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Its just a giant mosquito private property tourists shithole innit?
Stephen King lives there. He used to write silly little ghost stories but then he got an incurable dose of Trump derangement syndrome and now spends all his ti.e alone in a cabin in the forests of Maine screaming anti Trump profanity at the full moon.
/out/ - Outdoors?
The entire North / NW of Maine is owned by logging companies, but they let you on their logging roads to drive or camp. You have to pay once you get deep enough at the checkpoints. You can't interfere with the loggers, always pull over for the trucks or they will flatten you, basically don't piss them off and you're free to explore an extremely large forested area.

The southern coastal lands are too residential to really explore. It gets more desolate the further north you go along it but still. Basically have to pay to get into the state parks for playgrounds if you choose to stay near the coast
Only really interested in the coastal areas. Ive never been to the East Coast and western VA and ME are the only states that seem comfy. Problem is I thibk there is mosquitoes everywhere, ticks that literally give you aids and tons of private property. All around seems shittier then I imagine.
>be some Tennessee kid
>went to survival school for an rotc trip in November
>during the drive to the camp seen a hunter had slung his absolutely massive deer on a tree
>just letting the gutted carcass air out in that crisp air
I'm forever jealous of that guy to this day and that was over 12 years ago. Want to find a quiet place to hunt and fish up there someday. That whole trip was fun and the hikes were so calming.
In all my years of living i n the NE I never had tick issue. Unless you're walking into ungroomed brush that reaches your waist you'll be fine.
Also mosquitoes aren't everywhere and it's really only a seasonal issue. In winter you'll have issues for instance in the NE. Coastal Maine is cool and you'll be pretty much free of both of those as it's very rocky in most places. Just expect to pay to get access since most are state parks.
Western VA is also cool, Pretty dead (population wise, besides a few dense cities) but if you're going to hike it's got tons of mountainous spots. Some will be very popular, some you may not see anyone.
to be fair, he was writing child orgies fairly early on.
im pretty sure they have similar right to roam type laws as here in NH so technically any private property, unless specifically posted otherwise, is considered public land for hunting/camping/etc like public land is out west

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