Lets say I work 4 days a week and I have a wife and kid at home to garden while I'm at work. How has the icremental approach worked for you homestead anons and how long has it taken for you make a well establish homestead with cows and shit?
it doesn't. A garden big enough to feed any significant percent of your yearly calorie needs and cows (let let multiple animal types) is a full time job. you will eventually burn out of 80 or 90 hour weeks and ultimately quit one of the full time jobs. Ideally you'll get SM going so you can profit off the LARP views and use that money to be self sufficient without a regular job, just homesteading. and with a kid. good luck.if you take "homestead" to mean you grow a small and easy garden and raise chickens for eggs but realistically you're no where near self sufficient, then yeah a stay at home wife can do that in a couple hours a day.
>>2799814You wont have the time nor the energy. There's good reasons why this only worked for whole communities and farming/husbandry was their full-time job. Just get a small garden for small stuff and perhaps chickens or rabbits, anything else is too much. Source: lived 23 years on a farm
>>2799956Must you be such a dick?
>>2799972It works here in Norway. Cows are easy to keep, for a living even. You can become a millionaire with just a fishing boat.
>>2799997If you're such an expert why are you asking us?
>>2799814Read Ruth Stout's "No Work Garden Book" and R Rush Wayne's "Growing Mushrooms the Easy Way" and you'll have a good start. You probably will not be able to grow enough food to feed your livestock and your family, but it can still be profitable to buy feed for your livestock. Whatever animals you get you should add 2% crushed lump charcoal to their feed by weight. They will be healthier and smell a lot better.
>>2799997The cow thread is the other thread Youre getting your larps mixed up