public game land these days, you often see like 5 mexicans getting out of a truck, you know that spot is ruined. you can hear them letting out dozens of shots together on one deer with shotguns. it's a fucking shitshow. I've alse seen them removing the head from roadkill bucks. if you're gonna commit a crime, why not just take the whole animal and at least eat it? there was this one mexican who put a treestand on someone else's property and the only reason it took so long to catch him was because he was hunting out of season when nobody else even went out there. it's usually the questionably legal transplants from california that came here in the early 2000s or later/
I often feel self-concious when I'm out fishing with my $300 rod/reel and $1500 kayak. Mainly because I don't want people to assume I'm a richfag, as I myself judge richfags. If only they knew that I got the rod and reel for 50% off and bought the kayak used at 40% msrp... I'm a poorfag and I don't want to be lumped in with richfags who never had to save up for any of their shit. I imagine people saying "daddy's money bitchboy" when I pass by and this bothers me greatly. Is this rational fishing psychology?
>>2800266They always trash the place too, just like in their own neighborhoods.
>>2800323Daddy's money bitchboy.
>>2800266Nasty fuckers eat fish out of sewage.
> paddling directly to a cove in a large lake, 95% of the way there, it's obvious where you're going> dumbass bassboat faggot who LARPs as a tournament angler blows right by you at 60mph and parks it in the middle of the coveI'm gonna start carrying a bunch of baseball sized rocks to plunk in the water behind them. tell em a big one just jumped. dumb cocksuckers.
>>2800323Kayak is poorfag fishing in the first place. All rich fags have boats
>>2800370Always operate under the assumption that everyone on the lake is retarded, drunk and/or an asshole.You'll be dissapointed by their behavior but never surprised.
>>2800370No carry more, smaller rocks and a slingshot and sling shot them. If the water police start coming just dump em in the water.
>>2800376Sometimes a kayak can get to spots a boat can't get to.
>>2800376yeah faggot fuck try taking that fuck boy boat into a protected preserve where only kayak fishing is allowed. Fucking cool kid.
My gf smuggled this out of new Zealand in her rectum, its jade/pounamu. Not much larger than my usual fish hooks.Does anyone know how durable this is? I want to fish with it but its like $100
>>2800460>>2800461I know and I don't own a boat, only kayak to fish. I am aware that I am a poorfag. Boat can reach spots and range with ease that it's unrealistic for kayak to get to.
>>2800551Buy a little used outboard and show them bass boats what "power to weight ratio" means
>>2800279AZ urban "community fishing" lakes. I would never eat anything from them.
>>2800370Torpedoes are 2A.
>>2800584I mostly fish saltwater though. Yea, an outboard would add more range but not quite equal to a boat
I dealt with landowner bs today on a navigable river. This woman drove her side-by-side into the river to tell me I was trespassing. It was made worse by us having to shout through the wind. I was less than a hundred yards up from a park with a canoe put-in. She and her husband didn't even dispute that the water was navigable, nor did they say that I was on the bank. I called up the local game warden, and he said the situation was bs and that the law was probably on my side. He didn't like them driving in the river and said I should have gotten a name from them, which I will make sure to do going forward. The warden says he will have a talk with the owners. This experience made me look into an attorney general's opinion, which I will keep on-hand for future experiences like this.I didn't catch a single fish this trip, but I did see some beautiful scenery. I might post pics tomorrow.
>>2800673People still don't understand what waterfront property entails. Lake, river, whatever. They need to learn that 99% of the time, they don't own the water. I sympathize somewhat because you want a nice piece of land, and you get tired of plenty of people who do litter, tresspass, and cause trouble... but you can't take it out on everybody. it's especially fucking annoying when suburban transplants buy land in small towns and do this shit. happens a lot these days.
First day on the ice for me this year, perch fry for dinner boys!
>>2800752Perch is probably the best tasting fish in the world. How do you cook them?
>>2800754Those guys are just gonna get breaded and fried. Currently banging a Filipino chick though so gonna try adobo next time. How about you?
>>2800761>gonna try adobo next time.No try it this time put a bunch in the breading>>2800752Awesome, I'm hoping to get out tomorrow and get a similar result. I just bought more tipups, too.
>>2800761Turned in flour and butter fried, i ate thousands of these as a child. Its pretty fucking good actually, its borderline retarded perch is not generally sold as food considering how good it is
>>2800781Hanging out with the gf tomorrow. I'll post if we do a Filipino adobo.What tipups are you using? I generally don't like them.>>2800791Yeah man they're tasty. I'm glas at least the the limits here are big.
