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Is there a reason to not use the PCU system for layering? All of the gear packs down easily and compact, designed for active and static wear, and is field tested by thousands of people against their own will.
This has been posted by ant hands.
acquiring all that shit is exceedingly expensive. civilian shit is way better in every way.
>packs down easily and compact
you've either never been issued this shit, or you've never been backpacking
I wish retarded civilians would quit trying to play soldier, commercial gear is always better. you're not even allowed to wear most of this junk unless you're in new york or alaska in the winter.
Because I don't need to buy 17 pieces of larp to know how to put on a parka when it's cold and a rain jacket when it's wet
I disagree. Finding a good soft shell with good vent options is a nightmare without spending hundreds. One of the suppliers of PCU is Patagonia also, a lot of their stuff is equivalent to what they make for the military.
>you've either never been issued this shit, or you've never been backpacking
Below Level 5 is easily packable, also you don't carry every single level. You plan for the weather expected
See above, if you're following the system a parka isn't even needed unless you're going sub 0F or sitting in a forest at below freezing
>parka isn't needed unless you're going sub 0
Yeah, I think I'd wear my parka to go sub 0F too. Don't need an infographic or a system to tell me that

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