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>the latest medium format camera they bothered reviewing is from 2016
>Only 2 fullframe camera reviews in 2023 and nothing after that
Are these fuckers dropping everything to only review phones now?
What other website has a better review and measured stats database? For things like measures dynamic range of sensors for example
No one gives a fuck, nophoto
Cared enough to reply

they recently review things worthwhile? 2023 12 phones, 2024 5 phones, Nikon Z8, Canon R8

Because the iPhone destroys medium format and mirrorless dslr because of computational photography.
Dx0 is irrelevant now, we need the phone technology put into stand alone cameras. Until then everything is just cope.

And yes I own both, and yes the stand alone camera looks better at full screen on a computer but almost nobody views photos like that. On the phones screen the iPhone camera clearly gets more dynamic range in the photo than my expensive stand alone camera.
I guess people will have to get their cope charts somewhere else now.

Is English not your first language?
Because "objectively" rating cameras, mostly based on metrics derived from the "raw" files, is slowly turning out to be a waste of time. Oooh, another full frame camera with 14 stops of dynamic range. Yes they all have that and will have that forever, having more is a hard question of quantum physics. Is the "sports" score 3200 or 3400 this time? It depends on how much noise reduction the manufacturer cooked into the raw file via firmware. Who the fuck cares.

You have ken rockwell's taste
>eye burning shit.jpg
But hey, rich jews with fine art in their living room don't call normie consoomers with nothing but phones and mail order 4x6 family snapshits the hebrew word for "cattle" for no reason. So often /pol/ is butthurt about what is actually a very astute observation - they really are cattle. They are given their feed, they eat it, they are given their pasture, they stay there. They don't ask questions. Why complain about grass and corn?
>almost nobody views photos on a screen!
Conversely: Nobody who matters only views photos on a phone.
LOTS of people eat mcdonalds and ALMOST NO people eat French gourmet food. Some would say "sure, french food is fine in a restaurant when you're on a diet, but almost everybody just wants to scarf down a burger right now". Sound familiar? This applies to all forms of art. This applies to all forms of taste! The "majority" has none of it, and they don't matter anyways, in art terms they are less than a full fledged human. They have NO culture.

Do they know dynamic range can be captured and discarded? No, that's how an artist would want things. A normie cow wants what they paid for, all of it, all of the time because that is more betterer and they don't want to have wasted their shekels. No culture, unless you really want to call "i want everything up to date right now as cheap as possible on credit" a culture.
It's a tacit admission that image quality has plateaued long ago and even the most expensive mirror-less piece of shit has nothing to offer in terms of IQ compared to a D850, K-1 II or 5Ds. The reason to buy mirrorless trash isn't IQ, it's a lack of implicit photographic integrity and a need for soiboy crutches.
It's actually because SLRs are a hard stop in lens design and were always inferior to rangefinders. You could have avoided this by not giving money to the japanese. European innovators would have surely designed an OVF path with a shorter distance from the sensor to the lens instead of just cramming silicon where the film used to be. Maybe using an ultrathin prism.

Also, I find it rather feminine-male, nerdy, geeky, to pride yourself on bowing to the demands of a primitive machine. It is still a machine, not a tool. It's like saying you're a man because you have to close the choke before starting the engine. No man, my little sister does that to start her scooter. Are you the kind of person that feels good about themselves for wasting their time on linux? The measure of a man is not the technological bullshit he puts up with, but the work he is capable of. Too many "men" with thin necks and thinner arms fuck around with dated technology and pretend that adds to their total masculinity score, which they track on a spreadsheet. It's a disordered form of wanting to be a mechanic. Totally missing all the heavy lifting, stuck bolts, expedient real life problem solving, dirt, grime, and expense that requires you go to work at a real job and put in the hours working with other people.

They just play around with their electronic toy all day and pride themselves on being used to it

I got shit to do at the mill, I got 2 cars in the air and the engine out of a panhead, give me a canon R6 I do not fucking care about checking back screens or spot meter+2 or single point af-c, i glanced the do-this list and thought there's more important shit in life.
Just use your phone
>man: better lens less bullshit sign me up if i didnt care i’d use a point and shoot
>nerd: ackshually the pholosiphical implicashuns of le viewfinder + i memorized the cheat codes to my nintendo
Didn't know this board was plagued by literal schizos now
Everything itt is pretty reasonable except for this gearfag nerd >>4305473
You know this is an art board, so harsh social critique and independent thought is expected.

