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how to prevent this when backpacking
Wet wipes and as many pairs of boxers as you can be bothered to bring. Knew a guy that would buy sample bottles for cologne and fill them from his own collection but that's pretty gay.
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wool everything helps
soap and water on anything longer than a weekend (brought far away from the stream)
in not-winter I don't wear underwear, just freeball my loose running shorts and let shit air out as much as possible

ironically not doing anything to prevent the stink (spare clothes/deodorant/cologne, etc) works best for me. I still reek but I don't notice if I don't take any measures to prevent it, just never crosses my mind because I am powerless to stop it by not bringing that shit
Have a healthy diet, carry deodorant if you really need. They also make biodegradable soaps. Accept you will smell some. Don't trust people in wilderness who smell too good
This. Enjoy the stink. You're out in nature, go natural.
Stop wearing synthetics. Seriously.

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