Post your general location and we'll reply with a new location (>2 hours) for you to visit in 2025. If you have already been to that location, call them a faggot and let somebody else try.
I'll start - Louisville Kentucky
>>2797934Too easy; Hoosier National Forest. Now do me, Ottawa, Canada.
>>2797936I've been there faggot. Been all over the HNF as a matter of fact.
>>2797936>Now do me, Ottawa, Canada.chic choc mountains
>>2797936>Ottawa, CanadaI should have said Amerifags only, but you're close enough. Five Ponds Wilderness in New York. High Falls loop looks pretty epic if you like backpacking. Pic is from high rock.
>>2797947Seconding this. The Chichocs are some of the best mountains in the East.
Phoenix, AZ
>>2797962West Fork of White Oak CreekSedona, AZ
Philadelphia, PA
NE Kansas
>>2797983Frozen run gorge vista
SLC Utah>>2797971Pharaoh Lake Wilderness
>>2797983Hawk Mountain Sanctuaryfyi there is an awesome state map for the outdoors PA. Look up arcgis Public Land in Pennsylvania.
>>2797992That's a rough location for /out/Roche Percée Natural Arch in Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area. Columbia, MO
>>2797933Lmao why. I've already got a list of places I didn't even get to visit last year, with new places getting added to the list already. If people need to be assigned /out/ spots then they've lost the plot.
>>2797943A bit less of a wilderness but still looks like a nice spot: Bernheim Forest and Arboretum.>>2797947That is incredibly far. I have been to Gaspe but that's like a 10 hour drive lol.>>2797949I've been to Adirondacks a few times, but not High Falls in particular.
>>2798049Where are you from? A lot of places are limited on options and not everybody knows how to find obscure shit. I like visiting new places but I've run out of locations within a 2 hour drive.>2798057>Bernheim ForestBeen there. Very popular place.
>>2797933Pecos NM
>>2798045hawk mountain is for normiesthere's tons of cool stuff in the endless mountains and pine creek gorge ish areasjust gotta drive another hour or two but its worth itfrozen run gorge vista is much nicer!though you will probably need spikes and it will be very cold next 2-3 monthsmehoopany creek also has a hard hike from the bottom to the top you can do to a view, and then optional further forays from there around the edge of the plateau to see virgin fir forest or dolly sods like high meadows and there's coves with waterfalls there's tons of stuff near therethere's also council cup - easy hike near berwick pa that's just like a 5 minute walk from parking to view but the view is quite spectacular of the susquehanna and a nuclear power plant
>>2797933Tucson, AZ
>>2797962Find the Lost Dutchman mine in the Superstitions or die trying.
>>2797971in the spring/summer go paddle the sedge islands near the barnegat inlent. Just don't mosey into a boating channel lane
>>2797933DFW, Texas
>>2798627This ain't even /out/ on hard mode, it's straight up nightmare mode
>>2798630Wdym, isn't the point of the Ozarks that they are like 3-4 hours drive from Dallas?
>>2797965I camped there when on a work trip last April. Ended up walking in the dark at waste height water for 5 miles. I have a Pic of that same place.Was pretty cool since I usually hike in Wisconsin.The crystal people in Sedona were a trip to witness.
>>2797933Hurley, WI
>>2798634Bruh what
>>27986454-5 hours drive to ouachita or ozark national forest from dallaslong day trip, or very doable 1 night overnight/weekend trip
>>2798630Is there anywhere you can suggest? I do have LBJ grasslands an hour from me which I’ve camped in twice but of course that’s mostly just flat trails without much varying sights.
>>2798650ozark/ouachita national forest, u gotta go further brotons of big cities are set up that way with good big forests but 4-5 hours drive away
>>2798652>4-5 hours driveThat's a day's drive. I don't have that kind of time or even the money for all that gas.
>>2798653you gotta make time if you want good hiking, also thats what weekends are forthere's no magical hills close to dallas this is the assignment thread, not the local parks thread
>>2798627Caddo and/or LBJ national grasslands i guess?
