Post your boots and what ya use them for!>Ariat Chelsea Waterproof CSA>LandscapingUsed TimbPros, Dakotas, walmart brands for years until I finally bit the bullet. Ariat is love, Ariat is life.
>>2801857Being that this is an outdoor board and all, I use my boots for hiking...I know that's mind-blowing to some of you
>>2801857Happily wearing my short and light Zamberlans for 4 years now, from hiking/camping to everyday grocery shopping Only had to replace insole and glue up a toe protecting flap a bit
>zamberlan 1106>walking, motorcycling, larpingjust went on holiday and did 97 miles in them after a easy month of break in with pretty good results. before I had some comparable ariat boots and they kinda sucked ass. had a shitty time breaking them in, ate up my feet in long walks, and fell to shit in 15 months. they weren't even that much cheaper either.
>>2801857Are these>Ariat Chelsea Waterproof CSA Wide? The Redbacks I wear are sized UK. But a whole size is standard width. The half size up is EEE version of that length (that's what the Redback site explains).So where I need a 10.5 EEE US, I fit much better into a 10.5UK, as it's a bit longer, and nice and wide (wear 2 socks on each foot, and 1 insert. For summer, I add an insert and go to 1 sock per foot).Looking at the size 11.
I have been thinking about buying a pair of Cat Footwear Transform 2.0 Chukka style boots. They wouldn't be a work boot more of a casual boot.
>>2801857anything glued on is trash
>>2802848If the soles of your boot cant last overnight against or near a heater it's not a good bootsewn on soles or go home
>>2801857Spent too much on Jordans in my youth so I just put these insoles in them and bam. They become Hiking/camping boots
I’ve had the same pair on Scarpa’s for 7-8 years now. Best boots I’ve ever owned. They’re my general purpose hiking/camping/hunting/fucking around innnawoods boots. They fit perfectly and are still rock solid after all this time. Almost no wear other than a few spots on the leather. All I do is oil them once or twice a year and don’t put them away caked in mud.
>>2802848All boots are glued on these days. Even the $1200 hand made ones from PNW companies. They just assemble them in a way that they can be easily taken off and replaced.
Wolverine Raider work boots. I wear them to work and to hike. Worn out three pairs in the last ten years, I walk around six miles a day at work. Get fit for insoles and the shoes won't matter as much.
I got the Keen Targhee IV at a really good discount through my work. I've never owned hiking boots, but I have worn tradesman boots extensively. I highly recommend the Keens. I have access to deep discounts on all major boot manufacturers, and I would go with Keen again.My one question is what should I buy for tall waterproof boots? I'm thinking probably not insulated, and I need a boot that won't allow my heel to lift with every step.
How anyone wears anything other than Vivobarefoot Tracker ESC or Vivobarefoot Magna ESC is beyond me.
i have a pair of obnoxiously yellow Crocs that i use for canoeing, its handy because they float, cant absorb water, good for walking in water with and surprisingly warm
>>2803366I also use them to get up and piss at night when I'm camping, hence the yellow, they are my piss shoes
>>2802092Ariat is not so much a manufacturer, as they are a designer and importer. You'll find a huge variance in quality and place of manufacture, especially with their English/equestrian lines. If you find a model that fits well and you're happy with, buy more than one pair as it will likely be changed or discontinued in a year or so.
>>2803367were they yellow before you started using them as your piss shoes?
>>2803997They are cartoonishly yellow
>> didnt answer the questionanon i
>>2804023I did buy them in Germany... yea nah, they were this ugly when I bought them
>Jim green custom ar8>tyre wedge sole>leather insole>Double lasted>leather toe cap>no toe puff or structure added >leather lasting board >shit ton of conditioner/oil >JG wide toebox last They are heavy but extremely comfortable and have taken to my foot shape over the last few months. Use them for work (tradie) and hiking. I have a pair of Solomons for real snow hiking but I wear these in the snow without any issue. Never had water penetrate.
>>2801857I wear steel cap toe boots like this everyday to work. On my feet all day with many steps and my legs/feet never get tired.Would it be a bad idea to use them for /out/ stuff and hiking too? Does anyone else use steel toe boots for /out/
>>2804195>Does anyone else use steel toe boots for /out/What would be the point of that?
>>2804050>tyre wedge soledo you mean car tires? i have been thinking of trying this out and adding them myself to some boots your picture says that maybe it does mean that but i want to be sure..
>>2804271Not actual car tire, it's the name of the sole on Jim Greens site. I wanted no heel and something grippy enough for dirt hills while hiking (boreal forest, lots of elevation changes). Also lugs get dirty and a hard to clean. Note most all of their soles are very soft real rubber and wear down quickly.
scarpa sl-activs, very very comfy
>>2804195They get cold and if you walk far enough the edge of the cap digs into your feet
>>2804290Just go to the faq page and look to the sole section and they will tell you if it is a softer blown rubber composition or tougher solid rubber. Most their original designs use solid rubber. The razorback, highlander, vellies.Jim Greens a good value but is just get the solid rubber and plan to buy your own insoles to wear in these. If I was to go for a lighter weight and price though I'd forego the silly ranger boots and get a vellie instead. $99 on sale and solid rubber. Easy to tie, lighter in weight and I find just tall enough to wear gaiters over them.
>>2801857thank you for the boot thread OP. Irish Setter Elk Tracker. for general outdoors use. while I haven't put them "through the ringer" as much as others, I've had them for a while and they're very comfy, warm, water resistant, and have held up pretty well. stitching is starting to come undone in some places on the upper and the laces tore after about 5 years of ownership.
>>2804915Irish Setter Trailblazer* forgot the name after a while
>>2804915I wear setters too but steel toe, freight train conductor and engineer
I got a pair of asolos because someone that worked back country recommended them but they delamed right away. These are the replacements they gave me already starting to bug out. I got the Zamberlans a year after and theyre my favorite boot I've ever had.
I feel...
>>2804915Where is that background?
helly hansen arctic patrol, i work lift maintenance at a ski resort.
>>2805068Near Piriaka, New Zealand. Took the pic when I was on a trip there. Absolutely stunning place.
>>2803228I found my answer: Lacrosse Alpha Burly uninsured boots.
>>2805534>insuring your bootsdo americans really?
>>2801857i got these cheap-o caterpillar work boots, i use them for hiking, camping, yard work, anything messy. i soaked them in beeswax to help waterproof them, and i clean and reapply the wax every month or so, or until they start soaking thru again.
>>2801857What boots would you rec for the Appalachian Trail? Or would you use those trail running shoes?