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What ultralight gear do you use?
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>>2803497 (OP)
You expect me to believe they folded that entire backpack up into that tiny bag in the top right?
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It's true.
>>2803497 (OP)
The definition of that changes pretty much every year.
>>2803497 (OP)
what is the usecase for this?
where would I put it? my other backpack?
I refuse to believe this
I use a similar kind of bag for dayhikes when I travel to national parks and set my stuff up in a campsite, that way I don't have to carry everything with me on every hike
Yes. If you're backpacking for multiple months or a year then you would use the small backpack as a daypack or for carry-on while leaving your larger pack at the hostel or as checked bagged.
https://youtu.be/cWP-Uu2dOVs [Embed]
>>2803497 (OP)
The one called exercise.
Not being a skinnyfat noodle makes most gear ultralight.
Not op but my use case for something similar is travel abroad.
I just got back from a month in Japan and I would go out in the morning with something like this in my jacket pocket and if I found something in a shop that day I wanted, I would deploy the bag and put the stuff in it and carry it the rest of the day.
On warm days I would take off my jacket and put it in the bag and carry it.
It is much more acceptable in public to wear a small backpack than It is to carry random stuff or your jacket.

For actual gear, that shit is nothing more than bullshit. I can't think of many use cases out in the bush.
Only emergency situations or hunting. I guess I could see it if you go out with it in your pocket and slingshot rabbits, you can field dress them and shove the carcasses in the backpack and wear it. That way you fuck it up with blood and not your actual pack, and you can store it separately or ditch it in bear areas.
>>2803497 (OP)
a klymit sleeping mat. Because sleeping mats that can handle -25C are too damn expensive, so I bought one of those skeletonized mats and let my sleeping bags do the insulating.

That's it. All other ultralight gear I've seen or tried was overpriced garbage, and considering that I meet the "weight goals" the ultralightcucks kvetch about with milsurp (~3kg with water and food in summer, ~6-8kg in winter, + 3-5kg water for the last km or so before I make camp), I don't see the point of paying 10x more just to save one kg.
Especially considering that the largest weight reduction I could do would be my pack, and having carried frameless packs for a while, it's simply not worth it. Sure, the numbers on the scale go down, but having to carry the wieght on your shoulders instead of your hips messes up your back.
Or, you know, just use a proper pack. Even civy packs have lids that can be used as daypacks nowadays.
With those, you don't need to repack, you just pop a few buckles and you're good to go.
Overpriced? This NatureHike pack was like 15 Dollars.
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It fits everything I need and it's light.
>15$ for a tiny daypack
a sustainment pouch at my local milsurp store is 2€ right now. Well, three weeks ago when I went there last, but you get the idea. About the same size, almost the same weight, most likely better material (750 or 1000D Nylon... can't get much better than that). Sure, it's a molle bag with a strap for solo use, and it's in fucking ICU.But still, it's a better bag all around, and almost a tenth of the price. And more importantly, I can stick it on the side of my main pack with the molle, giving way more options than just having another backpack lying around.

But I think we both know that most ultralight gear is well into the three digit range. While I don't mind spending big on good equipment, I'd rather pay less for more than the other way around.
Banana Nectar 1l
>what is the usecase for this?
For me it's to go shopping. Mostly when I'm not getting heavy/bulky stuff.
But I'm europoor, I have 7 supermarkets within walking distance.
For day hikes I use a lumbar pack.
ok neverserved
I'll take it tomorrow for a 20km walk. Do you really need more?
>seething over people using surplus
Asians can’t into milk packing
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I think all of my gear is completely ultralight, when I got into hiking I just bought the most expensive gear possible from top brands. What's depressing is that due to my severe social anxiety I only go out hiking once a month, I have so much mountaineering gear I've never used, one day I will use it.
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Anxiety? Just go to the mountains alone.
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I can't I have severe social anxiety,and don't trust my skills enough to hike higher peaks mid winter. Sometimes I drive 3 hours to a mountain and then see cars parked there and I freeze, and I just sit in my car and then drive 3 hours back home again.
I do this too.
>Sometimes I drive 3 hours to a mountain and then see cars parked there and I freeze, and I just sit in my car and then drive 3 hours back home again
Holy shit are you me
Jesus. At least hit the trail before calling it a day.

I used to think there's no shame in turning around. But if you don't even leave the car.....

