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Why hasn't this been made a reality? Do logging companies have this much leverage to keep the land private?
Is this an Adirondack park type of situation?
They allow people to go there anyway so there has been a need
I don't believe so. Adirondacks is controlled by NY state. Maine North is largely private logger owned.
>Do logging companies have this much leverage to keep the land private?
Corporations run the USA.
It should be a national preserve but not a national park. If it became a national park the whole area would become wildly popular and would be ruined. Most of that area is protected anyway.
The logging industry is a cartel who spreads lies and propaganda about their practices.
>muh loggers plant more trees than they cut down
Yeah and corn farmwrs plant more corn than they harvest
doesn’t mean shit
>muh planted forest is better for the environment than natural forest!!!
Yeah let’s destroy ecosystems to reduce le carbon in le atmosphere for le fictional global warming
Loggers should be hanged.
Cool. I want to buy a wooden desk, what's your solution fucknuts?
mfw no parco nazionale del locarnese (or at least not yet)
Buy an old one on FB marketplace or Craigslist, the quality is higher anyway and it's cheaper, and you don't contribute to current trees being cut down
The need for wood is constant, banning lumber is unrealistic and retarded.
the problem is more
a) clear cutting (yes they still do it)
b) banning hiker access to scenic areas if they are near logging areas
Cuts are done in sections and the area is replanted and left for decades to grow.
Tourist access is only banned in active logging zones so retards don't drive head-on into logging trucks or wander into a falling tree. Everywhere else the companies don't give a fuck as long as you aren't burning down the forest.
Source: I live in Maine logging country.
>Tourist access is only banned in active logging zones
they are banned anywhere that's private property
>Everywhere else the companies don't give a fuck as long as you aren't burning down the forest.
I was told that an area I wanted to visit was an active logging operation so I couldn't go
I went there in person, it was clearly not an active logging operation, they just fucking say it is to keep you out
if its private property, land holding companies will not give you access to visit unless u pay them
Oh, so you went when they weren't moving logs in a place they hadn't gotten to yet in the year.
Stop pretending you know more than me, I've been dealing with these people for 45 years and I've seen plenty of little tourists like you crushed in a pancake of a car because you don't understand that a 200k pound logging truck can't swerve to avoid you.
No Maine law is that you're allowed access to the land unless it's specifically marked otherwise. You can wander around in 95% of the timberland
its all going to be fucking marked with no trespassing signs and purple paint meaning KEEP OUT
its the same in maine as anywhere else in the us
Yes, the designated active zone for the year will be marked, and the rest is free to use. Sometimes even active areas will be available as a toll road if the company allows it and there aren't many roads in the area.
What happens in this excluded box?
State park things, probably. That's Baxter.
Pretty much all of Maine is defacto public land in practice so nobody cares.
many a hunter but nay a deer
Would be better as a National Forest. The last thing Maine needs is more people flooding into it, especially chinks and jeets, which would be a guarantee if there were a National Park
Baxter State Park, centered around Mount Katahdin
national forest means they sell the timber to logging companies just the same tho
yeah, but they will also govern it and manage.
irrelevant, you won't access it while they are harvesting timber or gas or whatever, its still keep out, just with a public banner on it, the point should be to limit logging to barely essential, same with mineral extraction, and to focus on public access, national forest is run by usda, whose budget is fuck all, because republicans don't believe in maintaining roads or trails with public money, so declaring it national forest is handing it to the logging companies AND abandoning its preservation as well.
>the point should be to limit logging to barely essential, same with mineral extraction
wow, i wonder where that thinking has gotten us so far
>left for decades to grow
there's that kike verbal IQ. Next time, adjust for the human/tree(ecosystem) lifespan difference
>noooo you don't get it I NEEEEEEEEED to go only where they're logging, the billion acres where logging isn't happening stops existing when it's not being logged!
Just go somewhere else you whiny little greenpeace simp.
All of the logged wood is used for building supplies, paper, and fuel for home heating. Reducing the amount logged takes from all of those things.
>sorry Billy, we don't have wood to heat our home because Tightbritches McHighhorse wanted to walk only in places they were cutting wood that we buy for heat.
logging roads are based
National Forest maybe? There's a billion National Forests nobody goes to.

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