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The 35mm cameras that are sought after on the secondary market today.. cameras such as the Canon AE-1, Olympus OM-1, Pentax KX etc? Cameras that have seen a steady increase in price the last couple of years..
Surely it would not be cheap. Seems like the only thing that is on the pipeline in that regard is a plastic fantastic POS from Pentax.
These cameras, inflation adjusted, cost their owners several thousand dollars, and contained a lot of precision clockwork that manufacturers are averse to. So probably hideously expensive. Look at luxury mechanical watches and then double that for the lower volume market and even higher need for precision.
Maybe we should start with something a less ambitious, like a TLR or a copy of a soviet snapshit machine (Smena 8 shouldn't be that hard to produce for chinks, its mostly plastic and not that bad everything considered)
If this film fad continues then perhaps i should hold on to some of the cameras that come into my possession then. I have a couple of channels where i find these things and i usually flip them for a profit right away, but lately I've been thinking that perhaps i should keep some and see where it all ends up.
the AE-1 actually contained a lot more electronics than the typical 1976 camera and was also mostly plastic. They styled it to look far more conventional than it was. So it probably wouldn't be as hard to make a new one since it isn't as different from modern cameras as it looks.
Now the others you mentioned are truly mechanical though
just buy a lomography konstruktor and slap a good lens on it
What canon fd mount camera is all metal with mostly manual control?
Idc if it is slr or rangefinde
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The Black Beauty
The flagship of that would be the F1, which was Canon’s direct competitor of the Nikon F. The consumer versions would be the FTb (note the b, the original FT was an FL mount camera), TX, TLb.
These are the cameras the AE-1 was dressed up as because they were afraid people wouldn’t buy a plastic camera.
>Be Canon
>Be completely retarded
>Call some camera "EF"
>Decade later call the lens mount "EF"
Yes, but the good thing is that the camera for that reason is avoiding the hipster tax since no influencers can shill it properly.
No need to have mechanically timed shutters. An electronically timed shutter like in a Nikon FE2 would be very simple and cheap to implement.
Even with mechanical shutter, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. The "Nikon" (actually made by Cosina) FM10 was a cheap, plastic-bodied, all mechanical f-mount SLR intended for sale to countries too backwards to have batteries(!), and it was not ended production until *2022*. Two years ago! The only thing preventing it from being what OP was asking for is the fact that it was plastic and looked like it was from the 1990's not the 1970's.
I'd guess the cost of a real, all-metal, all-mechanical SLR like the Nikon FM series, if made today, would be $1200 to $1500 USD.
This puts it at the same league as any number modern full frame digital cameras. Probably not many people would be willing to pay that for a niche novelty hobby item like a 35mm film camera. People who want to spend a lot of money on film cameras will shoot MF/LF. Look at it another way the ebay price of used cameras will need to rise to higher than that before it's anyone's interest to make them new.

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