It's crazy how animeposters can do big climbs in the middle of winter while frogposters have trouble even getting out of the car.
>Sometimes I drive 3 hours to a mountain and then see cars parked there and I freeze, and I just sit in my car and then drive 3 hours back home again.
IKTF, anon.
Although I wouldn't drive that far to fuck it all up, it was usually 15-30 minutes for trails on the outskirts of town. (I was socially anxious, I didn't have money for fuel)
I remember one time, I went to a local trail around a dam, I stop the car, go to the car boot to grab my backpack (there's really no need for a backpack. but I like taking one), turn around, see two chicks coming down the trail and I proceed to put my backpack in the boot again and drive off.
I fucked off out of there before they even got close to my car. I always wondered if they thought I was trying to dump a dead body or something.
...are complete madmen that should be locked up in the local mental hospital, since they are more often than not troons.

> frogposters
...are posting Apu, the internet's prime character for retarded autism.
>>2803497 (OP)
>sierra designs flex capacitor 60-80
>MSR Hubba Hubba NX2
Don’t know if they are “ultralight”. Have a thermorest Xtherm and a Rab Ascent 900. Fuck being cold. Still managed to carry 60lb through waist deep snow a few weeks ago and then 75lb the week after with no snow.
Wouldn’t call it ultralight camping, or even light. Need to stop taking shit I don’t need
>lolicon levels at 40k
When out on an overnight or multiple night hike you can drop your heavy pack and take a packable one with some essentials for a side attraction off your trail such as a nice view for lunch.
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Is there a difference between the snowpeak trek 900 and 1400 that you get separate and the ones in the combo?
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You niggers are insane. I regularly drive 2.5-3+ hours to hike and when I get there I'd rather fight a moose than turn around.
Waking up at 4 am and spend half a tank of gas or more getting there to then turn around is nuts, not to mention that eats up 6 hours of prime daylight.
>>2803497 (OP)
Ok if that backpack actually folds up that small please tell me what it’s called. I’m not sure what I’d use it for, but it looks neat and activates my gearlust.
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I use a small cross body bag for documents/electronics when I go out or leave my bag somewhere. I leave a 19L compressible crossbody bag inside if I do any shopping. (Pictured left)

IMO looks nice and innocuous.
naturehike 18L packable backpack
Thanks, I’m not sure how useful this is for me, but it’s neat. Does anyone know if there is a duffel bag like this?
Closest I've found to a duffel bag

You can also go into AliExpress and buy the non-branded version of those, they're like $5-6.
Since they won't carry much weight and have no comfort features, there's basically nothing that can justify buying a branded one.

>>2803497 (OP)
I don't understand the ultralight fad.

The gear is either ultra expensive and delicate, or it's incredibly cheap and you may get just a couple uses out of it.

What's the point?

When I went backpacking innawoods for a week my full frame pack was around 110lbs, while my now wife at the time was carrying her pack of ~70lbs.

Is ultralight gear for liftlets? I don't understand.
This nigga carrying cast iron pans to go 3 miles into the woods lol
Affiliate link, lulz

Search nature hikes 18l by yourself.
>if your gear doesn't weigh .38 ounces you can't go more than a mile!
Weak basedling.
it's not an affiliate link retard
I weigh less than your pack, what is there to understand, it's made for people who are not your size
Packing list? Im curious.
long travels mixed activities.

generally when you need to check in or store your bag. like on bus/plane/Train ride.

when you do a day activity away from base camp (when you can leave gear behind safely) like a summit push or a trip to town.

i mean why not do baby steps with small hikes? go very early or remote if hate people.

if the gear breaks i can buy new stuff and cooooonsuuuuuuume!

ask yourself in what scenario will you be able to hike further/faster etc
A) a 30 LBS pack
B) a 60 LBS pack

What use is going farther or faster ?
1 hour faster in the 8h trip ? 1 more hour for a relaxed lunch break at the lake!
1 more mile in you before you tire and need to make camp ? You can do longer trips or harder routes!

add more comforts for equal weight.
2500g sleeping bag or 1000 sleeping bag and a 1000g Pillow ?
>”fad” that’s been around for 35 years
Really there are very old examples, but the early 90’s is when it really took off.

>doesn’t understand the weight-price-durability triangle
Light, expensive gear isn’t fragile or delicate. Cheap, light gear is. And cheap, tough gear isn’t light. Light weight, cheap, or durable: you can pick two. There’s also the basic principle of just leaving shit at home that you don’t need, so the consumer meme doesn’t always fit. And there are super cheap, super durable, ultralight options out there, some of which are very popular (like SmartWater bottles and Fancy Feast stoves).