>>2800791Literally just put adobo dust in the flour until you can taste it>>2800814I have a mix of cheap tipups from Berkley and ht
https://youtu.be/v7j6ZA63Tywlife goal done for this guy
>miss fishing so much that I went out to the surf in the cold throwing tiny grubs in Carolina rig for perch/croakers>No perch/croakers but get a random 15 inch halibutHuh, I didn't know they hang around the surf at this time of the year. I'll go back there tmr and throw my LC around
>>2800824Nah, doesnt sound like something i would like
>>2796539I have braid on all my reels, its not that expensive really, just tie on a leader of whatever quality you desire, i prefer flourocarbon in nearly all circumstances unless i decide to roleplay as a surfcaster.Biggest downside of mono is that it remembers the shape it has on the spool even after the cast, and you also wont be able to rip out of snags nearly as easily as with braid because mono is pretty flexible
>>2800865that feels like go for copper and find gold
Day two on the ice was less successful because I tried a new spot. >>2800824Flip adobo is a vinegar based sauce and only borrows the name from spic bbq.
I'm a noob going for bluegill and crappie with a hook and bobber. I bought 10 lb braid and 4 lb fluoro and lost the receipt. Did I fuck up?
Feels so good to be out on the ice with my little boy, bros. Turns 4 in a few weeks. He was scooping ice out of the sight hole, roasting 'mallows and even helped hand line a pike.
>>2800376This shit is hilarious being how someone can buy a used boat for the same price as a hobie kayak lol
>>2801145Well it is a used boat vs a brand new kayak maybe, sure. The long term cost for boat will be higher than kayak as well.
>>2801112You'll be fine.
>>2801145This picture is shit.
>>2800865>>2800935It happened again, even bigger gold todayThis is basically my pb at 35". This fuck decides to bite a 2 inch panfish grub on a carolina rig that I was using for perch and croaker. No perch nor croaker were caught.
>>2801272>>2801271measurement when i got home
>>2801272Holy shit! it is massive.They looked much smaller without reference.I near a gigantic sand beach like that but I'm sure there are non of those here.
>>2801272Spectacular fish!
>>2801272>>2801273Congrats anon, that's an awesome fish!
>>2801271Oh yeah, and the leader line was a 6lb fluoro on 8lb mono mainline. I was very nervous trying to land him. I thought it was just a snagged ray until I see the huge tail slap near the edge the water and then it went on a couple of run since my line/drag was pretty light
>>2801272it isn't even summer how are you catching halibut from shore?
>>2801411No idea, I didn't expect them to be there so I was fishing with a 6lb Carolina rig with a 2inch panfish grub for perch/croakers. I didn't find a single perch or croaker but that was the 2nd Hali I caught in that stretch of beach in 2 days. I have no idea why
>>2801411Warm water obviously.
>>2801411>>2801417La Niña, same reason I can’t ride my snowmobile to the lake to go fishing.
>>2801272Nice picture. Where, generally speaking, were you fishing?
>>2801504In the water
I loath plumbers.
>>2801512Did one lay pipe with your old lady while you were away?
>>2797782Looks like a bluefish
This winter is terrible. The lower 48ers stole all the cold, the river won't properly freeze so I can go burboting, the goat deep litter went nuclear 3 months early. ARGH
>>2801688No it doesn't>>2801726I'd like to catch burbot but also fuck off this is the first ice I've gotten in Ohio in like 2 years
>>2801734Well, enjoy it for me. My new christmas auger will probably go unused until next year at this rate with a week of above freezing forecast. Hasn't been cold enough to slow the river either. I was hoping to hit a hundred+ burbot this year.
>>2801734>No it doesn'tI said it looks like one. Why don't you actually identify it mr. knowsitall?
What North American river systems naturally lack biodiversity? By "naturally", I am excluding human influence, such as dams and pollution, although I would be interested in learning about a lack of biodiversity in general.
>>2801753Yeah it looks just like a blueish except for the head shape, pectoral fins, dorsal fin, body shape, tail fin, and lateral line. It's probably a green jack.
>>2801768Looks like a bluefish to me
>>2801769I didn't realize hellen Keller was still alive much less posting in the fish thread on 4chan
>>2801672Worse, he didn't lay pipe in the koi pond.
I made some jaw jackers
>>2802198Hoping to get a wiper through the ice with em tomorrow
what do you guys do with unused minnows? i reckon freezing them and jigging the dead ones for pike is worth a try.
