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For me, it's the Chinese Karakoram
for me it would be buying back my grandmothers farm, it would be a terrible decision, would isolate me from all of my friends and family, i am not emotionally stable enough to live in the woods alone. but its either that or buying a boat to live on like my grandpa, which would also be a terrible decision
New England coastal regions. I live in TN and while pretty, I want to visit coastlines and maritime/natural history museums. It's a small dream, but it would be fun.
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Mine is achievable but Iceland's Hornstrandir Nature Reserve. I have already been to Iceland but you need to donate a few days for this hike to do it properly.

I want to return this year.
For me bucket list /out/ locations I haven't been:
>Grand Canyon

Best /out/ places I have been:
>Vancouver Island
>Northern California (specifically Redwoods National Park)
There are lots of places. I would really like to go explore the Arrigetch Peaks in Northern Alaska. Also some of the remote rangers in the NWT, around Mt Nirvana.

I suppose my dream trip though is to climb Mt St Elias from starting from the ocean.
I'm a big waterfall guy so I really want to see Iguazu. For a more /out/ (less touristy) oriented waterfall experience I'd love to see Virginia Falls in Canada or Angel, Kaieteur and some of the other big falls in Guyana and Venezuela.
Iceland and Norway are high on my dream location list also.
I climbed a 13er in Taiwan last year, it was the best hike I've ever done and I won't rest until I've explored every corner of that island's interior.

I grew up off the coast of Maine and you are right, it's the prettiest place on earth. Can't say much for the people though.
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Big Sur. I'm a big geology and botany nerd and I love to draw /out/ stuff on my sketchbook I have since I was 16. It's about 80% full and most of its contents is from my home country. I plan to finish it with a drawing (or photo) of the sunset from Big Sur cliffs.
Checked and that's beautiful my man, I hope you get to do it. Godspeed.
you too homie
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I would gladly see Patagonia, Norway or some reef if diving counts as /out/ but I don't think the answer can be anything other than Everest
>waiting in line to summit a mountain
Sounds gay as fuck, I like the idea of Everest but it's become yet another yuppie playground except this one still kills people on the regular.
afghan / Pakistan border regions, the gem mines. there are some incredible peaks in there, plus the stunning gemstone deposits make it a bucket list location to be sure!
At this stage just getting to more of the out of the way spots around where I live and then further down the country to famed hunting grounds. Id like to get a few more good trophies ultimately one out of each major watershed in the region would be pretty cool. Lots of work to be done.
I'd like to go to the emptier parts of Russia
I'm from the Olympic peninsula and I love big forests
tch, you got lucky hiker
I agree. Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa especially looks spectacular but I also believe that is where the terrorists are hiding out
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The fiordlands in New Zealand. Anyone been to New Zealand ?
I live in Russia and fr, Russia is a very cool country (i never says that country is bad if its president going to make a war or something like that)
Where was that specifically in Taiwan?
Pretty chill, it is what it looks like. the forest is an interesting monoculture of old-growth beech. Pretty inhospitable; the weather will beat your ass and the biting flies will finish the job. If you go get a DOC hut pass and go deep, deep in the backcountry away from the tourists. North Island has very good stuff too.

Xueshan, plus 2 extra days hiking across the southern ridge to make it a loop. Looks like it's not quite a 13er, I misremembered.
Bring womenfolk
I climbed the 3.952m mount Jade in Taiwan with my parents it was the best hike. Seen some endemic birds and mamals
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I wanna climb this fucking thing
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For me it's the Pico Cao Grande
I did Routeburn track last December. We got really lucky with the weather, but you should prepare for rain and cold. If you do one of the great walks definitely book months in advance, as the campsites are in high demand. As >>2799730 said the beech forest is pretty amazing and the mountain views are spectacular if you can avoid the fog. I'd definitely recommend it.
I'ma push it over right before you get to the top

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