>doesn’t know the backpacking “hike vs” camp” conundrum
This is what you don’t get (you admitted it). All backpacking trips can be broken down into two parts: hiking and camping. You chose to be comfortable in your hike or comfortable at camp. There’s often a give and take. More comfort while you’re moving often means less at camp. And vice versa, like lugging a folding chair for 8 hours just to lounge around a campfire because it’s comfy.

Time factors in as well. Do you want to spend more time hiking, viewing, exploring, and so on, or relaxing and lounging in camp? It’s why the term “ultralight camping” isn’t in the common lexicon. “Ultralight hiking” and “ultralight backpacking” obviously are.

>made up scenario about a make believe woman
>doesn’t know what baseweight is
Post pack list that’s 110lbs without food and water. Or are you such a new faggot that you count consumables?

>durr durr me so strong
Surely you would know that’s it’s easier to deadlift 275 than 315 for the same number of reps. Some people like >>2805732 talk about going further and faster, but there’s also the absolute fact that you can just be more comfortable over the same distance.
>>2803497 (OP)
my ultralight 12" cast iron skillet
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They also have the 22L model.

>Post pack list that’s 110lbs without food and water. Or are you such a new faggot that you count consumables?
Food and water have weight, retard neverout basement monkey.
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Are brazilian nuts the most calory dense solid food for the trail?
no one quotes pack weight with food and water included stupid nigger
Damn, I was right. Total newfag. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being new and clueless, it why in the holy fuck would you have such a shit attitude knowing full well that you don’t know what you’re talking about?
Which one is it, retard?
fire up your brain wrinkles for a couple seconds and figure out why including water weight is pointless for comparisons
bro you can train yourself out of this, i never did that for a 3h trip but felt very similarly when i started hiking and still is a pain sometimes but my point: you start by being very careful with which trails you choose, do a lot of research beforehand on wikiloc/alltrails/whatever and check every possible option you have to leave your car. look at google maps street view of the parking, how the road is, what's the next best spot you can use if there's people at the main parking. like, make a detailed plan with plan A, plan B, plan C, and if you can't do that then look for a different hike where you can. and look up the whole road segment beforehand, where can you turn around, predict from which point you will be able to see who is at the parking already, and slow down at that point so that you have time to coldly analyze if you can park or leave

when you are so retarded, every outing will be an adventure and you will learn to love the adventure itself, and the panic of people will eventually become lower and lower. nowadays i encounter hikers in my trail and idgaf, and that realization has been slowly been creeping on me but now it's clear, i am aware of how much i've improved, how above i am today of that dumb shit and that is the greatest reward. i think going out is the greatest tool for this
oh and the most important thing, the earlier you arrive the less likely anyone will be already there. sometimes if it's far an option can be going there late the previous night, sleeping in the car and waking up early. sleeping in your car is very good because people are scared of you if anything, because of looking and behaving like a hobo. it got easy for me very quickly
What do you guys think is gonna happen? They will just say hello and keep walking. All you need to do is say "hello" and keep walking.

I'm super autistic but never really had social anxiety like that. It sounds horrible. I know this seems silly but have you considered simply bush wacking? I feel like that would be a sure fire way to not interact with people.
>managed to carry 60lb through waist deep snow
>Wouldn’t call it ultralight camping

No shiiit lmfao

>Need to stop taking shit I don’t need

I feel this so hard lol
>IMO looks nice and innocuous.

Other than being Northface. That brand basically screams "come rob me, I have nice stuff and am unaware of my surroundings"
Not this anon but I wanna point out that you cant have adventure without conflict. Otherwise it's just casual exploration.

Just frame it as "part of the trials" and then conquer it. Saying "Hello" to strangers is the same as climbing the mountain: A challenge to be overcome.
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lets start with the big 4:

