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How did they get blown the F out by Nikon off all people?
>artemis mission back to the moon
>using Nikon Z9 instead of glorious German 100mp

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hasselblads are studio babies for shooting clothing ads now, they don't have the quality they did in the film days
It's swedish you mongrel
Scandinavia is rightful Germanic clay.
NASA didn't use the H series either, did they?
most likely the body is good but the lenses suck, also the test is perhaps quite wrongly done
they're chinese now, just like jaguars/land rovers have been indian for the past 15 years
>It's swedish you mongrel
chinese you retard
This shit the bed when they insisted when they went to digital on screwing over the people had the Legacy hardware and not supporting the lenses and bodies that people had spent thousands of dollars on. Just like contax did
Germany doesnt even rightfully own their own clay, fuckin made up country.
High end fashion studios = Phase one IQ4
Under of that budget is matter = hassel mirrorless or old Phase ones or old hassels
idk what's the clue of current H system. that 400mp is not a real 400mp. it's amplified.
>artemis mission back to the moon
space is fake and gay, sorry. Nobody has been there.
Several hundred pounds of moon rocks disagree.
The LRO took pictures of the landing sites
Pictures were taken by hand on the moon
And now a z9’s going to the moon so cONTROLLED oPPOSITION will say, nonsensically, it was AI generated because it wasnt a canon 5d (a canon 5d would die halfway through the trip lol)
I wouldn't believe that bullshit even if it were taken with a reflex. Because what NASA shows and what they label it as matters a lot more.
AI in mirrorless is a concern because it can replace what people would see with an optical device.
NASA didn't need AI to fake the moon landing, just a studio and some actors willing to play the part.
The evidence is overwhelming. The skepticism has been debunked so many times that you need to believe in AI live editing EVFs to keep up the denial.
Russians, due to being low IQ homosexuals, lost the space race.

And Nikon was always better than canon
congratulations, you're the ultimate retard
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>noooooo i just won't believe 15,000 6x6 medium format frames of film
>a studio is just as good!
Stop being a retard.
Did you have a stroke

ai live editing evf is possible, or atleast camera can recognize scene and take a picture

>mogged by iPhone lens

It's not possible with camera processors so shit they struggle to do HDR and panorama alignment 50% as well as right clicking in capture one
>artemis mission back to the moon
There is no easy way for me to tell you this so I'll make it short and straight to the point.
Space is fake
Nukes are a hoax
Evolution is a lie
Earth is flat
Dinosaurs never existed.

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