Colorado Springshard mode: eastern plains locations
>>2798680Hopefully it’s not outside any mileage radius you might be restricted on, if you’re military but go check out Spanish Peaks at the border of CO and NMClarksville Tennessee
>>2798852big south fork, falls creek falls, burgess falls, ozone fallsOH and this one, it's on my list but I haven't done it yet, looks pretty though ALSOI forgot what this overlook is called but you park on peters mountain rd in ky and walk to tn to an overlook on the john muir trail green line shows where the overlook is at the edge of the ridge (where the green line ends and protrudes out a bit)this woman did all sorts of needless other walking, but its roughly the route, you can also come at it from the opposing ridge, but that's way more elevation gain, and the trail is reputedly in poor condition in between john muir trail in general is gorgeous and the part in big south fork national recreation area is well maintained and very recommended for backpacking
>>2798852Thanks, although those were already on my list for this year. they're just so tantalizing and they're visible from the springs
>>2798075Chiricahua mountains.
fairbanks, AK
Atlanta, GA
Berlin, NH
>>2797971Wharton state forest. Go to see the remains of those wonderful 30 years that southern NJ had industry. Get covered in tickets. Get covered in chiggers. A month later realize you've contracted an illness that makes you allergic to beef. >>2797983Should be in range of a lot of shit, the roads out of philly are a bit rough though. I have family in the carbon county and it's beautiful up there. There's maps online of public lands, a lot is going to be used for hunting though, so best to be vigilant and not look too much like a deer.
>>2798680>Eastern PlainsIt's a bit of a drive but Comanche National Grassland- Picture CanyonHere's a picture of an abandoned building I found out there a couple years ago. There's a good campsite right next to it. Black Mesa, the Oklahoma high point is also nearby. It's a good day hike.
>>2798867The dikes around that mountain look really interesting, looks cool on satellite view too. I don't know how impressive or easy to view they'd be in person though, also the biggest ones all seem to be on private property. I'll have to check it out myself at some point.anyway, plains, kind of. The Calhan Paint Mines are worth a look at least once for a local anyway, it's kind of neat. Castlewood Canyon is alright>>2798061go to Bosque del Apache right now>>2798001Notch Peak in the west desert is crazy impressive. Might as well go to Great Basin in NV also, underrated park. More local I liked Mt Nebo, far enough away from SLC to feel a little more wild and less crowded than the rest of the hikes I did in the Wasatch.Denver here
>>2799096>Berlin, NHDevils Den Maine. I'd go right now with crampons.
>>2799262>Notch PeakWhere the fuck is this picture from? Doesn't even look real.
>>2799335the pic is one of the dikes that extend radially from the Spanish Peaks in Colorado, they look massive. check it out it on google earth/maps too, it looks cool. Notch Peak is pic related, some of the tallest cliffs in the country. there's also bristlecone pines up there, pretty cool
>>2797933North-West of Sweden.
>>2799219If you're out that way, I'd recommend stopping here for a good time.Rape CemeteryLaFayette, GA 30728
>>2798061Capulin Volcano and all the neat, blood-red soil out there
>>2798630lol agreed. However, we have an airport with direct flights to lots of /out-approved places, a deep water port with huge cruise ships three hours away (Houston/Galveston), and an excellent job market to fund those interesting trips.
>>2797933Asheville NC, I've been all over WNC and eastern TN.
>>2799394>we have an airport with direct flights to lots of /out-approved places, a deep water port with huge cruise ships three hours away (Houston/Galveston),but driving 4-5 hours to northern Arkansas to hike in Ozark national forest is too much? Anon, lots of cities have national/state forests within 4-5 hours but not right next to them. >>2799397have you been to big south fork or central tn waterfalls?
Well I’m in central FL, but I’m willing to drive up to SC or maybe very south NC. Looking for mountains, rivers, and cooler weather. Two or three nights out there, five days off total. I did the Chattooga River trail in SC last time and it was amazing.
>>2799405I haven't been to South fork but I looked it up and really like how it buts up against the South side of Daniel Boone and I like the look of alot of the rock formations there. Thanks fren!
>>2799262Notch Peak looks pretty cool and I love hiking in the west desert so Ill make sure to do this one. I want to check out fish springs national wildlife refuge this winter for the snow goose migration so maybe I'll make a weekend out of itHaven't spent much time in Colorado so cant give any recs but heres some cute sheepdogs I saw when I was eating my lunch north of Steamboat
West Michigan
>>2797933Central MA
>>2799262one of my favorite spots, the Box right nearby too is excellent. socorro underrated nm spot. anon try to get up to lv preserve now if you want to see the elk herd up close>>2799381this is the kinda shit i posted for, thanks anon i got work in raton next week so definitely trying this
>>2799034Denaliif you've been there, Kenai Peninsula>>2797933South Puget Sound in Washington, especially looking for recommendations in the north cascades or on the peninsula if people have them.