Naturehike Rock 60+5L
weight: 1.1kg

zen bivy Flex Air
weight: 710g, R5

sleep system:
zen bivy Ultralight Bed
weight: around 1kg, -12C limit

nordisk telemark 2.2 LW
weight: around 1kg
BRS 3000T
+ titanum pot

+ some super lightweight dynafit carbon trekking poles which are amazing to hike with.
So you want a pack strapped to your pack, making it bulky and ugly, instead of having a small pack that scrunches up when not needed, hmm
not bag related but can someone please recommend me some decent hiking pants (bonus points if they zip off into shorts) its the last thing I need to be sorted.
Any large retards here not get too beat up over weight? I am 6'4 and 275 lbs; I have a very nice, very wide and tall sleeping pad and bag from Big Agnes (Sleeping Bag: 4lbs 14 oz.
Sleeping Pad: 40oz., 3 person tent with rain fly and everything is6lbs). That is already about 15lbs and while I could cut weight, how the hell do I find stuff that fits me but shaves off lbs? I know the tent I could get lighter but i am too cheap to spend $450 on a tent just to save 2/3 lbs.
>be 100 pounds overweight
>penny pinching grams
Typical ultralightie redditoid
Quiet twink. Also, I am not penny pinching grams, I said this was my current set up and I use it fine, and was asking if anyone didn't care too much about weight savings.
>nooo you drink water so the water you carry doesn't weigh anything you stupid fucking fascist!
Maybe it's for the best you don't try to go UL. You're too dumb for it, could get hurt.
Cut off your arms
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>Just go to the mountains alone.
What could possibly go wrong?
Don't be a retard and have high vril energy.
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>HAHA your dum coz you think water weighs something you should never go out ever LOL I WIN CHUD!
What I pack contributes to the weight that I am carrying, sorry your retard brain can't comprehend this basic fact. Water and food have weight, and therefore are included in the tally, no matter how stupid, retarded, brain-damaged, high, or ignorant you are.
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>I don't understand the ultralight fad
It's for people who don't understand basic physics and believe that having 5kg straight on your shoulders is better for your back than having 10kg on your hips. Once you start using a lightweight, frameless pack, the first mucles to fail are those in your back, you start hunching over towards the end of the hike (assuming you're going near your limits) and get backpain the next day. So then you start trying to reduce your weight, but it doesn't remove the problem, so you reduce your weight further, and eventually you try to eat soup with picrel.
>my full frame pack was around 110lbs
That sounds a bit extreme, though. I'm using mostly milsurp (carinthia def 4, alice packs etc) and cheap stainless steel cookgear, and I barely get over 10kg even in winter (not counting water, since I only fill that up for the last stretch before camp - that's another 5 kg). Are bringing water for the entire week or something?
Maybe circlejerking UL fags don#t. For the rest of us, what matters is the weight actually in the pack.
It makes a massive difference if you're in the woods, able to refill your canteen every 100m or so, or in the desert, where you need to bring all water you'll need.
The whole concept of ultralight just revolves around consumption, expenditure and products.
And as such most of these threads are full of paid shills trying to promote stupid brands.

You know what's ultralight? Not bringing expensive junk with you into the woods. A plastic bag is ultralight
2 quarts of water
a tent
a sleeping bag
a sleeping mat
90 lbs of socks
Food and water weight change with the length of a trip. Food for five days is heavier than food for three days, and food weight lessens as a trip progresses. Water weight fluctuates throughout the day.

Baseweight has as few variables as possible.

>it’s consumption
Step 1: don’t bring things you don’t need
Step 2: repurpose disposable water bottles instead of using Nalgene bottles
Step 3: SuperCat

This often progresses to the final stage, and the inverse of consumerism: DIY your own shelter.
Is funny how they think sleeping under a tarp with half a sleeping pad is "consumerism" while they jerk each other off with how much shit they can cram into their packs before their knees explode lol
I clicked on one (1) add for Zen Bivy and now my entire Facebook feed is nothing but advertisements for the same sleeping bag.

My four:
>Osprey Exos from 2014
>JRB Mt Washington 3/4 length 20° underquilt
>JRB Shenandoah 40° quilt
>Dutchware halfzipped 1.2 Hexon hammock w/ 1” poly webbing and beetle buckles
>DIY tarp in 0.9oz MEMBRANE silpoly (basically ripped off the Warbonnet design with beaks), zing it guylines

Stove is a Supercat. I was using an Imusa mug for years but was never too happy with the handle. I switched to a titanium Toaks mug and used it for the first time this weekend. Bretty gud. The handle is honestly perfect and I wish I’d switched years ago.

Frameless packs are deep into retard territory. They’re up there with 1/8 CCF pads and removing tags from clothing.
>Frameless packs are deep into retard territory.
Eh mine works fine for what I bought it for; fast day hikes and 1/2-nighters in the three season where I can keep the total weight under 15lbs
>they jerk each other off with how much shit they can cram into their packs before their knees explode lol
>noooo my knees are going to explode if I carry 40 pounds AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Holy fuck do some fucking squats you basedguzzling skinnyfat.

