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Homesteading and prepping

With the way everything's going this is looking inevitable. What are you doing to prepare? Have you started a self reliant homestead?
Oh sweet another manipulative daydream larp thread.
How many times are you going to post this?
>>2801684 (OP)
There's already multiple threads up on these subjects spiderexpert. Quit shitting up the board.
>>2801684 (OP)
>With the way everything's going this is looking inevitable.
Is it? Really?

Internationally there's no one that can seriously challenge our military and domestically, while there are some very serious economic and demographic challenges ahead, I don't think any sort of social collapse is at all likely. Social upheaval and some degree of unrest maybe but I'm not about to uproot my life in preparation for it.

That said, I'm a 'prepper'. I've got several months of food as well as everything else necessary to see myself and my family through any realistic crisis. If society really shits the bed then I'll be counting on the fact that I'm an ex-mil doctor and my wife's a veterinarian to find us a cushy position with whatever warband seems most likely to enact the day of the rope.
Yeah nah fuck off. There are a bunch of ski threads too and no one complains about those.
>>2801684 (OP)
Gonna buy land, gonna offer the land to sharecroppers, gonna build a tomb, and I will die
>>2801684 (OP)
Nah. I have land, the know how to grow potatoes and lentils, I'd hunt deer or something for protein, but those will obviously be exterminated within the first week or so -- since everyone will have the exact same idea.
I look forward to being murdered in the middle of the night by groups of hungry people raiding rural houses in order to procure canned food and whatever other supplies they can find.
for as long as he hates himself
>>2801684 (OP)
My plan is to be one of the billions of casualties.
I have no idea what this actually means but it sounds 4d chess and based
>>2801684 (OP)
once it was hippies who dreamt of homesteading, now its rightoid chuds.
other than that its still the same, they have no clue, start buying up way to small plots of land, act all bizarre and eventually fail completely, but not before they ruined the house and land and have been a general nuisanse to the community for years.
they should remain in their urban containment zones and leave rural life to us who are born here.
>>2801684 (OP)
i wish to inherit my grandfathers land but idk if theyre going to sell it. also all my uncles are in the way too so im kinda fucked
My boomer parents had a secondary parcel in the middle of nowhere and they sold it so that they could keep going on cruises.
You can't even speak English, you illiterate savage

Leaving it to you is the same as leaving it to the squirrels and birds, you dumb animal
In central rural mexico and im sure everywhere else in mexico, it was taboo to sell your land outside of the family before my fathers generation. He said he grew up believing that it was dishonorable to sell it for yourself because you'd be taking food out of generations worth of descendant's mouths. It would be especially taboo to sell to people from the city.
Sadly those norms have died with my grandparents generation and everyone sells their inherited land to go do stupid shit with it. Cartel members tend to buy up all the land and do weird shit with it like build compounds or outposts.
It's very sad to see that be the case in the USA as well. I'm sure all that land is swept up by megacorps; which is the US equivalent of cartels the way I've understood it.
That or some stupid beard butter retard who likes collecting vintage axes does >>2804780.
It's all so tiresome...
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>>2801684 (OP)
All I've got is 8000sqft of dry desert.
It's over, it's not possible.
Bought a couple of propane space heaters+extra gas, also a storm kitchen +extra fuel and a small esbit heater + extra tabs

I've also bought a few bottles each of whisky, rum, vodka, jäger and gin. this emergency booze-chest is for either drinking the pain away as my inevitable slow death nears because of circumstances or for bartering valuable goods in the post-apocalyptic world

on a somewhat darker note I've also set up a field bed and a led light on a makeshift nightstand with some books in it in my cellar(which is also my buildings bomb shelter) in case shit gets so spicy I might want to sleep down there during the night
I don't wanna make this into a politics thread, but the world is becoming more multipolar which means more friction and conflict globally. Add onto that a Euro-American split, I think it's far from inevitable (or even likely) that there will be nuclear war but it's definitely closer than it's ever been
>>we're playing 4d chess amirite bros
nothing ever happens.
ayo who tf is you quoting bruh
Hey I've got one of the flame king refillable propane tanks.

Had it in a buddy heater and it made some bizarre gurgling noise then flames out. I assumed the noise was from being low on fuel but when I took it off it felt like it was 3/4 full of water and you could hear it sloshing around.

Any ideas? It sounds damn near full and is pretty heavy.

I've had trouble filling these s I'm not sure theyre safe. I refill it using the 15lb tank on my grill and I either get 20 minutes run time when it's supposed to be "full" but now it's burning the correct time but it seems full of water now?

No clue with these honestly it seems unsafe.
Why do her eyes become like that? Aren't they yellow?
He geekin rn bruh
Salty wannabe country boys

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