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new goyslop
compensates for extraordinary lack of skill
I have one, what's wrong with it exactly? you can go snorkelling and it even has the gopro attachment on it. It's far easier and less clumsy that a pair of goggles and a snorkle tube attached.
looks too cumbersome to be enjoyable
They’re designed specifically for casual snorkeling and are superior in that regard because they allow for more natural breathing and zero jaw fatigue. Water that enters the snorkel is channeled toward the wearers chin, and water will definitely get in there if you’re a retard like me with no idea what he’s doing. All full face masks have great visibility; it’s innate to the design. You can’t free five with them, and I heard they’re banned in Hawaii.
>muh natural breathing
Breathing in through your nose underwater is a bad idea, don't care how good your mask might be
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Why are you posting this again?
Much easier to expel water from your mouth and not nearly as unpleasant.
They don't even have big lungs, they just store a ton of oxygen in their blood
>t.wife is a leopard seal
People that can't breathe though only their mouths. I went out on a boat and forgot my snorkel and didn't want to borrow someone else's (gross) and ended up with one of these and it was breddy comfortable. The only real downside was when I dove down the pressure would absolutely smash that big surface onto my face. For kids, women, and retards (redundant) they're good stuff.
but water does not get in your nose with a full face mask

any water that make it into the mask is no where near it. In fact you can go a long time with some water in there and its not a problem
I can see how the design would mitigate that but no mask is perfect, not my cuppa tea this
Oh its far from perfect, you cant dive with it at all

But nose breathing underwater is awesome, that plus visibility and comfort make it really nice for casual use
why is it weird? It is just as functional as a traditional snorkel. I don't know what more you could want.
>You can’t free five with them,
lack of check valve?
>and I heard they’re banned in Hawaii.
how, why?
To down children and fat tourists.
What's the point of snorkels anyway, they don't allow you to dive any deeper. Just come up for air ffs.
>In fact you can go a long time with some water in there and its not a problem
If you get water into your mask, it's either not your size, broken somewhere or you don't know how to regulate the pressure in your mask.
Not only that, it's not a problem even with water in a normal mask. I even let a bit of water in on purpose. Slightly lower your face, shake your head, and your mask is clear. I pity those with fogged-up masks.
I have problems with a runny nose all year round, except for a few weeks after I was snorkeling. I have no problem with having a nose full of salt water.
Snorkel goggles are literally one of if not the best inventions in human history. I have never used one of those probably a scam for normies. Regardless seeing underwater is more important than almost every invention
Why she look like she stank
Lets you keep your face under to look around duh
if you ever get foggy goggles all you need to do is spit into the glass that is on the inside. smear it around, then dip in water to clean it up. that will keep fog away for a few mins. idk why but it just works.

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