East idaho
>>2797933Greater Toronto Area. If you say any of the obvious big parks around here like Algonquin, Kawartha or Kilarney I'm preemptively calling you a faggot.
>>2797936Jacues-Cartier National Park
>>2797933West Bay, Grand Cayman Island I've already been to the cavesI have no diving certs
>>2800341A bit of a side thing but have you ever been to the Evergreen Brickworks? Its a small park but an extremely interesting case study in environmental restoration.
>>2800345I've been there a few times. It's a pretty cool place, especially for being right in the heart of Toronto.
>>2800308>East idahoDarby Canyon Wind Cave, Wyoming
>>2797933Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
>>2800341How about Temagami, north of Sudbury. A bit of a hike but has the tallest "mountain" in Ontario. Closer to you, and henceforth more crowded, if I had to go car camping, I like Silent Lake and Balsam Lake, typically less hellish than most parks in range of the GTA.Lake Superior and Sleeping Giant are also great, but far as fuck.
>>2800420Temagami is a good suggestion. It's on the bucket list for sure, same with Lake Superior. I was also considering a road trip next summer to Fushimi, but that one is pretty damn far too.What's there to do at Silent Lake and Balsam Lake that you couldn't do in some random crown land with fewer people around? They both seem pretty small and are probably packed with people so I've never really given them consideration.
>>2800364if you park at Raymondskill Falls (and do that first), you can then catch a trail up to the ridgeline that goes on and on for miles with various overlooks along the way as you head NE.
>>2800440Mostly just beautiful spots with less people given their proximity to the GTA. But you are correct, if you don't mind a drive, it's absolutely worth it to screw off elsewhere.Also just remembered, the Noganosh Lake system is very beautiful as well. Heard good things about Shining Tree and crown lands near Wawa, on my own bucket list.
>>2800456Been to both the French River and Magnetawan River but I've somehow never heard of Naganosh. Looks beautiful.
>>2800307>if you've been there, Kenai Peninsulathat's an 8-10 hour drive, anon
>>2797933I'm in the Adirondacks, already a 46er and working on my winter so plz keep me out of the high peaks
>>2800486ohmake a weekend of it then :)
Wichita KS
>>2797934The highest knob in knobs state forestGoodluck louisville bro
>>2797933Grand Junction ColoradoHardmode: I have to walk there
>>2800805Buy a mountain bike
>>2800788Lake Wilsonordrive a bit farther to the Quacitas
Fresno, CA
>>2800807My bike got stolen on monday, man
>>2800818Don't live in CO then I guess.
>>2800813Fresno "people" don't belong outside. Go shit up Millerton like you flatlanders are so fond of doing.
>>2800832The only thing worth doing at Millerton is Pincushion breh
>>2800832I have to say though, do you even spend time in the backcountry? All the people I run into are from Fresno/Clovis/Visalia/LA
>>2800839Yeah, usually the Madera County side though. What's left of it, at least. It's not the same after the fires. Some of the cool spots are up past PFL, but for obvious reasons I won't be disclosing those places to Flatlanders.
>>2800840I spend most of my time off-trail in SEKI. I too wouldn't share my special spots.
>>2800454Thanks, will look into it. For some reason I haven't visited the water gap despite living in the area my entire life.
Austin, TXget me out of here, anons
Central Oregon. Moved here recently (sorry to the locals, decision wasn't up to me) and haven't really done anything /out/ yet. High elevations are all buried but I'm pretty interested in trying XC skiing or snowshoeing. Also planning on fishing and dual sport riding/motocamping as soon as the seasons start up for them.
>>2800992Go check out Newberry NM on a weekday, it gets busy on the weekends
>>2800996That's actually one of the few places I have been, but just the visitor center and the top of the butte, I should go do the trails. Pic related was the butte a couple of weeks back and there's still quite a bit of snow around, might be cool if the trails are open.
>>2800992Don't ever apologize to any of those giant fags. Tell them all to go to hell. Some of the worst humans in the country.
>>2801072Honestly, someone who talks like that about other people sounds like the worst person in the country. Seek therapy, friend.
>>2801082You haven't met Oregonians thenMy soul is weightless
>>2801072I feel bad for the actual natives, they're mostly nice and they've been fucked pretty hard by the big influx of transplants. The people who talk the most shit all seem to be califags who came here 10-20 years ago though.
