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My gf (female) was asking me about cameras and all the kpop videos and cute pics, I noticed they are just black mist. When will this trend die?

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Idk i dont have the ability to predict the future
Could prolly make a lot of money if i did
female or female (formerly male)?
It will continue to exist as long as people use digital cameras because no one prefers the look of digital to film and BPM helps remove some of the digital harshness. You should always be using it to make your photots look better.
I have some vintage lenses that don't require a pro-mist filter (no it's not fungus), but I also have a couple of modern zooms that I'll occasionally bust out the filter for. I won't go beyond 1/4, but even that's borderline sometimes.
Lol diffusion filters have been a thing forever, this isn't solely digital.
No one tell this zoomer that cinestill is not “the film look” i think its funny when they stay dumb
All it did for that picture was make the light HUGE. lol.
No filter looks way better
And added a big greasy lens flare to the right of the person's feet. My Chinesium 17mm does that for free!
He didn’t say anything about cinestill
Digital harshness is not a thing. you just like soft images. your opinion is retarded
I really like it, and bought some expensive Tiffen ones for my primes. Now I like to snap some pics in backlight.
>akshally filmic is
im sorry but the right image looks better and more alive
it is what it is...
female (currently male)
she will never be a woman, but will always be autism.
post hand
>When will this trend die?
Basically never, same as bokeh, bitches love balls and glow
cinestill look is when halation
am i stupid or is it borderline indistinguishable when using a black mist filter? i shoot film and i havent developed any shots using it yet, but in the viewfinder shots look barely different with vs without. is it just in the viewfinder that it looks no different or is this a skill issue?
The point is you don't really notice it except in situations with point light sources or strong backlighting. It's meant to be borderline indistinguishable. Just a little light funky sauce ladled on top of your photo.
yeah but when i test it out by pointing the cam at a street light or something i can only barely see a bigger cloud of light from it
Correct. What do you want it to do? There are heavier diffusion filters out there. And heavier strengths of BPM. Get a star filter or faux anamorphic flare filter if you really want to see some shit.
Using BPM to bloom lights like OP's picrel is a crime.
I shoot jpeg sooc and BPM gives a nice touch when used properly: 1/8 with 85mm or more and 1/4 with 50mm or less.
>inb4 jpg retard
I shoot jpeg+raw for archiving purposes, but I dont bother to process my raws atm

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