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How the fuck do I get the angle right? It has never been my experience to have a dish in front where it's super puper obvious what exactly is worth showing.

pic attached is one way to go about it, escpecially with lunch boxes where every slot should be shown, but is there a rule of thumb for angling? should i just go along with my guts on it? can't help but feel that i could have done a better job of a dish just by tilting the plate a tad.
i think you should build the meal around the angle rather than the other way around.
food photography is so extremely fake to begin with, its basically a diorama but its edible (sometimes it isnt tho lmao)

im really just talking out of my ass here btw ive never done food photography in my life

oh and stick to one light source to illuminate the whole meal, makes for good highlights
I like top down to show plating and portions, but the meal can't be hot or you'll fog your lens - at least from my experience shooting in a lightbox.
I got sick of having to eat my incredible meal cold to be able to photo it, so I just take a quick phone snap and chow down now.
Try using a 4x5 camera.
Your food'll go cold if you do this shit. Just eat your meal instead of being some posh git, leave photography for more interesting subjects.

An easy trick is dropping the food, you could of held a grape above the meal and photographed it falling, and then the money shot of it bouncing up in the air while the rest of the food gets slightly bumped.
Best result is you need a 2nd person to just drop the plate of food and then you shoot as it hits the table and the food bounces.

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