I agree. Death to the gear cult, learning to a computer is irrelevant to your entire life. And death to forced HDR.
>I got shit to do at the mill, I got 2 cars in the air and the engine out of a panhead, give me a canon R6 I do not fucking care about checking back screens or spot meter+2 or single point af-c, i glanced the do-this list and thought there's more important shit in life.
Enjoy having your camera feed you bullshit through the viewfinder and thinking it was real all along when you see the final picture, soiboy.
Good thing we have eyes that work without cameras amirite? Worried about space? Take your camera off the telescope and use your eyeball. Worried about digital manipulation? Film exists. Typical nerd worrying about shit that doesnt matter while the real issues step on his neck and burn down his house. “Well! My software is open source, and i saw through the viewfinder” he says, as all his other freedoms crumble. “Im not some non techy wimp who didnt want to, i mean COULDNT spot meter the scene” he says, as the feds haul off his gas powered car he can no longer legally drive and tell him he can now rent a tesla. The only freedoms that matter to the nerd relate to his nintendo xboxes and pirated music collection

“In theory an advanced enough AI on a quantum camera could alter the EVF in real time” - forgot he didnt live in star trek. beam him back down, scotty!
does it really matter what you see through the viewfinder if an ai churning away on a dslr changes the photo everyone else will see? your word against theirs. the evf could be altered by the 2300s. maybe. but then your eyes would disagree immediately, not your memory disagreeing later… irrelevant. and unlikely. no one has anything to gain from that.

what they do gain from is limiting c2pa proliferation so common cameras can not produce any grade of proof.
>In theory an advanced enough AI on a quantum camera
Samsung got caught doing it with their phones, faking Moon photos. People could make the Moon appear in their bedrooms just by tricking the AI that fakes things.
Your eyes disagreeing only applies to normal focal lengths, go super telephoto or macro and you can no longer trust your eyes unless you have a scope by your side.
>limiting c2pa proliferation so common cameras can not produce any grade of proof
This is much more concerning -and more plausible- than manipulating your photo in real time. I swear, guys like our resident namefag are just here to poison the well and stop any real concerns from being aired. Also checking double dubs.
Accepting any "certificate of authenticity" as proof is worse than realizing everything is fake and gay, because if the authority is compromised (and it will be) then there's nothing you can do about it.
You are a brainlet

C2PA is cryptographic signing. It certifies a digital original. This is the same thing web encryption is based off of. In combination with auditable camera firmware, it would produce .dngs that are as trustworthy as physical negatives. FOSS firmware could say "this camera doesn't edit its shit" and the cryptographic signing would prove that it was the original file. Simple as that. Not edited. Real light.

These are camera features that will never proliferate to things consumers can afford. Not because of any capitalist reason, it would cost $0 to do so, but because of reasons that marxists and socialists would also employ. Backroom deals. They don't want normies being able to produce truth. OVF or EVF. Rather, cameras consumers can afford will have AI post processing trickle up to them. Because it is so much simpler to say "your camera has AI post processing, all of your photos are fake" than run live video editing on an EVF. And then to have the real photos, all of your state agents taking staged shots in studios are using FOSS firmware, C2PA enabled nikon Z1s, so you can have a monopoly on truth. "Of course our photos are real, here, the firmware on this camera is open source, check it all out! ;)"

It's simple. It's effective. It gives most consumers what they want (on-camera hdr, no noise, so shahp!). It gives the state what they want, which is a monopoly on real photography. And it is reliable and low tech.
Also see: Why monitor every individual PC, when people can just be guided onto "the cloud"? Bam, nothing is private, no bugs on your PC required. And we're using linux on the server, so you can trust us! Dumb fucks.

The only thing close to this is shooting negatives, and it is so extremely difficult to fake a negative down to a forensics-proofed level that when they have to fake negatives they have to "lose" the originals.
>Where's the original zapruder film frankie?
This is an unreliable, high tech solution. You can spot the replacement in real time. You can confuse it. You can look through a $30 telescope.

But it doesn't matter what you saw, it matters if your camera is "trustworthy"
Every camera you can afford - or if the GFX100S IR is an indication of the future - every camera you are even ALLOWED TO BUY, will be untrustworthy in the future. Only cameras for licensed truth photographers will have open source firmware and cryptographic signing.
>sharpness before processing?
>low inherent noise before processing?
>high resolution?
>....a photo you can trust was at least a real photo, even if it was made in an elaborate studio with crisis actors?
>Only a professional needs that. Stop buying more than you need. Consoomer.
^people are being primed for it.

Already happening with phones btw.

it is so much easier to make your whole camera fake than selectively fake the fucking viewfinder. what's next, film goes out of production except for military contracts? you fucking bet. the rollei 35 af is an up and coming threat to state control. we only know about tianmen square because of film. if it happened today, "that was all AI" and people would be blasted with high power short range EMPs by chink police anyways. Back in the film days it was more possible to smuggle out a photo.

FYI nothing earth based can resolve lunar details as small as the landing site.
>This is the same thing web encryption is based off of
Ever heard of Heartbleed? Not the first and not the last event of encryption being compromised, just a widely publicized one.
>taking staged shots in studios are using FOSS firmware, C2PA enabled nikon Z1s, so you can have a monopoly on truth.
That pretty much explains why it's a moot point.

