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>look at weather forecasts for Feb
>winter is basically over
>avg temps in the 40s, with maybe a few lows in the 20s
>only a few days of snow predicted
This is so depressing. Where can I go in the US that still gets snow reliably until like April or March that isn't Alaska and is actually cold?
>>2803375 (OP)
Gee I wonder... come on anon it's not that hard to figure out
I don't know man. I'm looking at other states like Adirondacks in NY, NH White Mountains, and upper Maine and it's not looking good.
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>>2803375 (OP)
>oh no it's a la Nina year global warming is real and my life is ruined!
You could always kys it would improve my 4chan experience.
idk what your issue is, no one is trying to insert politics here. Maybe try /pol/
>>2803375 (OP)
Just go anywhere in the mountains
Snowpack peaks in April for most of the Rockies
>>2803375 (OP)
Mt. Hood is snow capped year round, and you can get there via transit (light rail from the airport, then two busses).
>>2803375 (OP)
So you see a week where it might be warm and you're having a retard shitfit?
Grow the fuck up you stupid fucking child.
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Winter is effectively over for the majority of states that don't have mountains. Plus it's an La Nina year so it's going to get warmer sooner than later.
high elevation still is gonna be snowy and icy in the east until mid march
its only mild in the valleys and coastal plain
yeah but um, all the best hiking is in the mountains, i promise there's still some snow in the mountains, believe me i fucking hate driving in the snow, let alone hiking in it, usually takes till mar
this is just a nice milder patch
>>2803375 (OP)
I got more snow in April/May last year than I did in Dec/Jan....that being said I have. Winter Storm Warning hoisted for this weekend and we are supposed to get dumped on.
Where are you located?
That map isn't predictive for this winter. Last winter was an abnormally light year round here.
What's it like being nonsentient?
northern rockies
>>2803375 (OP)
I'm boutta put ya on game, you need to go outside
>>2803375 (OP)
We keep getting cucked where I am. This time the forecasts all showed solid snow from Friday-Monday, all the way up until Thursday evening, when they suddenly turned into a little bit of rain and nothing else. Now they're showing snow for next Thursday but I'm not holding my breath. Feb-April is the real snow season here so hope isn't all lost but it's still annoying.
Good. Fuck winter.

>just for a walk bro!
>spend 20 minutes getting ready
>it's either dark or overcast
> -20 degrees outside
>50 mph wind blowing wet snow in my face
>sidewalks are frozen slush

Yeah real fucking fun
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sucks to be (you)
>it got chilly in Texas so the fact that places normally cold have seen on average 10 more above freezing days in January compared to a century ago is invalid, checkmate sois!
You octaroons from the mid south are a joke.
Move to Guatemala you spiritual wetback.
I live in Iowa and I like the snow, it makes everything look clean and white and it makes the night brighter and the city quieter. However, we have gotten less snow this year than FLORIDA and I'm despondent.
Inflammatory bump
>-6 degrees forecasted for my area on wednesday
>mid february
god that is so COLD even for mid february standards even. I love winter so much.
Well I'm a spiritually aware person so I am indeed a wetback

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