Realistically speaking what are you supposed to do if a moose walks out in front of you on the trail and turns and stares you down? Can you just walk past them if it's not mating season?
>>2801385probably find a place to hide, think under a log or behind some rocks
>>2801385Put a .303 British 180gr in its shoulder
>>2801385Find a tree at least 12 inches in diameter and preferably larger. Put the tree between you and the moose, locate the nearest other tree large enough, and wait for him to fuck off. He probably will leave in less than a minute unless he decides to kill you, and if he charges you, you won’t have to evade him for much longer than 2 or 3 minutes before he gives up.Yes, I have done this on a portage in Quetico Provincial Park, and yes he fucked up my canoe. It took half a roll of duck tape to make it sea worthy after and it made for a pretty miserable homebound leg because the boat was heavy and didn’t track straight and had a ton of drag, but the experience was pretty goddamn cool. The outfitter was pretty nice as well, I showed back up in a pile of garbage instead of his new $2500 boat and he really only cared about if anyone got hurt.
>>2801442Not sure if you're larping or just incredibly unfortunate.
>>2801494I'm assuming he's Canadian so just incredibly unfortunate.
>>2801385My favorite thing to do is to stand completely still and attract it with mating calls or bull calls to get it to come closer. Their eyesight is quite bad so moose pretty much only react to movement and sound. Once you move and they see you're not one of them their eyes become extremely big, they look like they've seen a ghost, totally confused, and then they'll run.It's probably a good idea to have a solid tree nearby.
>>2801385walk under it.
>>2801442Does the barrel length of the Jungle Carbine work fine or should I get a full length mk III
>>2801533I should try this, either trolling nature will be fun or I will get to see my grandparents again earlier than I expected
>>2801533I'm just terrible at moose calls. Can't get em right.>>2801385Bull? Back up, you're fine. Cow with calf? Back up, keep backing up, just leave. Went hiking with some girls once and on the way back down the mountain the girl in front nearly walked into a cow with a calf (no shit, was less than a yard from her). Amazing how fast girls get behind the guy with a gun when there's danger, had to back up 400 yards of steep switchback with gun in one hand and beer in the other before she fucked off to find the calf.The scary part came a week later when I took that same gun to the range. Hadn't unloaded or loaded it. First attempted shot the action on the revolver totally bound up - took two minutes to get it free again. I would have been dead had she pushed the matter. I don't carry that gun any more.That particular cow got killed a month later after picking a fight with an entire sled dog yard.
>>2801533>Their eyesight is quite bad so moose pretty much only react to movement and soundCervids most powerfull sense is their smell, which you stink like something that wants to eat them.
>>2801494>>2801496>no habla ingles!I'm a pure British stock giga leaf. Playing with my foreksin right now. meximutts will never know this feeling. #blessed>>2801552Mk III for me
>>2801830This post makes me feel secondhand embarrassment for you. I don't like it.
>>2801442Based + even made the eternal shitskins seethe
>>2801580>you stink like something that wants to eat them.they ain't wrong
>>2801442I often hike carrying my 30-30. That's good for moose correct?
>>2802252Yes, plenty.
>>2801442600 nitro express is a guarantee!
>>2802462For me it's .450 Bushmaster. And yeah I know none of you know what that is.
>>2801442You trolling motherfucker.
>>2801489Neat story m8
>>2802252Wheel gat or lever action?
>>2801442You're a pussy dude
>>2801830Based leaf. Fuck amerimutts
>>2801544OK but what if I'm too tall for that
>>2801442>>2801830>>2803050These posts are even more based now in light of the recent developments. God bless Canada.
>>2804097Hilarious that a 25% tariff was all it took to make Canadians into die-hard nationalists willing to bleed for their right to import millions of indians
>>2804107>WAAAAAAAAAAH!>WAAAAAAAAAAH!Does mutt baby need a bottle? Always hilarious to hear the 50% shitskin nation lecture much whiter countries on how brown they are.
>>2804107The ignorance evinced by this post is impressive.
>>2801385Keep a big tree between it and you?