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The first known photograph of a little girl

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Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerTodd-White Art Photography
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Not cute
Not funny
Little girl photography wasn't ever a real thing
it was but a lot of it is lost or kept by the original family members.
>Little girl photography wasn't ever a real thing
Is it, though?
kys bootlicker
in b4 the dean's daughter
the who's what now?
>>4241034 (OP)
>this is what they took from you

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Camera SoftwareQuickTime 7.6.9
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Have you seen the Alice in wonderland guy's photography?
Apparently yes.
1000 pics survive out of around 3000 taken, and half of them are of little girls. The other 2000 with definitely the spicy ones.
>>4241034 (OP)
What about the most recent known photograph of a little girl?
Yeah, I guess there was nude pics of jonbenet Ramsey found in an Alice in wonderland bust. Giant, nationwide cp ring, and that’s just one of em that’s gone public. I’m sure there’s way crazier ones underground in the top circles of the defense contractor executive/White House that we’ll never know about.

Franklin coverup/Dutroux affair shit
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Brooke’s bald slit mogs these lgs
Brooke is a sterile mannish stick and will forever be mogged by the super-eggs of Lina Medina and Aretha Franklin
I heard you need to rub their nipples to make them bigger for the camera.
How does that work?
actually theres a trick to make the nipples pop, we do it in fashion all the time
or i should say 2 tricks
one is cold water spray the other is you get the model to lightly, gently cross her fingers across her chest until she gets goosebumps
why is always with the kid rape?
stop being so antisemitic
Tell that to the people running things
I know one of th3 kids is Hitler. Which one?
Maybe it worked. Maybe it didn't.
I'm starting to think you're all very invested in this thread surviving
when you see it...
>>424103 pdf file alert
See what?
british roses are even ugly at young age
Now post the last known photograph of a little girl
Sage I'm getting fishy feelings about this thread, just keep an eye on it okay.
>>4241034 (OP)
Someone post it
p-post what?
its fine when a woman does it
i hate this matriarch we live
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Who does your shoelaces? Your mommy? Or do you have professional help?
You mean that jews live in

Art could not be in a wore state unless we handed it to the chinese instead
None of them. Hitler was well outside of school age by 1924.
iirc he was in jail
also not in britain
Thanks for the dedication anon
What is the point of this thread?
to bump

>>4241034 (OP)
nothing wrong with take pictures of your cute dotter
Anons, do you take artistic pictures of young girls? Would you take such pictures (according to all legal requirements etc) ?
If you have to ask...
>>4241034 (OP)
She's giving us the finger
everyone hates her because the jews that did all the publishing and marketing defended their own pedophilia with intellectual dishonesty, but sally herself was a boss photographer and smoking hot

got damn!
I don't hate her
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post what, this?

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What is that?
it's a photo
or do you mean what's in the photo?
a book
or do you mean what's in the book?
more photos
Yes, post more
>Art could not be in a wore state unless we handed it to the chinese instead
Pictures of younger girls is peak art.
Such is life in the longhouse.
I hate people like that. Why not share those photos with the rest of the world.
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Not uncommon back in the day, but seems strange they would do it for a class photo. Seems like the sort of thing you would do with family only.


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The excess deaths in those days were surely due to quack doctors giving all sorts of "medicine" to cure what have you.
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>>4241034 (OP)
The first known photograph of a climate girl
>surely due to quack doctors
We still have those, the excess death was due to unsanitary conditions along with misdiagnosed illnesses. For example back in the day the very few who had gluten problems didn't live long, leukemia was a death sentence, tuberculosis practically the same unless you lived in a salt cave to purge yourself injun-style, so on and so forth.
Only le science fags claim it was due to alternative medicine which did come into play but not nearly as much as other shit, let alone famines which did happen a lot in the old days.
>>4241034 (OP)
Happy Birthday!
i love little girls
at first i wasnt like that
but that was before i fucked ur mom
um, what the fuck is going itt
>one year old thread
holy fucking schzio
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Does anyone have Sawatari Hajime's photobooks? I'm looking for Shoujo Alice and Umi kara Kita Shoujo especially but anything is fine. Surely there's an archive somewhere of his works right?

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Newfags be gone, men are talking here
is this darknet or 4chan?
this thread is creepy asf frfr
apparently her and her brother were the models for houses of the holy too
I remember posting in this thread about a year ago.
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1.29 MB JPG

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must not die
Can we just get this thread off the board?
Oh my Goodness little girls I'm a pedophile haha WOW I'M SO BASED
Yes please
No. Faggot.
Yes, pedophile.
>>4241034 (OP)
sick of this pedo thread. Mods should clean this up
If mods gave a shit this thread would already be gone

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