>>2801091Nah, the natives are worse because they genuinely don't know they literally are also just Californians and all they do is bitch and complainDo not let them try to convince you that they aren't also just west coast scum, they are
>>2800992Thanks for the humility. Unfortunately most transplants treat where they go as theirs to ruin and say suck it to the locals.
Birmingham, AL. I need something to do. I need out of this shithole.
>>2801094The people who actually have roots here seem to be pretty alright. The biggest douchebags I've seen mostly seem to be transplants from other parts of OR or people who came from CA 10 years ago. >>2801374It's hard for me not to be sympathetic to the local situation, I'm from a place that's been turbofucked by decades of transplants and immigration so I know all too well what it's like to be on the receiving end and can't bring myself to be one of those people.
Baltimore, MDHELP!!!!!!!
>>2802325have you been to the liberty reservoir? also, kilgore falls, king and queen seat at rocks state park (doesn't open until 10 am in winter), tho u can always hike from the bottom), not to mention the gajillion overlooks of the susquehanna an hour or two noth
Sure, I could do with an adventure goal.Upper Peninsula, Michigan.
>>2799539dog 2 is bein a little lewd
>>2797933Hampton Roads, VAfor extra fun: I'll bring my 2 kids (both under 6) and wife.
Erie Pennsylvania
>>2803506this one has been on my list for a while, haven't done it yet (view is somewhat overgrown :(), if in the area, oil creek state park is worth a look (especially at the recreation oil field and museum and the nature trails dotting it), and of course the famous kinzua sky bridge if you haven't done that>>2803421High Bridge Trail State Park, Camp Paradise Entrancethere's a 125 ft tall rail bridge from the 1850s you can walk across: won't be the only family with young kids thereit's a flat rail trail also, i haven't tried this one yet, but its closer to you and looks interesting to me: wouldn't have to do the full 5 mi, there's a shorter loop available, and there's lots of boardwalks and nice marshes to look atbut really anon you are doomed you are like geographically the furthest from the pretty
>>2803421id say go swim in the great dismal swamp but that's like 1 hour max.not sure if you've been, but the only /out/ trip i took when I lived in that area was up towards Harper's Ferry. very lovely area but not remote by any stretch
>>2803599you want remote you gotta DRIVE DRIVE DRIVEif you live in SE VA that is...i mean there's like state forests in south central va, but it's all been logged to heck and isn't particularly interesting to look at, the prettier stuff is in far SW VA
>>2803598Added High Bridge to our plans, much appreciated. You're right, I'm a good 4-6 hours away from the mountains which is ass, but as the kids get older we'll make it out there. I enjoy the bits of cyprus swamps we get to see locally and my son likes going out on the canoe, so all good things ahead!
>>2803611this is 5 hours away but soooo pretty: are actually most like 7-9 hours away from the prettiest stuff, like you are doomedhampton roads seems pretty cursed
bremerton washington
>>2803598I've been to Kinzua Bridge and Oil Creek before but not your 1st recommendation. Looks pretty nice.
Pittsburgh, PA
>>2804048jake's rock and rimrock overlook if you haven't done thosetwin sisters trail (2 mi in there's an overlook from the NORTH trailhead off a dirt road that is not maintained in winter)>>2804049oaks point: at the gate on state game lands (tons of parking across from the gate), follow the old road grade uphill to the ruins, at the ruins you can either just blaze straight downhill (but its incredibly steep) to the road below off of which the overlook is found, there's a little path, OR, make a left at the ruins and keep following the path until another road emerges to your right and traces downhill and then the little offshoot to the overlook is on your left from the road-walk (very steep and dangerous)gorgeous view of the conemaugh thoalso casparis point, the road is pretty rough to access it (unlike oaks point), and there's a water crossing to be done by car (before the water crossing is private land but i didn't see any no trespassing signs so I think you could just park on the far side of the creek and walk from there if need be), but you drive across a creek and again there's state game lands parking with an abandoned quarry on your left, just keep walking down the road and there's a great overlook of the yough maybe less than a mile from parking i believe there MAY be another overlook on the south side of the yough east of dunbar, but I haven't found it yet and am still working on that
>>2797933Belleville, New Jersey
>>2804122I've done all the popular hiking and biking trails in the ANF. Jake's Rocks is one of my favorite mtb circuits in the area. Twin Sisters I'm not familiar with. This must be the one you're talking about's a long ass drive
>>2804130>That's a long ass drivevery much worth it, and it can be paired with a nearby drivable overlook that I much recommend it's an easy hike (the road to get to it may be a little hinky in winter, but nothing terrible), and if you are doing it in warmer weather I recommend making it an overnight and walking down to the creek, Hammersley Fork, and camping there and there's an amazing swimming hole, but be warned on the twin sisters trail itself (along the ridge) the trail sucks past the overlook and is very overgrown and you are pushing through high grass and weeds.>I've done all the popular hiking and biking trails in the ANF.then anon its time to go further and explore pine creek and tioga/tiadaghton state forest and there's some random bits and bobs on state game lands as you head east
I wish I could experience the nature realm of unitedstatia >Captcha: RAYPR
>>2797971Donald J. Trump State Park in upstate NY
>>2803625Tunnel Creek from the south trailhead
>>2800992Echo Lake from the West Eagle Meadow trailhead. Go in July and be prepared for some creek crossing. Best easy backpacking trail you'll ever do and you'll be all by yourself if you go on a weekday.
