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35mm Summicron ASPH tattoo on my arm and Leica M7 tattoo on my leg (yes, I met a woman in a bar and let her stab me… now we are great friends lol)
what kind of poverty kitchen is this?
European "kitchenette"
Glad my photo made you feel something wait til you see the rest of what I’ve got to post for the year lol
The mind of the mentally abused is interesting, if only for morbid reasons.
pretty cool photo op. i really like it. girl look likes a real mess, nice for a picture
Who can artfully photography degeneracy better than the human sewer rat?

Everything in this photo is disgusting. Congratulations, you nailed it.
jk. but actually, those seem like meh tattoos. nice picture tho. i feel like i'm really there
God, imagine the smell.
Center bokeh is more blurred than edge and corners. This produce really nice 3D effect
I hate poorfags.
What is OPs endgame here?
so you both have borderline?
yeah I feel disgust
lol look at his photos. lowlife galore
I liked his YouTube channel, but honestly these post he made to reddit were annoying. At least his pictures were good unlike most other YouTube photographers.
"""friends""" did you atleast fuck her
It doesnt look 3d it looks like a broken lens
>guy's name is quintavious
lmao of course it's a jogger
>OP's name is Quintavius
My fucking sides
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we laugh but this guy is actually out there getting white chicks to flash their tits at him and probably letting him pipe just for spewing tripe like
>Anyone can lay down and have sex. Few people know how to make love and even fewer know what it is to make art.
who's really the joke here?
what's really irritating is that he's not actually a bad photographer if i had to be honest with you, at least compared to what we see on pee, but he so stereotypically ticks all the annoying minority photographer boxes from what i can see in his bio and his reddit posts. it's too perfect almost lol
Yeah his work is pretty good I think, I just don't like that his subject matter is just about what you'd expect it to be.
Yeah honestly I respect the photos. Good job Quintavius you're better than 90% of /pee/
>Who's really the joke here?
The man-whore, still. He's a joke. That's the point, the prerequisite. Most modern artists are jokes, because you can't really earnestly make degenerate art if you aren't a degenerate, objectively below the standard of a good person, etc. Anything else is like asking a 30 y/o office worker to draw in the style of a 12 year old full of wonder - not possible.

Now tell me he's delusional about something that is purely irrational, arbitrary, and a waste of time to argue about, like "you cant be a real artist unless you shoot film", complete with post-modern rants about something that sounds like film loving reality and digital destroying reality, and on the grounds of that mental illness I will recognize him as a Real Artist(tm). You can't be a a Real Artist(tm) unless you have personality disorders and nonsensical beliefs. No, really.

Not that being a real artist means being a good artist. it just means it's genuine subconscious vomit because sane people automatically filter it out and can't express it.
i dunno about alladat my guy i just wanna slam some white bitches like our man quintavious there does.
thats all true bruh a real artist doesnt slam white bitches they slam post structural power structures by making you think they slam bitches but really they like dudes

you’re a hitler tier artist if you dont get it
>this guy is actually out there getting white chicks to flash their tits at him
Seeing the quality of said white chicks isn't inspiring jealousy, just pity. Pity for the women for obvious reasons, and pity for the black man for having no real direction in life except where his dick points.
Yeah not sure anyone is jealous of someone banging a smoker
Every woman smokes after I'm done with them.
>he's not a bad photographer
Based Stevie Wonder posting here
Love letter to havana has good photos in it im not even mad.

Post port anon.

What's that?

You don't have one?
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I don't disagree, Quintavius has made some really nice photos. Name is still goofy though.

>you don't have one?
Not the strongest portfolio in the world, but these are four photos I'm proud of.
bold of you to assume someone who is actually good posts here

Quantavius is actually pretty high IQ, kind of pseudy, and not very respectable but he's effective as an artist and has a clear cinematic streak in his work which adds to the dynamic and emotion. You don't take naturally filmic (and I mean motion pictures, not lomo shit) photos by accident, his work could be mistaken for stills from a film.
hi quantavius
you should get tested for STDs
You're like the guy you talks about taxes when they hear someone cashed out.
>assumes jealousy as a defence mechanism
For real though, you should get tested.
Not originals. He and the other Reddit dude didn‘t meet the girl…

Just Wannabes

That Instagram account is the same guy as the Reddit poster you mongoloid. Based quintavious
what kind of yee yee ass name is that
this is the most chad shit i've ever heard on this board thank you
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I checked out his website, honestly, not bad. I'm quite jelly he got to go to Cuba. My man channeling his inner Helmut Newton here. Not bad I would have done a few things differently.

Is that a Hassy setup? Pretty cool, next time get yourself in focus too.
Anon literally posted a reddit thread word for word, how is this still up

because its a photo thread
i shoot hate this dumb groid faggot.

>I checked out his website, honestly, not bad
this dumb nigger cant even level his camera while using a tripod. hiring a prosititue in a second world country isnt impressive, it just reaks of desperation.
Show us your photos.
The best food critics can't cook worth shit. They are totally unbiased. Instead of having learned respect for hard work and feeling humble personally knowing what went into the dish, they only care if the food is good or not.

I'm a photographer so I automatically empathize with and like this guy knowing how much work, passion, and money he's putting into everything and see quality work despite everything. But what would you think about him if you weren't a photographer? What would you think about the quality, content and composition if you thought literally every camera was a one button wonder box and all photographers had to do was pay a chick off a street corner, point it right, hold down a button, and pick the best one of 5-10?
>I'm so incompetent I cant level a camera on a tripod in a staged shoot
>I'm so poor I can only hire prostitutes in dirt poor countries rather than nude models in the country I live in
>Not even far away dirt poor countries, but only close by ones because airfare is expensive too
>Not even white or asian prostitutes but mystery meat ones whos countless generations have been obscured through centuries of miscegination
But its all ok because you shoot film and it must be art then? How many STDs did you catch on this trip passport bro?
didnt read any of this drivel, show us your photos
>Invisible portfolio man
>why dont people on the chins like me because i'm a nigger who can go a night without chimping out.
no one cares about your prostitution photography elsewhere either
I want to sexo with jungle bunny RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Also spergs did you maybe consider that the feel he was going for was all about not being clinically level on a tripod? Maybe it’s giving him too much credit, but I could see something with that.
>let me use a tripod
>but use it wrong
yeah, no its just a nigger pretending to be an artist.

Dude, you sound like a pendantic little faggot. Op has got you thoroughly spanked, and there is nothing you can do.
you dont seem to know what this word means OP. anyways have fun with your poverty kitchen

If you're looking at the out-of-focus horizon and not the subject then you're probably gay and like to suck dicks.
no one cares about the tattooed mulatto whore you incel
>that FOV
sure thing brah
Average London apartment

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