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>the perfect lens doesn't exi-
>f/16 equivalent
It's not even weather sealed
it's full frame
>f4.5 oy vey what do you need f5.6 for, here take this f8 lens aren't you happy you don't have to settle for useless f11 telephoto lenses like Canon users?
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lolwut? Its literally f/4.5-6.3
The slow variable aperture is a perfectly fine trade off for its tiny size and zoom range. Its infinitely more useful than this snoy.
it's a kit lens
The first guy is perma-butthurt about m43 and he sees m43 in the soup.
This might be nice for crop but for fool frame I would much rather have more reach and can accept starting at 24mm or 28mm.
Same. I'd rather go with a relatively fast prime for wide angle, and then a little slow compact walkable zoom lens that gives me more reach, like the 28-60 lens posted just above. But that's my personal use-case, I can imagine people having the exact reversed needs.
>Be a camera manufacturer
>Remove mirror box reducing flang distance
>Put a 35mm sensor in it
>F6.3 and even darker lenses become a constant to keep the size down for muh compactness
>Proper lenses have to compensate the flange distance, essentially adding a mirror box, but outside the camera
Daily reminder that anything bigger than m43 is for retards that should get a DSLR instead
what is the seethe when it comes to mirrorless? DSLRs are not inherently better. EVF is better for digital. m43 is a dark noisy sensor and some of us shoot in low light. Why do you bae your personality around old good new bad?
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>Hurr durrr mirrorless is bad because my canonikon cameras are wedding photographer boat anchors so buy an m43
>-the same thing you have been saying literally all week
Not my fault you refuse to acknowledge fuji and sony existing despite literally the whole fucking world having 0 problems and them being the leading brands for photographers who are not weddingfags

You just hate them because you're stuck with a /p/ gearfag meme camera and can't afford to switch to a good system that normal people use and enjoy
Maybe if you weren't a gearfag you would have just got a fuji/sony instead of seething about your canonikon blob being too big and shitty?
>nooo i cant because the other gearfags will bring up petapixel articles from 2016!
>i internalized the memes and refuse to buy something 4chan/dpreviewforum doesnt like!
Kek. Yeah I know, /p/ is your /p/eer group... no life outside of that lol.

You seem like the 4x5 zoophile, you only buy things for you can post about them on 4chan and only care about how "based" other nerds think they are. And then you take shitty pics of your dog/cat just so you can be "hasphoto". Am I correct?
Why put the slower f2.8 on the Fuji and faster lenses on the larger sensor cameras? If you are going for 40mm equiv, you do know Nikon has a compact 40mm f/2 right?
>Said no one ever
nikon's compact 40mm f2 is not weather sealed and is soft+bad QC. i returned 3 copies, before returning my nikon zf and buying an a7iv.

the oly pro, sony G, and nikon S line are all stellar lenses that check literally every box
except for nikon and olympus checking the "small or normal sized for the format" box. they really fucked up there. fuji's 27mm pancake, i guess, is not the sharpest, but its unsharp in a pleasing way not a "bad optics" way like the 40mm f2. the 40mm f2 performs like a cheap lens, very hazy and fucked up. the fuji 27mm is the next softest but it performs like a film lens. deceptively high resoving, just not crisp.

You mean the 50mm f1.4 Summilux ASPH.? That exists.
The Oly 20mm has lukewarm reviews as well. Looks like Sony wins again.
It’s actually flawlessly sharp by m43 lens standards lmao
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No. It is a letdown compared to the other Oly Pro lenses. Strong chromatic aberration which is the worst kind. Either QC is bad and it's hard to think it will get better given that OM is probably squeezing every drop they can or the lens is poorly designed.
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That's a lot of text to say REEEEEEEE. Of course it is a snoy/fujifag
I think the guy has an humiliation fetish, he keeps posting his walls of text only to get laughed at

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