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>Body tricks itself into thinking its overheating when in reality it's freezing causing you to take off clothing and freeze even faster
What cruel joke.
>What cruel joke.
Not really. Why die slowly when you can get it over with quickly?
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What is the point of this thread?
Brother if you think that's the dumbest thing about the human body...
>needs to drink water
>drinking too much water will kill you
>needs to breathe air
>whoops now you got a rogue oxygen molecule ind your brain and you going to have a seizure
>need to eat food
>oh no, wrong throat tube now your choking to death
>can't sleep?
>well, I hope you do within 3 days or your organs will start failing for no reason
The list goes on and on
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We can go deeper.

>you need oxygen and water to survive
>oxygen and water are the major causes of constant inflammation in the body due to the process of oxidation (resulting in 99% of all damage you will ever sustain)
>you would literally be immortal if not for water and oxygen

Let's go even deeper
>water can be both an acid or a base and your skin cells (like most cells) absorb water to prevent the damage of water found in nature
>the idea being that the water found in your cells is slightly less damaging than the water found in the environment (osmosis saturation new water cannot readily enter) since your skin will mix it with electrolytes, antioxidants, and oil

>oh by the way you have a literal alien parasite in your body that has hijacked all of your cells called Mitochondria that will give you lots of energy, but in exchange you have to keep ingesting more oxygen molecules
According to biblical tales we use to live for hundreds of years. Which could have happened if we did not have mitochondria which speeds up our metabolism to such absurd degrees for no reason at times.
Effectively the 3-5 seconds of sped up metabolism upon their activation would result over a lifetime from you going 60-90 years of life to at least triple (3 seconds).
So around 180 years minimum to 270 maximum.
Methuselah being over 900 years.

>Anon you're schizoing
>According to biblical tales
lol, lmao even
Evolutionarily the human body is shit tier. The only advantage we have is sentience and dexterous hands.
You're missing the point.
you're missing a few braincells, but at least you have more chromosomes
>the joke
>your head
Dude, it's literally a shitpost on a mongolian techno remixing blog.
You can calm down.

I swear fucking Jeets never stop seething the moment anyone mentions Christianity even as an ironic mention.
its not the body, but the mind ceasing to function
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The Bible is a historical document whether you're religious or not. Fo back and finish highschool so you don't embarass yourself
>historical document
well, it literally isn't, its a collaborative work of fiction with multiple authors, would be like calling the brothers Grimm fairytales "historical documents"

was there some jewish guy named Jesus who tried to start a cult, sure, probably, did a dude magically split an ocean? nah

its not 2009 anymore you ancient hat tipping losers.
>the religious texts of past civilizations are not historical documents
>come on, just believe in my bronze age religion dude, we got a really boring book and internalized shame! whole bunch of child abuse too! fun for the whole family as we like to say. surely you would be morally corrupt you you weren't threatened with eternal damnation for the benevolent sky wizard?!
yeah... nah, im good
>internalized shame
God forbid you not act like a complete degenerate and hold yourself accountable for your actions. the horror.

low iq freak
>he honestly believes shame is a useful tool for morally self regulating
might as well castrate yourself and eat nothing but oats and water until you die at 32, come on, just because you dont believe in the dead jew on a stick who was simultaneously the enteties (and totally not brought from a cuck relationship) some how makes you a degenerate, its like saying you are a bad neighbor because you dont respect the teachings of Odin about cutting firewood for your neighbor so they can survive the winter
What board am I on? Holy shit..
its not shame its accountability. also telling you cant write a single sentence without your deviant sexpest mind leaking out into the text
/out/ has a large portIon of out of touch old farts who stIll think its 2008
only a complete freak would think elevating the dignity of man and aspiring to be more than a mindless animal is a bad thing
>accountability requires an immortal, all knowing sky wizard
and Santa knows if you've been naughty or nice
that is what a 40 year old midwit with no knowledge of anything would say
no its being accountable with yourself to live with dignity and bring yourself closer to the originator of all creation and logos
Man, I never knew zoomers were so religious and thought books of literal fiction were now fact lmao. Zoomers must think the parting of the sea was a real life event LMAO
>closer to the originator of all creation
now, which god would that be? the ones your parents believed in i assume?
there is only one God
>just, JUST believe in the desert jew okay!!!
no matter what you do in this life to distract yourself from God it will not prevent you having to face the weIght of your sins when you die.
Says your fairytales
this is simply a logical reality whether you choose to accept Christ or not. you havent reached a cognitive level past the 7th grade yet so therei s little else to say. it seems some people dont grow mentally after the age of 14.
>logical reality
>accept Christ
Son, you are either dillusional or schizophrenic, get help, sincerely.
yes the shroud of turin is real and impossible to replicate, men do not die for lies, and salvation through grace and sacrifice is common sense.are you developmentally disabled or something?or is this your first day on the internet and on this website?
>yes the shroud of turin is real and impossible to replicate.literal proven fake.
>common sense.
Brother, fire up those neurons and get them working again, deprogram from the cult you were born into, and think an original thought for the first time in your life.
i wasnt born into anything. unlike i got over the angsty atheist phase that most get when they're 14. everything you say is textbook reddit slop
Brother I'm 30.
Kind of like how you feel cold when you have a fever. No idea what the evolutionary advantage is there.

