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File: IMG_1825.jpg (879 KB, 2744x1355)
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big muskie from earlier this year
Nice fish anon. Where did you get him?
central MN
ohyah sure youbetcha
not bad. 20lbs?

Check out this one this guy caught in Mille Lacs back in Nov
yeah abt 20lbs and thats a hog, sad to hear that they've been having trouble with their bigger muskies in mille lacs recently tho. a few years back when there were more I pulled a 54" from a smaller lake nearby
There was a news story a couple of years back about some chick in Canada who was bitten by a big ass muskie that dragged her under water before letting her go.

Apparently muskies have poor eyesight and just randomly bite stuff that might be edible and when it realized the woman was too big to eat, let her go.
Looks like Pike. Is it the same fish, just a different word over in the States?
similar fish for sure. same animal family but supposedly different species
Thats cool
I heard of that, I was bitten by one in a creek by my house too when i was a little kid. they actually have very good eyesight and its kinda unknown why they do this every once and a while
similar fish, basically a bigger pike thogh. we have pike here too
dont know why, but maybe one of you would think think is this is interesting
cool article anon, currently studying for ichthyology so I already did know most of it but still a good read

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