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Let's just say your work a well paying job, you're well educated, and have considerable savings, but modern life has become monotonous and you simply no longer have the desire to participate in a failing culture and society.

If you wanted to abandon everything, what is the minimum amount of money you'd need to fund a basic but well provisioned mobile camp site for the foreseeable future? The climate here is temperate. Not too hot in the summer, no snow in the winter but it does get quite cold. You would obviously need a tent, sleeping bag, food, etc.

What sort of quality of life could you lead provided you'd have enough for various bits and pieces for the duration of your life?

If you want to increase the difficulty a little more, let's say you wish to do this without a motor vehicle.
>you're well educated,
That's your problem college boy
you already abandoned everything, your boring shitty life is the result of you being a boring shitty person.
living outside will not change you.
Well educated doesn't exclusively mean a college education.
About $5,000.
Depends on legalities (or criminal energy).
>temperate climate
So probably densely populated, with little to no wild fruits or veggies. Meaning you'll need to hunt or fish, unless you want to live of cans and freeze-dried foods. That might mean anything from a one-time payment for a license to paying several thousands for renting a hunting area, depending on what country you're in. Unless you're poaching.

Then there's the question of income. You can massively reduce your starting money if you can make money somehow. Shepherding would be the classic, but to do that, you'll need some sort of contact adress to set up "rent" contracts for your grazing (generally you get it free, as state and private owners consider grazing a way of maintaining otherwise useless land). Or if you're in the commonwealth, you might be able to graze on crown lands.

>What sort of quality of life could you lead
Depends on your skills. I could lead a life that's only marginally worse than my current life, since I'm already doing lots of stuff myself (gardening, hunting, keeping cattle, carving dishes and spoons from wood, making firewood and a lot of other stuff). But if you're going to live on the run - if, for example, you can't legally camp or hunt or farm wherever you are - it'll be annoying, especially in spring, when there's almost no wild food to be had.
OP. Yeah, in the commonwealth. Shepherding is a great idea desu.
>what is the minimum amount of money you'd need
Bout tree fiddy
So no hunting for you then, and since you're not getting snow, I'm assuming your not in the highlands either (where afaik, you could legally fish without a license - don't quote me on that, though).

If I was you, I'd go for the hippie / esoteric route. Get a small solar panel, a cheap computer and video camera, and document what you're doing on youtube / instagram / whatever. Get the rat racers to pay for your life with ad revenue.

Depending on where you are, you might also be able to get contracts with living history sites. I remember seeing a lot of them in ireland and cornwall which had sheeps and goats for grazing, while obviously not having enough land to sustain them year round. I assume that they pobably had herders come by regularly, and if you're into trad gear, you might be able to set up a horse-drawn wagon and some wool clothes and get a rotation going between four or so sites. Drive your sheep there, larp for the tourists, fuck a few hippie girls on their vacations, then on to the next site.

You'll have a hard time earning enough for retirement, though, so you should probably consider some side income. Shilling yourself and whatever your sponsors want on social media is one idea, as would be making some sort of artwork to sell (to tourists, mostly) and if youc an find a proper tanner, selling sheep's furs. Those are actually pretty expensive, and a good quality one will get you 200-300€ here in Germany, so probably ~200 pounds in England.
Cheese would be another thing, if you can set up a cooperation with someone that makes it.

tl;dr: if you're considering shepherding, get in touch with living history dudes.

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