I'll be spending a week in Vermont this September or October.Give me the best spots and trails to hit up, I will not be paying for a hotel. Thinking about hitting Green Mountain National Forest and Lake Willoughby at least, thinking about Smuggler's Notch and Mount Mansfield as well.t. am a leafcuck
Why plan so far in advance?
>>2800226It's a work trip.
>>2800239Everything in VT is easy to get to. Smugglers Notch is awesome. There's infinity trails but IMO there one trail and that's the Long Trail in VT. Just hike that. Rutland I used to love cause it was gritty I heard it's sad and fenty now. Since you don't want to spend $ or a hotel don't bother with Woodstock.Stowe is the nicest, podshest resort town by far.
>>2800246Thanks, I was considering the Long Trail, good to know about Rutland and Stowe.I'm mostly against spending money on tourist trap resorts when I could just camp in the beauty of a state I've never visited before. Aiming to hit up a few local breweries and whatnot though (will also be happy to take any recommendations on places to grab a bite or drink worth stopping for).
The whole state is basically just a series of remote unmaintained trailheads and free camp sites with bullet holes in any nearby signs that haven't fallen down yet. It's basically paradise. You definitely don't need to plan anything in advance, you will find what you're looking for.
>>2800567I'm skeptical of anything on the East Coast given the population density and proximity to urban areas. If you think the national parks on the West Coast are busy, you'll be horrified by an average outing in the bughive.
>>2800571Northern New England and upstate NY are virtually uninhabited. Every time you people say "population density" you're just demonstrating that you don't have the ability to use Google Earth. Not to mention that dense forest cover multiplies the privacy factor of every square mile of land by a factor of 10 or more.
Is there any spot that makes it worth hitting up the southern side at all? So far from what I've seen, Lake Willoughby, Smuggler's Notch/Mansfield, and the Green Mountain forest have sounded the most enticing and are in the northern half and I haven't really seen anything worth it to head south of that.
>>2800604Lol. The Bennington triangle has been the site of my favorite outdoor adventures over 20 years. We're all better off with flatlanders like you staying out though.
>>2800604I literally have no idea if this is south or north - but when I was 6 years old I hiked up Welch with my dad and we go to welch and it was the first time either of us had been to alpine terrain, and it basically looked like you had to steeply descent a mountain to go any further and get to Dickey, so we just turned around at that point. Apparently parking costs 5$ but I think it's worth it.
>>2800571>given the population density
>>2800676I actually think northern Maine and the Adirondacks are the two easiest places to get lost and die in the wilderness in the lower 48.
>>2800721>larpers unironically believe this
>>2800143Come down to Windsor. You can come to Harpoon Brewery. It's super comfy and within a few miles of several trails and a boat launch. Very much recommended.
I was recommended Hill Farmstead Brewery too. Will aim to check out at least one brew pub a day and then fuck off to the wild.As a Cancuck, I intend to just roll up to a general area and explore until I find a good place near water to pitch a tent. Obviously as long as I'm not on private land, I assume no one will give a fuck? Don't mind pitching at a state park-ing lot here and there if fees are reasonable, but not trying to be pitching a few metres away from screwing families.Will have my car as well so not opposed to parking nearby, but definitely would like to wander a few hours into a forest.
>>2801286> Obviously as long as I'm not on private land, I assume no one will give a fuck? Don't mind pitching at a state park-ing Vermont law is super friendly to sportsmen. Just look for the yellow posters before you go on someone's land. If they have the yellow posters, that means it's trespassing.You can go on someone's land as long as they don't a sign indicating otherwise. If they ask you to leave, obviously you have to respect that, so it's probably better to stealth camp in that case.
>>2801286Personally prefer Lawson's over Hill Farmstead if you're planning to eat, but it's in the Mad River valley, still near the long trail though
>>2800143Tf is that sign?
>>2803082girls be dressed like that standing in the middle of the road during foliage season in Vermont to get the perfect pic
>>2803042Good to know, thanks anon. I'll be hoping to do some primitive camping in national forests/state parks away from campgrounds predominantly I think.>>2803067Noted, thanks. I had someone recommend me to check out the river as well, and will likely hit up the area on my way in or out from the national forest.>>2803123picrel, npc behaviour
>>2800246Woodstock is awesome as an outist. It’s expensive but if you stay in the hills and woods it’s beautiful. Bring a tent Canuck and go to Calander Hill in South Woodstock. There’s injun stone chambers that are kinda rad. As for Rutland it is very fenty so is Burlington and all of Chittenden county, but there’s plenty of good nature if you go 20 minutes out of the center of town.
>>2800604Central Vermont is cool, I went to college in Northfield VT and loved it. Drive along the dog river/winooski and you’ll inevitably find a good chill out spot. Got a lot of spirit too, the people outside of Montpelier seem to be less retarded and liberal than their Burlington counterparts
>>2803297Wow thanks anon, that's neat as hell, exactly the kind of stuff I'm hoping to come across. Definitely adding to my list. I do keep hearing that Rutland, Bennington, and parts of Burlington are fenty territory, I probably won't spend much time in the towns proper aside from grabbing a drink or a meal here and there.>>2803298Noted, I was thinking of swinging through Northfield if I hit up Montpelier (I like history so was hoping to spend an hour or two in a museum). Looks like there's some good spots directly south of Northfield so I'll probably take the 12A down.
>>2803469The museum is mid, but the college is really cool! Most of the students are pretty based and not too retarded. Hit up GOODMEASURE brewery it’s a personal favorite. If you want a decent swimming hole go to Norwich University park at D lot walk across the train tracks until you hit the river go left and you can find a good fishing area/swimming area. Inversely on the opposite side theirs cool mountains (pic related) where there’s plenty of places to stealth camp. Use satellite or topo maps and you can find a few abandoned quarries (where this pic was taken) they’re well drained so you’ll find some cool shit. Also spent a few weeks there after I graduated and was homeless just make sure you’re well enough off the tails and you can get as stoned and as drunk as possible. Also be sure to overturn rocks and shit near fire pits. Students often leave liquor/weed since the college has a zero tolerance policy (how I funded my alcoholism and weed addiction in college)Name a town and I can help brotha, used to be a truck driver so I’ve got the state locked down for locations to chill.
>>2803554Thanks anon :) I like exploring a good quarry so I'll be sure to check some outI figure on my way out of the south (to be determined how south I go in VT), I'll be heading through Woodstock and onwards to camp around Lake Willoughby. Hoping to crash on one of the mountains overlooking the lake. Any cool spots along the way would be appreciated
its weird how if you mention the ne or europe or the west coast everyone is super helpful but if you try to talk about the mid atlantic or southeast, everyone completely clams up
>>2804445I wish there could be similar help on finding locations in say, Texas. Would be really embarrassing for Vermont to have more /out/ spots than my state. There’s gotta be more besides the tiny national forests, grasslands, Big Bend, and overpriced state parks right?
>>2804445Probably because most land owners will straight up shoot you in the south. It also helps that Europe has Right to Roam, most of the midwest/west coast is federal/state public land, and the NE is largely public land via state or logging companies
>>2803152Is this really something people do?
>>2800727>500 square miles of thisnooo, you couldn't possibly get lost here
>>2804540Yes, white women are odd creatures
>>2804540The white woman urge to pose for a social media pic in front of a blind turn