>Food and water weight change with the length of a trip
Yes, they have weight. Stop pretending that they don't with your memeshit magic weight measurement that YOU brought up when I talked about the weight I set out with.
>everyone is wrong except me
Do you really think k you’re the smartest guy on the internet, and no one is more experienced than you are? Have you never deferred to experts, ever?
>this is what my pack weighed when I set out
Wow so that 150 pound set of food barrels I portaged with my group for a month actually didn't weigh anything because they ended the trip at 60 pounds? WOW, what magic have you discovered to make food weightless, little retard man?
how low does your IQ have to be completely unable to understand something as simple as pack weight
He's just ashamed he was discovered to have not known something everyone else does so his ego must protect itself by declaring it worthless
It's one of the most annoying behaviors of autists
you're a dork lol
They are in my pack. They have weight. Pretending otherwise is insurmountably retarded at every level imaginable even if you huff your own farts and pretend otherwise.
Go larp with your cheap plastic "gear" somewhere else, the real men here aren't going to lie about what they carry in for some mentally-ill dick measuring contest, and then try to make that out as something superior.
>fast day hikes and 1/2-nighters in the three season where I can keep the total weight under 15lbs
...With water weight and food, or without it?
Sorry, had to ask.

Anyways, what's the point of bringing a backpack for a dayhike? I normally just bring a water bottle + filter (in a pouch on a sling) and some snacks (in cargo pockets). Never quite understood why all the cityfags lug around their full brand-name backpacks when they're literally just walking 2-3 km between two busstops, with clean water flowing right next to the trail.
>total weight
15lbs including food and water

>what's the point of bringing a backpack for a dayhike?
Easy way to carry 2-3k calories and extra layers and misc accessories like a headlamp and a stove for a comfy lunch break. I like to bring enough to not die at night should I break a leg or something which most of the year is just a puffy and rain jacket+pants but includes a tarp and quilt in the colder months.
Some people bring their whole overnight kit "just in case" which seems a bit much to me but most people who really get fucked if you read SAR stories are dayhikers who didn't bring anything so it's not completely irrational.
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>They are in my pack
Not for the whole hike.

>cheap plastic “gear”
Explain this sentence please. Do you think ultralight gear is cheap? Is your shelter not made of nylon or polyester? What’s your pad made of? What’s your pack made of? Rain gear? Are you in the wrong thread? Pic rel? Why is the word “gear” in quotes?

>dick measuring contest
Everyone eventually goes through their gear and decides where they can save some weight. Where you you even getting this? No one is saying their pack is lighter or their gear is superior. No one has compared weights. It’s like you made up someone in your mind, had an imaginary argument with him, and are now expressing your anger here.
>Not for the whole hike.
Which means that they are there and weigh something.

>Is your shelter not made of nylon or polyester? What’s your pad made of? What’s your pack made of? Rain gear?
I use canvas, cotton, wool, and natural rubber, which are waxed to be waterproof if necessary because I don't believe in covering myself in plastic for the entirety of my life.

>Everyone eventually goes through their gear and decides where they can save some weight
Yes, but I don't lie and claim that my food doesn't weigh anything. I claimed total weight, you are the one that started throwing an end of the world tantrum that I had to lie about what I was carrying, crying about """base weight""" when that was never what I was talking about.
If I'm setting out with something in my bag, I'm going to count that and I'll tell people about it. Not sorry if that triggers you.
>I use canvas, cotton, wool, and natural rubber, which are waxed to be waterproof if necessary
So I was right: you somehow wondered into the wrong thread, and now you’re mad.

You don’t hike. You’re literally a 19th century larper. Weight isn’t an issue when you’re just a few hundred feet from your car.
you're the only one triggered retard.
regardless of your opinion on it, including water and food in your quoted pack weight is NOT the norm.
cry about it all you want, I'll still go further, faster than you.
you're a camper not a hiker.
>including water and food in your quoted pack weight is NOT the norm.
Yeah, you mentally ill faggotlights love to lie about what you carry in some retarded dick measuring contest, we get it.
>reeEEEEEeeeEEE you don't hike because you don't like plastic!!!
Last June I went on a 30 day canoe trip up though quebec and labrador to the ocean, go larp with your plastic shit somewhere else.
I remember the jacket sleeping bag cru and space blanket/tarp cru trying to get into the sub 5 pound zone for long distance trail running. Smallest amount of crap I ever went on a 3 day trip with was like 20 pounds and that still afforded me a tent.
Less weight theoretically means you should be able to go further and with less stress on your body. I think there is also a purism to doing the reductions and eliminating crap you don't actually need to go backpacking. 110 lbs is insane though. I did 70lbs for a week long 60 mile backpacking trip and the majority of that was food which whittled me down to under 50 lbs by the end. 110lbs is crazy.
>I don't hike
yeah we know

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