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File: NIKKOR-Z-28-400mm-OG.png (885 KB, 1200x630)
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885 KB PNG
>The perfect mirrorless lens doesnt exi-
Canon and Sony cucks on suicide watch.
I don't like their lack of aperture ring.
>Nikon lens w/ aperture ring
>set to max aperture
>flick lock tab
>forget aperture ring exists
>use command dial to set aperture
Too kino for this world
Didnt they copy Canon and literally have a customisable ring on the lens that you can set to aperture?
have you ever used it (the nikon one)? it's terrible

goes from 0 to 100 in a quarter tSSRTurn
Too narrow. I need at MINIMUM f/2.8
Don't you mean maximum? Since that's how the f number works? Hee hee
Quite embarrassing mistake to make! Hoo hoo
Good news, they make that lens. But it’s 24-70. Or 70-200. Both terrific lenses, I use them as my bread and butter.
looks cool, I like the small size. Women probably like it, since it is 4 inches long.
Fit when you feel like ken
>sharpness doesn’t matter
>just use this slider
>i can’t tell my z8 from my iphone. bravo apple!
Skill issue. Set it to ISO btw.

Theres an aperture ring on the front of the camera grip, fujislug.

But yeah this should have been a 3 ring lens like the 24-120
The only other lens like it is the 24-200 f3.5-6.3... on 2x crop.

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