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Is acting like a possessed demon the best way to scare off animals? I feel like acting big and shouting is a good first step, but the truly unnerving human is the one switching between snarling, gasping, waving their tongue, and panting.

Is this effective on animals, or does it really only trip out people instead?
i was suprised at night by something once im not sure what it was but in my shock i stood up, t- posed and screamed WAAAAAAGH like an ork. worked like a charm.
Don't forget to throw something at the animals
Doesn't work for bees.
Can't really tell an animal to fuck off in a calm voice, sometimes you gotta meet them on the same level or just one level more if they not respectin the area you want them out of, thats why you gotta look big and not worth it vs bears even if you'll never be physically bigger than a grizzly,
Duh, the more scary you are the more you scare off animals
But there are certain animals/situations where you don't want to be scary, in my area that's momma bears and boar.
They don't get scared by scary things, they just kill the scary thing.
Being a schizo makes animals want to attack you if they feel threatened, even goats. Maybe you should stay inside.

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