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Now that JEWKON bought red.

I can already see what is going to happen to Red.

Do you want to hook an external HDR OLED 8k monitor? Only the flagship model has this, the most basic is limited to 1080p.

Do you want to use two SSDs instead of a single one?
Only the flagship model can do it, the most basic is limited to a single ssd.

It is over for red.
>cinema cameras
who cares, just use a m43 lol
Holy retard how much is snoy paying you

GPT-4chan gottem again
Aren't those cameras used by professionals buying/renting $100k+ lens sets?

What sort of consumer/prosumer would even consider getting a red camera???
All this whining is because op is mad nikon made the bottom and middle of their range more stills focused instead of prioritizing readout and codecs like pricier cannots

Really he has no use for video capabilities beyond an a7iii’s
Nikon basically bought RED in order to acquire their bullshit compressed RAW patent. Nikon, Sony and Canon cameras will soon all be able to record RAW. In other words, it's over for Blackmagic.
They are gonna have to change it to GOLD.
why would sony and canon also be able to record RAW?
I can't tell if this is Nikon or Canon
Better dead than Red.
If it was Canon, wouldn't it be JEWNON? Fuji would either be FUJEW or JEWJI, Pentax would be JEWTAX, Sony would be... um...
let's not forget Kikon.
>Sony would be... um...
hmm. I didn't want nikon to die, but I don't know about this. I half feel like nikon should die, and RED seemed like a cool company.

Because you cannot really patent a thing like that.
Nikon knows that and decided to implement it. Then, due to how everything went in court they decided to save money (time) directly buying Red so settle everything asap.
But due to the fact that the patents would reasonably not hold, it's reasonable to expect they will not even try to enforce it on canon and sony.
And of course Trannysonic
I know the former owner, he has a place in Whistler. We had a few discussions about gear and I bragged about owning a Zeiss 105 f4.3 UV Sonnar.

He said it was a great lens, then he showed me some of his. Sets of Zeiss Superspeeds, a gorgeous APO Lanthar, a 34mm f5.6 meant for 8x10 view cameras.

The real highlight was his 1200 mm F 5.6 Canon. It's really hard to describe what it feels like to hold a lens is worth more than a down payment on a lot of good houses.

He set it up in his balcony on this massive tripod that's worth I think more than any lenses that I currently are with the exception of the one I mentioned earlier. I took a few photographs with it then scanned around the village and happened upon couple fooling around about 3/4 of a mile away in their hot tub.
Did you know that a 34mm lens used for 8x10 film would be the equivalent of using a 5mm lens on 35mm film? Bonkers.
I thought itwas an aerial photography lens
Maybe it was a 34 inch lens? That would be a 120mm equivalent on 8x10.
It had a 10 inch front element
Nah, Blackmagic still has a special looking image and BRAW is fantastic. I've been using my BPCC 4k for the last three years and the image from it outclasses cameras that are thousands of dollars more. It's a total workhorse that's taken a beating.

As long a Black Magic keeps their value proposition, they'll be fine.

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