Not that anon, but that's pretty depressing. I grew out of my edgy atheist phase right around my mid-20s. You sound like you came straight from the r/atheist bootcamp.
man you really are low iq
>being an atheist in your 30s

:DDD benis
where do i get more these so called "Mitochondria" so i can become super man?
let me tell you about spine issues and why the human body is not adapted to sitting on its ass for 10 hours a day
He can be both.
It doesn't "trick you" when your body gets cold the blood concentrates in the centre of the body to keep the organs function properly but when hypothermia sets in the blood rushes to the extremities and it feels as though you're overheating
Edgelords jumping on you, but that one creationist group that got their hands on a hyperbaric chamber produced some interesting results. If I remember correctly they showed an increase in longevity in your standard drosophilia under both hyperbaric and hyperoxygenated conditions, with an amplified effect when applying both simultaneously. That combined with trapped atmospheric samples showing higher oxygen levels previously really does suggest that the extended lifespans mentioned in the bible could be much more than metaphor or story-telling.

For me it's the great flood, a culturally nearly universal tale. 40 days and nights of rain. Should be impossible if you're le science man. Except we now know that during a magnetic reversal the L1 and L2 shells of the magnetosphere come into the atmosphere, allowing the penetration of the solar wind, which is primarily ionized hydrogen. Ionized hydrogen mixing with atmospheric O2 gives... water.

Where did that more abundant oxygen go? Your schizopost about methuselah may have hit the nail on the head.
Yeah I would believe that there may be some credibility to that biological argument regarding lifespan and oxygen but would the oxygen levels change THAT much over the course of only thousands of years? I'd like to assume first that because the calendars humanity has used have changed constantly since the dawn of time perhaps what they considered a year was vastly different which would explain why so people were 200 or 300 years old
It's a good thought to explore, but I figure the year is pretty well sacred as a concept of human thought. We can see this with all the sites repurposed for burial in Europe, with stonehenge, with Gobekli Tepi. Very precise alignments for vernal equinox specifically. The seasons are life to any non-industrial civilization (industrial ones too, we just forget).

As far as O2 fluctuations go, I find it a head scratcher myself. If we take the story literally then 40 days and nights of rain is a lot of atmospheric O2 to take out of the system. Of course, with the magnetosphere depressed enough for that to happen we'd likely also see atmospheric venting. Goebekli Tepi uses star charts to indicate some kind of calamity about 12.5k years ago.

In picrel we see a collection of similar 'stick man' depictions. It's an unusual form found across the globe - I pulled this from an article about more found in Hawaii. The upper left most depiction is not an ancient drawing, but a drawing of the plasma formation you get when you have both a weakened magnetic field and a monster of a solar flare. The magnetosphere gets compressed so much that there is, functionally, arcing between the magnetosphere and the surface of the Earth. The result is a plasma structure like this stretching into the sky.

If we accept for a moment that there was a concurrent magneto-solar calamity like this, then we also have to consider that the initial impact of the CME would likely strip a lot of atmosphere away (accounting for the reduced atmospheric pressure).

Incidentally we would have a point on the opposite side of the planet that undergoes massive rapid freezing as air rushes away to fill the displaced portion of atmosphere. This would account for the 'flash-frozen mammoth' idea that floats around (and is hotly contested by one guy whose article got copy-pasted to dozens of websites lol).
Shut up moron
Too many schizos for a board dedicated to the outside.
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dude there are way weirder and more hard to believe conspiracies than magic desert Jew gods and they actually deal with science all the time.

>What is 9th Configuration Theory
>science says Earth is X years old
>Religion says Earth is Y years old
>The amount of amino acids that exist on the planet, now, then, and forever after require the Earth to be numerous untold times over and over again in exponentials older than the oldest estimate that has ever been suggest because of how amino acids spontaneously create
>only other alternative is that in a tiny number of years early on in the Earth's atmosphere creation a chaotic shitstorm of literal fucking alchemy could force amino acid creation
>the absurdity of such is so high that it is impossible, on a planet that coincidently already is impossible to be in the perfect place and the perfect time

>implying that no scientist is even close to understanding how the Earth works and a literal God being is now more likely to exist because it might as well be magic you believe in otherwise

So yeah believe in space magic or believe in a god.
is a water event like that anon says really so silly to ponder? on a completely hypothetical stance?
Holy shit you're all so dumb.

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