>>2802220> he doesn't have a minnow aquariumcheap 10-20gal tank(bigger the better)seachem tidal 35 filtersalvinia plants covering the surface> https://buceplant.com/search?q=salviniathen you just do 50% water changes every other day(add Fritz Complete water conditioner to the new tap water before you put it in the tank). after a couple of weeks you won't have to do as frequent of water changes because beneficial bacteria will build up in the filter. maybe twice a week after that. the plants grow themselves with a cheap light on them for a few hours a day, or partial(and I mean very partial) sunlight.direct sunlight = tons of algae. just remove the dead leaves regularly. if you even use live minnows you might as well be doing this to save money in the long run. less trips to the bait store also.
>>2802249very cool but not possible with my living situation. just caught this jumbo on a dead one attached to a spoon. bretty gud
>>2802249or just use Berkley minnows
>>2802220a few years ago I had a tank. (just a tank with an aerator, nothing fancy, just for the short term.)you could probably eat them, or can/pickle them for a later date.
>>2802198>>2802199Not the wiper I was after but I'm not complaining Also my jaw jackers work
>>2802359I've built a bunch with exactly the same Trigger mechanism you have here, it's the best. One day I'm going to rig something up so I can use my 12' super soft slow decathlon carp rod as a jacker on the ice. I want to see it wing a 7" perch out of the hole and across the lake
>>2802366Lmao that wouldn't be too too hard just use like 7 feet of pvc pipe
>>2802289Dead minnows can be used to chum, or jig (I like minnow chunks when chasing perch instead of whole minnows), but I frequently make more dead minnows than I can used, and I feed them to my chickens.
>>2802367Just imagine the bullshit that would follow if you hooked something too big to pull through and you had to fight it on the rod. Hardmode no handlining
Noob here. My hunting license expires in a couple weeks and I'm going to get a combo license and go fishing for the first time in about 40 years.I've been casting pic rel around my yard on some mono that was on a used reel that I bought. I'm actually going to use some new line. The old mono has strong memory so that may be part of the problem.How do you keep the line from tangling or wrapping loose on the spool when there isn't enough tension on the line? Like right after you cast, or right after you unsnag it from something, that's when it seems to want to tangle.
>>2802220Freeze. I use em in running streams with a weight and a tiny hook for brookies.
got em
>>2802488i'm assuming you're using a spinning reel? after you cast, you immediately close the bail and pull the line above the reel taught before you start reeling. that will make sure you don't reel loose slack on which will come back to haunt you after you've done it repeatedly. it eventually becomes second nature and you do it without thinking. aside from that, never pull snags by the rod/reel. let some slack line out and lay the rod on the ground, pull by the line. you can damage your reel by yanking on snags. heavier line also has more memory since it's thicker. berkley trilene xl is very limp in comparison to most when it comes to heavier strengths lioke 10lb,12lb, etc.
>>2802383just tried this with the dead ones from the other day. worked perfectly thx anon
The best deal I could find on an auger they only have 6 and 10 inch diameter in stock. Most people Ive asked recommended 8. Couldn't I just make the hole wider by drilling twice?
>>2802659It would be annoying to have to do that for every hole you drill, but yeah I've done that before when I wanted a bigger hole
>>2802515>after you cast, you immediately close the bail and pull the line above the reel taught before you start reelingI don't do this and fish mono on a spinning reel without issue. What you describe is like thumbing a baitcaster spool. If you have to resort to techniques like this, your mono needs to be replaced.
>>2802659Just get a 6. Pike up to 15lbs fit fine and it's easier to drill a 6 than 8, whether it's hand crank or if you're using batteries you'll get more holes with the 6. I always thought of upgrading for the same reason but I've never once ran into an issue.
>>2802670Retarded take. It may not be strictly necessary but if you get in the habit it will save you countless fuckups with all kinds of line. Just get in the habit.
>>2802677I never have fuckups when casting with a spinning reel. The line type doesn't matter. It sounds like you fucked up by putting too much line on your spool.
if i get a secondhand rod from the flea market and bait it with hot dogs will i catch anything. i don’t want to learn about medium action or any of that shit BORING i just want to go fishing
>>2802774You're retarded
>>2802776incurably but answer my question anyway
>>2802774Friend of mine caught a pike on a slice of bacon. Also ive frequently had pike strikes on my cigar floats. Fish arent much smarter than fish
>>2802774I built this rod over a year ago and finally caught a fish on it >will i catch anything.Even with the best gear that's a maybe You do have a chance though.
>>2802809Fuck I messed up my formatting.