>>2799034Beat me to it, kek. I can call >>2800307 a faggot for you.Bison Gulch just south of Healy is a good daytrip hike. I've heard there's good trails in the Coal Creek area further south, but haven't done them myself. Out on the Richardson you can hit the Rainbow Mountains south of Delta - take the trail just North of the gravel pit and hike up the gulley - the little bowl valley up top is one of my favorite places in the state, but be warned I've encountered spooky stuff up there before (also huge mountain grizzlies). That can be a day trip, or you can camp in the bowl and push out the other side to explore the valley behind - good views, nice glacier, a million seabed fossils. If you do that don't forget to climb the scree slopes to the top of the peak - the views are grand and there are endangered flowers up there (don't pick).If you want something a little more hazardous, you can try the trails in the White Mountains reserve. I've tried to hike to Mt. Prindle once, but the mountains said No with great emphasis. Around mile 80 on the Denali highway are some great little 4 wheeler trails off into the tundra. Terrible terrain, weather is usually shit, but there are some old mines out there and Butte lake is very nice (and loaded with trout). Avoid the stretch East of the Susitna river bridge over to Tangle lakes - that stretch of mountains is legitimately super haunted and best to avoid if you're not familiar with that crap. Upper Tangle lakes is also great if you've got a canoe or kayak (Kayak required if solo as the lake is bottlenecked and has serious current in one stretch) - there are some phenomenal camp sites on the first upper lake by the lodge (the one on the small island is one of my favorites). If you're really feeling adventurous you can portage over to lake #2, go up it, then portage to lake #3 and take the southern outlet. I forget which river that is, but it'll spit you out on the parks somewhere North of Glenallen iirc.
>>2804682Damn that looks awesome, definitely gonna put it on my list, but it might be a next year thing, I'm not really geared for it right now. (Or probably in shape for it.)
>>2804719The trail is perfect for first time backpackers because you can choose to split it into 3 days and then you don't have to gain any elevation while carrying a pack.With this strategy, you hike your packs over 2.5mi of fIat ground and camp, then hike up to the lake and back on day 2 without any gear, and then hike out on flat ground day 3. I have successfully taken friends on this trail who were in no kind of physical shape and we didn't even start hiking until 6pm.Here's a trail map, but keep in mind you are not going to the second lake, just the first one. My grandfather helped to build this trail as a teen in the 1940s and it's always been a favorite of mine.
>>2804739Just for fun I'll add a photo of my grandfather & mother hiking the trail sometime in the 80s. He died last year at 92.
Also in SLC>>2798001Everyone should check out Little Grand Canyon. Good camping and not hard to find a spot right on the rim.>>2800308Boulder Chain Lakes was the best backpacking trip I've ever been on, especially if you climb one of the peaks once you're up their. God I love the Sawtooths.The Palisades are also great.
Salt Lake City, UT
>>2804786>>2806720wtf does everyone live in Salt Lake City? why don't I live in Salt Lake City?go paddle camp the Green River
>>2797933Smithers BC
>>2802343East, West, or Middle?Northern or Southern?
Black Hills SD
I've got one for you fedEureka, California
>>2807152Bighorn mountains, WY
>>2797933Gourock, ScotlandUnited Kingdom