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She went down fighting. Would /out/ have the same courage?
>>2805239 (OP)
Australians need to be banned from /out/. This is not your troll board. Go back to /int/
TWO recorded human fatalities caused by coyote attacks on the record books.
Literally a wild canine, a pack animal, that has spread across most of north America is absolutely wild to me.
That said wasn't she feeding them and generally being dumb?
You spelled Canadian wrong.
Want she like 4'11"? I could have saved her (for breeding).
There's only one for adults. There's about a dozen for children
>>2805239 (OP)
Who is this?
Taylor Mitchell. 19 year old canadian folk singer and the only recorded case of an adult human being killed by coyotes.

People speculate that it was Coywolves, a hybrid that's present in much of eastern Canada not realizing that wolves have been extripated from Nova Scotia for a long fucking time.
Some witnesses reported that she had been seen trying to feed the coyotes earlier that day. Also that weather and other conditions had led to the animals being more desperate and predatory than normal.
That's interesting, thank you for sharing this. I didn't even know that was possible.
Why would you breed with her? Do you want manlet sons or something?
>it just just be coyotes or wolves it has to be scary and freakish COYWOLVES wow scary
why are north americans like this
Hybrid animals actually have a tendency to be more predatory/aggressive. It's just not possible in this case. Those hybrid animals do exist though, I've seen them.
>why are north americans like this
Our experiences with wildlife are a lot more recent and closer to our folklore and history. If you go back far enough in European history there are times when the werewolf and vampire would be a recent and reasonable thing based on experiences with contemporary wildlife.
Tbh I think Europeans have a really difficult time grasping the potential severity of wildlife, due to the absolute lack of it in their homeland. That's why you always see random European tourists getting btfo in Yellowstone.
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The coyotes that killed her were just stock coyotes. No evidence of any hybridization from the ones that attacked her.
In the areas where wolves have been eradicated; coyotes have been getting marginally larger to help fill the niche that has opened up. Especially in areas where people have stopped hunting.
They are still not something to consider unless you have a child or are the size of a child.
While I find bearspray laughable for grizzly defense. It will work fine on any canine. Including aggressive feral dogs which are a far more credible threat.
>>2805239 (OP)
most people on this website cant even talk to a woman. so no
I'm going to start referring to tiny women as coyote bait
Women can't talk about anything but gay bullshit, that's not my fault
being gay is ok
You have to be a faggot to even be able to relate to modern women at this point. They're so detached from reality now
>I find bearspray laughable for grizzly defense
Why? it can and has worked and is a lot better than nothing. Less margin of error than a gun.
I've been playing dwarf fortress
I like when they die hiking the grand canyon
Because it doesn't work and all the field trials were performed on false charges
Oh shit for real
Yup. And the Canadian government used bearspray as an excuse to generally ban the carry of handguns in the backcountry.
That got a couple in Banff np killed last year. They emptied both cans of bearspray on the bear.
It would probably work on predatory attacks as predators are always looking for an easy meal. But not for encounters where the bear feels like she needs to defend herself or her cubs. Its better than nothing. But bring a knife too so you can at least say you put up a fight.
>Less margin of error than a gun.
I've never understood this argument. I'm by no means the world's greatest shot, but I carry a g40 and I can draw, point (not aim), and mag dump a 5 inch group at 15 yards around roughly where I want to hit just about as fast as I can deploy my bearspray. It doesn't take a whole lot of practice to get to that point either, less practice than you should have if you choose to carry anyways in my opinion. Surely 15 permanent 10mm holes in approximately the right places are more effective than spicy air for a few seconds? It really seems like bear spray can only be better if you literally never practice with your weapon like you should. That said I carry both when I am in bear country because why not, but my gun is on my right side. Also bearspray attracts bears... seems like a big problem if you've already used your spray.
Do you have a source for the bluff charge thing? I always figured bearspray has to do something, but I am very skeptical about just how effective it's claimed to be.
First, I'm guessing you train with your gun. Most people don't.
Second, you are greatly underestimating your reaction time. Sure, you do well when at the range and you're prepared and ready for the count down. But being out inna woods, thinking about life, enjoying the trees, etc is another story.
Lastly, an "error" in this case is a 10 mm hole in your friend
I've thought about that, but fumbling to unholster my gun and fumbling to unholster my bear spray aren't exactly dissimilar actions, and I'm far more familiar with drawing my gun. I try to practice draw and dump once a week and I've used the trainer cannister exactly once. I carry both specifically to have the option like you said, can't shoot a bear on top of your kid, but 99% of the time if I'm innawoods I'm innawoods alone. I guess the answer is more practice with bear spray, but everything being equal I think I'm still reaching for my gun. Hopefully I never find out.
>Do you have a source for the bluff charge thing?
Nah. I inferred it.
>most bear charges are bluffs
>a team of at least two men go out looking for grizzlies, two men are twice as scary as one man. So the chance of bluff charge doubles.
>realistically it was probably more than two men
>bear bluff charges two men breaks off within deployed range of deterrent, scampers off with maybe an itchy nose.
>team high five and chalk it up as a win
>even though the bear wasn't going to attack anyway.
>small sample size of study is almost certainly a necessity because it's hard to pre arrange a bear charge even if you bumblefuck through grizzly county for weeks. And it's not easy to find guys to do this job.
>point shooting
>15 yards
>5-inch group
yeah ok
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>>2805239 (OP)
RIP. why couldn't it have been an Indian instead?
20% abo, I can see it
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Could be-her mother seemed to raise her alone, and I've never seen her dad.
Her mom asks the rangers not to kill the coyotes. Said she wouldn't have wanted them dead.
Which I disagree with as she literally went down trying to stab them with her swiss army knife.
I only found out about her recently. Besides the coyote business she was actually a decent singer. Tried to watch her last performance but it's been taken down, though she has some songs up on youtube.

I think her mum was thinking about her in the most idealised way whilst, quite expectedly, ignoring the realities of the situation. If she had seen the incident first hand she'd have certainly supported the cull.

>swiss army knife
Shame she never carried something bigger. Here in Britain I'm limited to 3" normally and I feel naked with it. A 6"+ knife might have done it for her, though with a pack it wouldn't be a sure thing.
>15 permanent 10mm holes in approximately the right places
For sure. but in most dangerous grizzly encounters you have but a few seconds to react. Its easier to miss with a bullet than a field of spray.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pshv2P2uv6o [Embed]
>Also bearspray attracts bears.
why do you say this?
>AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts.
Go ahead and verify them fag.
>use it like bug spray
So, only if its used incorrectly. ok.
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>get mauled by bear
>use bearspray
>offending bear leaves you wounded, but alive.
>stop bleeding and deploy rescue beacon.
>search and rescue 3 hours out
>go unconscious
>different bear pics up pepper spray smell
>it crushes your skull before you even wake up.
>search and rescue come and shoot that bear, and let the bear that actually attacked you live.
>you accidentally lapsed on life insurance, so your wife has to turn to prostitution
>she gets hooked on drugs, and to support her habit she starts pimping out your sons and daughters.
All because you wouldn't carry a gun.
>bear charges you
>shoot gun
>miss with non-lethal shot
>bear kills you
Alll because you wouldnt use bear spray
*all because you didn't practice with your sidearm

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