You can always tell what kind of people have been there when you get to a fishing spot on the bank and look at the trash left behind.> discarded Disney princess/Marvel kid's rod packaging and beer cans/bottleslatinx> rolling paper, tupperware, and other seemingly non-fishing related stuffbasketball americans> fish scales and bones, regardless of legalityasian> cigarette butts and swollen up senkoswhite boomerpeople are just so predictable
>>2802809>noseringYou homo?
>>2802914Lol, lmaoIt's so much worse than you think
anyone here made your own balsa bobber
>>2802927Should I call for exterminatus?
>>2802990Yes, Space King demands it.
>>2802966I've made cork floats. It's a fun little project, but 2bh, you're not really saving any money or getting a better product than you would if you just bought from Thill.
>>2802990Your god emperor can't save you now
>>2801129late reply but congrats on the family anon. and the fish too
>>2802774you know you can do both? sometimes being a hyper autistic gearnigger works and other times the grandpa strategies do.
>>2803006So it shall be.>>2803020I have God and anime on my side.
He’s just 18 inches but it’s the first walleye over 12 that I’ve caught this year so I’m pretty fucking happy
>>2803040I combine them and see how cheaply I can be a gearfag. I got a free ultralight reel and a bunch of baits from my neighbor for helping with her garage sale, and another pole and reel for $4 at a thrift store. I bought a Penn reel at a thrift store for $1.50 and ebayed it for $40 to buy some new line and hooks. Poorfagging is a sport unto itself.
I am becoming more and more like my dad, a concerning trend. He is very slow. Thus, I don't get out for fishing until late in the day, even when I'm on a trip. Such was the case today. I went out, and the first stream I went to was too crowded, so I went to the backup, also new-to-me. The backup stream is probably always empty, except for deer season, from what I read. It is home to a very unique environment, hosting snails that were only known via the fossil record until recently. I tromped around the woods for an hour-and-a-half. I haven't been to most of the trout streams in my state, but I think this is probably the most scenic, certainly of the ones I've seen. I took my pack rod, but I didn't even pull it out, due to how little time I had. I saw some small brown trout in a pool, though. I'm definitely going back to fish and photograph this place before it gets weedy. And I don't think I will keep this place too secret because the main draw is the scenery and the terrain is difficult.Tomorrow, I'm going to a very popular stream, but I don't expect a crowd because of the time of year. God, it feels good to be able to fish every month this past year comfortably. Fingers crossed for February.
I'm saving up to buy a decent sized sailboat and leave society behind. What would be the best fishing equipment, and places to go fishing to sustain one's self indefinably?
>>2803222lmfao retard
>>2803223I wonder if it's a troll post. It follows the formula for this board.
>>2802774> secondhand rod from the flea marketA reasonable thing to do. That's how I got back into fishing.>bait it with hot dogs will i catch anything. Probably, stupud little fish yeah. That's how I caught suckers in a pond as a kid. I've also caught decent striped bass with a piece of old cheese. That said you don't have to be an autist and learn a ton of shit but you should learn some basics.Species in your area, times of day they're most active, one or two basic knots, the names of a few lures and maybe some rigs and techniques.>>2802914New here eh?>>2803222Lol good fucking luck
>>2803224Either a troll or retarded, almost the same thing.
Tips for crappie? I know where they are, but they don't seem interested in anything I'm throwing.
>>2803323small cranks, wax-worm and jig under bobber, small live minnow on hook with weight at least a foot away from the hook. Those are my three most productive crappie techniques.
>>2802670All mono has to be replaced, with braid
>>2803447You clearly have never been trout fishing, ice fishing, or fly fishing. I even prefer mono in catfishing.
>>2803451A leader lets you enjoy 90% of the benefits of both braid and mono. I use mono (and a swivel) for my hole hopping rods and everything else has braid with a mono or fluoro leader.
>>2803217Those Progressive commercials are true…
It’s been years lads.. crazy to think it’s been over a decade. Pepsi and skid are still here, glad to see. Just finished up this 3 piece travel rod to keep in the truck.
>>2803564You’re here forever!>NEW!!!!>>2803612>>2803612>>2803612>>2803612
>>2797760>Can anyone explain why mexicans are always drowning at popular fishing spots?Same reason black people always drown in swimming pools: Teaching your kid how to swim and swimming as a sport are a white middle class family thing. People under estimate the danger of being around water casually like in the case of fishing. Falling is more dangerous than people problem realize when you consider the potential for rocks, current, mud, etc. but its made much worse when you have no idea how to swim
just discovered fly fishing, where has this been all my life?