>cryptographic signing.
Ah yes, the photos are approved by the Ministry of Truth™, I'm so relieved now!
>math is the ministry of truth

OVFs are still irrelevant

DSLRs came out and cops shot film because recounting the image in an OVF is not court admissible evidence and you probably edited the photo anyways
>film goes out of production except for military contracts?
Plates it is, then.
cONTROLLED oPPOSITION hates it because this post is truth

Enjoy AI on every prosumer camera while 9 grand shit thats only available to who the company believes deserves it is AI free and decently trustworthy

And yes film is going to go away outside of military contracts
Film doesn't guarantee truth, things like optical printers exist.
Now you’re more conspicuous and your photographs are much easier to confiscate and destroy assuming anyone who is f8 and there even shoots plates

Essentially at that point you are crushed, and the state has a complete monopoly on truth.
Optical printers have data loss and there are forensic tells for an original negative specific to the film transport mechanism.
And shadows having a certain direction didn't stop the (((allies))) from passing fake chimneys as real for decades.
>you have the taste of a well known and respected professional career photographer
Prove ken rockwell is a professional without quoting his claims

Controlled opposition red herring
Yeah shove it up your ass schizo boy this ain’t a college dissertation.
you always repeat the same thing over and over and over, fucking schizo retard
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He's by definition a midwit.
The incel "math certified truth" vs the chad "look at who does the math".
There's a reason most cryptographers get scooped up by intelligence agencies. When they insert a backdoor, it's very hard for most people to realize until it's too late.
>its the jews!
>oh by the way holocaust denial moon landing never happened
cANON really is controlled opposition'

anything to stop people from talking about what really matters: the upcoming photographic truth crisis where courts start throwing out anything that wasn't taken by an official journalist and "trustworthy cameras" are only available to the select few. and you'll love it. the on-camera AI noise reduction and super resolution will blow your mind.

>t-there was never photographic truth anyways!
unless it benefited your far right conspiracy claims of course
you always say that.
>There's a backdoor everywhere nothing matters! they control everything! give up!
right on, special agent vodkowski. i believe it.
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Wrong, but any "proof" would prove nothing.
>unless it benefited your far right conspiracy claims of course
No, there wasn't any photographic truth and it's a hill I'm willing to die on. A photograph is a record and records can be faked.
>you always say that.
Because it's the truth.
>right on, special agent vodkowski. i believe it.
Not give up, but realize trying to turn photography into an unquestionable vessel of truth by itself is retarded and pointless.
>your honor, check this cryptographically certified photograph of the plaintiff stabbing the victim with the knife, same knife as exhibit 2
>objection, the fingerprints don't match my client nor does the blood match the victim! What is more, my client's coworkers were with him at the time of the murder, they were fitting УMПКs at the plant!
>uhhh it doesn't matter sonny boy, you're going away for a long time. Next!
Back in reality photographs are accepted as truth because there is not a military-state entity building extensively researched studio sets and paying surgically altered actors to fake literally everything you disagree with

You only hate the idea of photographic truth because it proves the moon landing and holocaust happened. So do the human remains in concentration camps, the reflectors we left up there, lunar samples collected by humans (and from their spacesuits), and LRO surveys of landing sites. Curiously, holocaust denial proves the need for trustworthy originals in the digital age. Most "proof" of "faked evidence" is itself digitally altered photographs, but the physical originals are not easy to find so retards fall for it. Similar to creationists drawing their own dinosaurs in petroglyphs and labeling it "original photo (enhanced)", which archaeologists and even creationist biased independent observers curiously fail to find when they observe the ACTUAL original physical object.

A database of cryptographically signed originals is the next best thing after having an actual negative. Regardless, my EDC camera is film, and always will be film. I will develop it in piss if I have to. As far as truth goes, film is king. The finer grained it is the harder it is to fake.

Fuck nazis
There's reflectors put there by the USSR and even by Indians, all without claiming to have set foot there.
Faking digital pictures would be easy even with your "signed originals", just take a small enough screen with the right pixel density and do the equivalent of a contact print. Or bypass the sensor entirely with a dummy feeding signal to the processor in place of it.
>A database of cryptographically signed originals is the next best thing after having an actual negative.
>just surrender your info to us got

>Regardless, my EDC camera is film, and always will be film. I will develop it in piss if I have to. As far as truth goes, film is king. The finer grained it is the harder it is to fake.
Preexposed film is a thing, just to name one technique.
I oppose the notion of photographic truth not because of the past but because of the future. Fabricating convenient truths and jailing whoever opposes them sounds like the plan.
The moon landing happened. The holocaust happened. Deal w/ it.
>no no no the nsa will use quantum ai in your evf and on your negatives just you see
Nah they’ll put “fun” AI on every camera so they can write all your photos off
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>holocaust happened
do you have large format ?
>holocaust denial moon landing never happened
based and truthpilled.
>The moon landing happened. The holocaust happened. Deal w/ it.
and vaccines are good. Muslims did 9/11 israel greatest ally.
excuse me are you trying to deny the hollowcoast??
show chimney
dxo hasn't measured so many things in recent years
they don't measure any micro four thirds
most of the latest cameras aren't rated or tested
it's kinda sad
they focus on phones

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