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Give me some inspiration for /out/ism in Australia. Are the national parks around Sydney worthwhile? Blue Mountains and that? Or should I go further afield. I want to spend a week or so camping. Wouldn't be opposed to a long-distance bushwalk. Or even a canoe trail.
Post hand and nationality first
Saar i can showing you my student visa
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Fellow Australian /out/er here. Unfortunately I am from QLD so I don't have any recommendations for your part of the woods, Although I bet its beautiful I will definitely get to the Blue Mountains area sometime soon.

Lots of of canoe trails in the northern rivers of NSW btw. Stunning area.

>picrel, been trying to do this trail for the last year but just haven't found time
Isnt Australia all burnt down like California? Mustve been nice
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This is the closest /out/ to where i live, there are lots of rain forests in Australia. Anywhere burnt would have mostly grown back by now.
Cheers for the rec, that's just the sort of thing I'm looking for. Also thinking about snorkelpacking some smaller creeks in the national parks.

I assume Oz is just like the American west, in that the ecosystem evolved for millions of years rely on periodic fire. You really shouldn't feel sad when you hike through a burn scar, it's a positive thing. Or in the case of California, a judgement from God.
Fire is not natural really for the most part. Not at the scale we see today. Thats all larp. All that takes over is literally thorn bushes and it kills almost everything. People who say that shit are just repeating lies so its deemed ok that sure 90% of your wilderness is literally gone and now its just some charred shithole. Its how ‘they’ put you back on the vr goggles. Thats always the goal.
Exaggerate all you want, I work summers as a firefighter and there’s a reason we don’t try to extinguish fires in the wilderness any more like we did in the last century. When I’m wandering through healthy forest and find a big burn scar it makes me happy as it’s a new beginning for the trees and everything else. You are right though, climate change is exacerbating fire intensity and invasive species. Doesn’t mean forest shouldn’t burn.
austraila burns down constantly, the fires that happened a few years ago were massively overstated (but they were still pretty bad, blame scomo)
basically every australian plant thrives and needs fire to reproduce, its a natural part of the ecosystem here
its interesting because if you look into history california planted millions of eucalyptus in the late 1800s, and pre that there were much fewer bushfires than there are today
something to think about
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I am from the regions where it usually burns, and most of the time the land thats burning is extremly desolate and a fire won't hurt it. On a rare occasion national parks can go up in flames.

Nature in Australia has evolved to cope with bushfires, even though they may not be natural, Australia is prone to violent thunderstorms which can mean lightning which im guessing makes Australia more prone to fires. (Also man-made fires here happen extremely often unfortunately)

>picrel, this plant absolutely thrives in bushfires. I have done work at rich peoples houses and they hire people to prune it with a flame thrower as it comes back really nicely. Its a very expensive landscaping item
why did you mention 511 and i, we agree with you retard
we probably also know more than you do
I'm in the blue mountains if you want to meat up and see some stuff
relax bro, I was referencing all of you to join the conversation. I didn't realize I was speaking to the king of the outdoors. My comment was aimed towards the yanks.

daily reminder to bash pajeets on trail.
No i don’t cause I’ll be with my wife and i’d be embarrassed to tell her how I met you
Still open to recs though. What’s the attitude to going off-trail in the Blues? It’s a pretty normal thing here in the states to go cross-country through wilderness for a couple days but I dunno if your terrain or native critters allow for that
Well maybe its different in Australia but in California where I’m from its literally over. The entire state is a charred shithole and im tired of people larping “its ok, its natural”. Only some redwoods can bounce back, the cast majority is literally nothing anymore.

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