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Old thread: >>2774508

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread

Then leave the thread. Pipes have been a part of outdoors culture for centuries. If you don’t like it, leave.
Old memes edition
Do you have a special /out/ pipe? Is it fancy or simple? Old or new? Do you have a special memory of smoking your pipe innawoods?
Any tips for keeping a narrow bowl lit? I just got a new MM Huck Finn and the bowl is narrow and tall. I have a hard time packing it and an even harder time keeping it lit once packed. I've tried a few different blends, cuts and moisture but still have difficulty.
Is there some packing/lighting/smoking truck to avoid half a dozen relights with every bowl?
Usually for me the narrow bowls are a tone easier to keep lit compared to wide bowls. It’s wide bowls that I end up having to light 15 times per bowl.
Would anyone here consider throwing used matchsticks to be littering? Being made of wood I've always thought of it as nest material for birds but curious to see what others think.
I agree with the other anon that narrow bowls are easier to keep lit than wide bowls. I guess because narrow bowls, one light and you pretty much have the entire thing lit, and then it's all just sitting on top of itself. Wider bowls, you need to kinda make sure to light the edges as well as the middle, and then while you're smoking it tends to be that only the middle really gets worked on, so it requires more relights to make sure the sides are going down too.

Perhaps you're packing it too tightly? Going from a wider bowl back to my MM, it feels like I could really easily overpack the bowl due to how narrow it is, after having grown accustomed to packing wider bowled pipes. If all else fails, you can try the "breath" method of smoking your pipe. I do not prefer to smoke that way, but when I do I only need like 1 or 2 relights max, and usually only at the very end of the bowl.
its as much littering as throwing a small twig on the ground
Depends on how strict laws are there. Some places: "Just don't burn nothing down and we're good". Others: "Oi. You gotta loicense for that Lucifer?".

But yeah, very small twig. Maybe I identify as a tree *shrugs*
Yes, I would, albeit perhaps the most morally permissible type of littering, even more so if it were a survival situation.

But, at the core, you should be aiming to leave absolutely no trace. It's not that matchsticks would never biodegrade, they certainly would, but their light color and manufactured appearance makes them stick out visually until that happens, possibly disrupting the experience for others.

Beyond that, it is on principle alone that it should be avoided. Littering biodegradable stuff is still littering. I don't even like flicking ashes onto the ground but I figure those are almost invisible done correctly. I dunno. It's one of those things I'd love to say I'd never do/have never done but that just isn't reality.
Are you that nazi piece of shit from the pacific northwest?
Chocolate kills dogs myth
He won't reply
It is in Hawaii. Last time I was there, the cops rolled up to smoke pits by hotels and restaurants etc. to fish for littering tickets. They would try to get you for butts and matches on the ground even if they were already there. They said matches are a fire hazard even if they're extinguished.
Take your meds
I always try to toss mine into tall grass, hollow stumps, brush piles, ect. If it's not harming the ecosystem and if people have to go out of their way to find them, it's not an issue.
I guess I should've mentioned I live in an extremely humid environment.
I just take my cob pipe if I'm hiking. I went for a trudge along a trail east of the town I'm in, and a few houses on the hill had their wood stoves burning. I had my flask of bulleit warmed by my body heat, and my pipe loaded with Mississippi River. Gf and I played fetch with our dog at a clearing on the peak of the hill. Came back home and I gave her some Christmas gifts.
I am probably over packing, coming from almost exclusively using wider bowls. The problem I'm having is the MM has a looser draw than I'm used to, and I'm probably packing too tightly without realizing it to compensate.
Great answer, anon. One of my favorite pipes that I reach for innawoods is an unidentified Bruyere Garantie bent billiard with a horn stem. For whatever reason it has become my de facto Balkan pipe, and I smoke mostly Lat-heavy blends in colder months. WhiteKnight or its Sutliff Match, or maybe something like Capt. Earle Nightwatch or Fusilier's Ration. In warmer months I have a cheap bent Rhodesian bulldog I smoke mostly VAs and VA/Pers in, or burley blends occasionally in the shoulder seasons of early spring/early fall.
I agree with the leave no trace principal. Even if what you do throw on the ground is completely safe and biodegradable, if it looks human made, don’t throw it on the ground. It’s more of an immersion thing for me when I’m /out/ kek. I’m probably just autistic. The only thing I don’t mind that the leave no trace people hate are cairns. I love seeing cairns. They date back to a time when humans were more “primitive” and in touch with nature, so they fit in nature just fine.
Kek, I love schizoposting
Not a pipe, but in the last thread I think I mentioned I was going to try a Nub Nuance Triple Roast 4"x60. I had one last night and really enjoyed it, with a caveat. It's my first "infused" cigar (at least my first quality one), with a nice coffee flavor that did actually taste like coffee and a note of chocolate. 9/10 for flavor.
The main problem is probably my own fault, because the wrapper started to crack, causing a wonky burn and it started falling apart in the last third. I assume it wasn't stored right, though most of my other cigars don't have this issue. But more impetus to buy a proper humidor setup. It didn't go to waste, though. The next day I rubbed out what was left and smoked in a briar. Honestly I think it was better out of a pipe. I might start saving leftover unburnt cigar leaf to add to otherwise uncomplex pipe blends as an experiment.
>I might start saving leftover unburnt cigar leaf to add to otherwise uncomplex pipe blends as an experiment.
I have a jar full of clippings from when I cut the head of the cigar. I have yet to smoke any of it, but I’m curious.
Happy new year fellas. I’d smoke a pipe right now, but I’m too tired and cold.
On my second bowl of the evening of Gawith & Hoggarth Dark Flake Unscented out of a Markus Fohr cutty clay. Halfway through the bowl I decided I didn't have enough of this blend and ordered a pound from P&C.
Strong stuff, smokey and savory and a little bit of spice. I also detect the faintest hint of the old Lakeland essence far in the background. I like Lakelands in general, so it's not a problem, but it is extremely subtle. I've seen others describe it as having a cigar note, but I'm not well-versed enough in cigars to say I notice it.
I just wish it was cheaper and more consistently available in the US, or I'd be buying several pounds of it. The only G&H blend I haven't been able to wrap my head around so far is Black Irish X, and even that I find super intriguing and unusual

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