Anons.... It is the middle of winter and there's been barely any snowfall here in the southern Carpathians. Are you also experiencing global warming? Barely any rain too.Obviously this is just the low land but still the elevation is 700m, there aught to be some snow here at this time of year.
luckythere's still just enough snow and cold here to make it annoying hiking in snow and ice fucking sucks, no interest in that, i'll trade you + supposed to get more snow next week
>>2804232>i'll trade you + supposed to get more snow next weekBuddy the lake has been drying up like crazy. You do not want to trade places with me, this whole region is dying.While yes hiking in this weather is peak comfy, however it will all die if we get another two more winters of this bullshit.
>>2804240>it will all dieWhat do you mean? The mountains will still be there. Vegetation and wildlife will change when climate conditions change, but it will still be there.
>>2804274they dont change thatfast i reckon
>>2804231had like a week total of snow coverage down here in eastern europa. dont really care about global warming or climate change or what not but winters here get progressively worse every year. just 10 years ago temperatures were dropping below -30C on occasion, now you'd be lucky to see -10 even for a day, what a shame
>>2804275True. New species will immediately and continuously settle in. Once a new climate equilibrium is reached, change will stop.>>2804286>-30°C to -10°C>a change for the worsePersonally, I'm not a fan of the cold. Snow is nice, though.
>>2804274>Vegetation and wildlife will change when climate conditions change, but it will still be there.The only reason this valley is so special is the (artificial) lake and the virtually untouched forest of European maple. If climate change kicks in like this the maples will fade and it'll become gay and infested with accacias (yes they are not native and are a pain to traverse), trees of heave (we call it false vinegar tree) and shitty Douglas firs.Also the birch is already starting to die. And I fucking love birch. Of course the forests will not go anywhere, however I will never experience this forests former splendor. My uncle used to tell me how cool this place was 20 years ago.... Outright waterfalls would drop into the lake. Nowadays the lake is literally dying too. You can practically walk 1km on mud where there used to be a lake not 5 years ago. It is really bad.Kind of stupid to have a house on a lake if the lake is drying up. And if the valley in which it is located is also changing its makeup. These are purely selfish concerns mind you. Of course life will find a way.
>>2804286Do you live in Irkutsk or something? Ha ha.Sounds like shit not gonna lie. My absolute low is -15, mind you my absolute low of being willing to spend time outdoors, camping is out of the question. Anyhow enjoy your winter anon, even if it is brutal. You can not imagine how depressing dry and snowless winters are.
>>2804231>unironically being a gypsy and announcing it onlineHave you met that one gypsy girl hiker that makes youtube videos at least?
>>2804304Why care? They are just plants. What makes one plant better than another plant?Try to find positivity in new plants and change won't feel that bad.
>>2804320>>unironically being a gypsy and announcing it onlineI will cure you and your family with my gypsy magics >>2804320>Have you met that one gypsy girl hiker that makes youtube videos at least?Honest to God I have only ever met a single woman hiking just this once. And she wasn't really hiking, she was sitting in a tractor on the mountainside in a relatively remote place. My guess is that she was going to transport some cheese from a nearby shepherd.Anyhow I think that it is best to not get tempted by the fairer sex. Who knows how I'd react out on the wilderness? Maybe the gypsy blood is strong enough to go against my better judgement.
>>2804358*curse you
>>2804339Sure objectively speaking the specific plant life is not important. HowevER I have my own preferences and European maple is pretty rare, especially old growth forests of such maples. I guess that I simply like the current setup way things are. A healthy mix between boars, bears and deer. Sometimes I see Wildcats too. A while back ago some otters were introduced here but they presumably got eaten or killed.Anyhow I like the way things are now. Why would I want it to change? It is already heaven on earth.>>2804320And yes this is a true Gypsy's hand. Perfect for casting curses on amerilards.
>>2804358>Anyhow I think that it is best to not get tempted by the fairer sex. Who knows how I'd react out on the wilderness?I see, you got some of "that" in your family tree.
>>2804231>travel blogpostingbruh >>>/int/extraflagsyou've been missing on the travel blogposting general all along. If you have geographical autism, become the first anon in the entire history of 4chan to post the flags you take while travelling (including that where your pic is located) etc...
>>2804361It's fair to have preferences like that. I think change is inevitable. In general and with climate. Can you significantly affect a certain change? In regards to climate change, probably not. In that case, I think, better make your peace with it. Like it's okay to have negative feelings about current plant and animal life changing. But also try finding something positive in the new. Don't become bitter or resentful.