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What is the most money you have ever paid simply to be able to park or enter a gate to park in order to complete a hiking trail (day, not camping)?

I think the most I've paid is 30 dollars, for Shenandoah National Park. I find the concept of pay-to-hike parks fascinating yet evil.
$7 for a day at a state park iirc, but now I buy the annual pass. Got my free veteran pass for federal lands.
I've probably tried the lottery for "the wave" in Arizona about 10 times, I did succeed on my first try a few years ago actually, but every time I'm in the area I try the geofenced daily lottery a couple times, so I'm probably over $50 since my success now.
took me three tries for Mt Whitney, so that was also like $50
Havasu Falls is easily the most expensive for camping I've done ($450). It did hurt me to pay that much for camping, but it was pretty great. I am into the /out/ side (heh) of things but I'm also just into travel in general with a focus on nature. So when I think about it as spending $450 to visit an amazing new place for a few days it doesn't feel that bad.
I pay $80 every year for the America the Beautiful pass.

I also buy the Canadian equivalent, which is 75 leaf bucks.
>I find the concept of pay-to-hike [...] evil.
Who exactly is supposed to maintain the trails?
>America the Beautiful pass
Yup. I also found out recently that it'll get you into National Conservation Areas and National Monuments as well.
The Department of the Interior. GSMNP has ~4,300 miles of trails (second to Yosemite which is like 4,800 or something), more visitors than any other park, and no entrance fee.
>Great Smoky Mountains National Park does not charge an entrance fee. However, parking tags are required for all vehicles parking for longer than 15 minutes.

lol okay
>Interagency passes (aka America the Beautiful passes) are not accepted in lieu of the parking tag and do not provide a discount for the purchase of the parking tag.

lol this park sounds terrible
To think people used to just exist in nature for free
Trails don't need maintenance.
local state and federal governments and well as private non-profits and community groups
I've hiked and camped and hunted all up and down the East Coast from Maine to Florida and the concept of paying for parking is completely foreign to me. I don't know where you even find places where you have to pay.
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Why would you pay to get into a wilderness area? What's stopping you from parking down the road and walking through some bushes
>I find the concept of pay-to-hike parks fascinating yet evil
How the fuck is charging a parking fee "evil"? I cam understanding wishing for it to be free, but "evil" seems like a stretch.
I have payed approximately 0, but, i am not American, or Canadian, and i think paying for that is mostly a "new world" thing.
you could count gas for the car, train or plane tickets, but you pay that regardless.
If an area is popular enough that it requires organization to mitigate impacts and to protect the resource from people (and people from the resource) then there has to be a fee to pay for that organization. That's not evil.
I used to think it was gay but it's becoming a necessity on the coasts, especially in the post instagram era.

The normoid cattle see a spot online and then trample it to death and it winds up getting closed for years, or worse, gets a paved trail built to it.

Lotteries are technically more fair for an area meant to be "public", but also if $20 is a lot of money to you in 2024, you've got bigger problems than the park charging an entrance fee.
The money is whatever, but I've grown to appreciate the convoluted process getting hiking permits in Yosemite can be sometimes. I'd like to think it filters out a lot of tards.
>Got my free veteran pass for federal lands.
what did you use for proof of ID? they dont accept DD214s apparently and I dont have anything else
Welfare queen
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Entrance should be free if you can show proof of last years tax return as a WHITE MAN
I'd settle for US citizens getting discounted admission to our own national parks while foreigners pay more. Why should we pay the same entrance fees as someone from China or India? It's not even a matter of affordability. It's a matter of principle.
I would settle for them just having to pay more and having blackout dates. Why are foreigners allowed to litter, trample, and crowd the land? They should be paying 3x-5x the entrance fees on a National Park.
>have to pay to walk in literal wilderness.
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There are numerous access points to Shenandoah (not along Skyline Drive) where you can enter by trail and avoid the fee
That being said, I paid $20 over the summer at Harpers Ferry to hike Loudoun Heights- figured the parking jannies would be out on a Saturday
Let the logging company come in. They'll pay you to do logging you need done. Now, you'll have money for goys to spread woodchips.
A famous outdoorsman once complained how my state has no national parks. Instead, I get to go to places with far fewer people for free. It's good to be a resident of an overlooked state.
Only us citizens can get a number of the passes, like the senior lifetime pass.
>White Man
>Pay Taxes
Okay Rabbi, whatever you say.
The parking tag is new. I think it started in 2023. Prior to the money earned from that, there were no paved roads or established hiking trails.
>National Parks
Those are two entirely different things.
eurps have no actual concept of "wilderness", they obliterated their own wilds centuries ago, so they really can't comprehend an outdoors environment beyond a tightly managed and processed park setting or agricultural fields.
noooo that would discourage tourism!
what they should do is raise general admission fees and then offer a hefty discount to US citizens to skirt the issue.
Try the timberline trail in Oregon or the mountain to sea trail in North Carolina and get back to us
In very simply, if there are trail it is not wilderness
Trails exist naturally, other large mammals will create trails themselves. Most of our human trails follow the original paths of game trails, all of us large animals trend toward the same places to get through areas. Trails are a part of wilderness. When we lived as hunter gatherers, we created and followed trails.
did linville gorge get fucked up by the hurricane?
I'm not sure, but I would be shocked if sections of it weren't highly disrupted. If you look at the hill tops around here, you can basically see a line separating the windward and leeward sides because they all had a significant amount of trees knocked over on one side.
I was hoping to hike roan mountain to cloudland or whatever the easy overlook is called, but last time i went it was snowing and freezing cold in april, and now i fear the trail might not reopen (it was closed and parking was closed too for scheduled repairs)

i did somehow get to see unaka mountain rd right after they finished resurfacing it (which took until august they said mid-may), but i dunno if it got fucked up the hurricane
>>2798015 they do require maintenance. The mountains to sea in many sections is very overgrown to the point that it becomes somewhat difficult to navigate.
>>2798087 yes but not moreso than other areas. Expect lots of downed trees the trail that was near the river may be completely washed away in some sections.
Nothing of note happened at roan mountain. I was in the area helping volunteer a few weeks ago and hiked the bald mountains. A few more sticks in the ground than usual. It also regularly blows 80mph up there anyways that's why all the trees look like they are in a constant state of high wind even on calm days.
It was also closed for road maintenance and some upgrades to the rhododendron gardens before the storm. Depending on the weather the trail from carvers gap can have snow 3ft deep with drifts up to 6ft deep. In the winter if it doesn't have snow you will want some ice cleats as the springs freeze over covering parts of thr trail in ice. Next time I'm around and it has enough snow I'm going to try doing some alpine skiing on the bald mountains it's supposed to get snow this weekend.

>Pic related is on roan mountain between the cloudland hotel and carvers gap.
grandfather mountain is a $$$ tourist trap but you could hike in from the state park last time i went

it's $25 at a couple of the monuments near me, bandelier you can hike in via the backcountry or valles caldera while the other is surrounded by missile range (white sands lol) so i wouldn't try it personally. used to have $5 parking at state parks but most don't see enough use for anybody to bother checking, so nm just waived fees for residents
I think I recall Acadia being like 50 fucking dollars a person or something insane.

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