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Every photography Youtuber I come across seems to follow the same template:

>wears a fisherman beanie
>dressed in either boring vintage clothes or hiking gear in the inner city
>no personality beyond street nonsense and gear faggotry

Unironically where do they make all these guys? It's like a virus
They’re building a brand online and no one will ever give a shit about your photos. Ever.
Flat brim hats are a in now apparently.
Particularly if you shoot film.
It's people jumping on a trend and hoping to be successful. For some reason they believe that gear youtube is not saturated already. 95% of them will be gone in a year. 99% in two years. It's people desperately trying to find a way to quit their job. Not realizing that being a youtuber is one of the worst jobs imaginable.
They need to try to make photography look interesting somehow. What should they do? Show their photos instead? lol
>trying to make it by being an npc clone
>vhs effects
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>wears a
>dressed in
You're actually that shallow eh?
That is very interesting.
OP caught one
Yeah whats up with the stupid beanie

And it's always Asians with Leicas too!
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Don’t forget there’s also the boomer YouTube photographer who have a different aesthetic. Harder to pin down like it is for the zoomzooms though. And then there’s this gigachad

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There's nothing else of substance about them to mention! It's also just spooky how much they look alike
the feed is based on your habits, sounds like you're the problem
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YouTubers I watch look like pic related...
>watches youtubers
>stuff all conveniently positioned so that all the BRAND NAMES are visible in a ultra-posed "candid"
>clearly sponsored by nikon
>Anon gets jealous of outdoor man who makes a living off wildlife photography.
>who makes a living off wildlife photography.
he makes a living off of shilling products, retard
>not a single word about their photography
>attacks personality and fashion sense instead
wonder who typed this post
Before his YT gig he used a mixed bag of Canon and nikon gear, and was a full time wildlife photographer.

A company like nikon wouldn't just choose some random guy with a camera to sponsor.
that shit is so fucking gay. u can tell they are bald and hiding it. especially in the summer when they wear one
How would you like your photographer dressed?
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Beautiful capture. Amazed by the pure spectral response possible only with a low element count lens designed by optical engineers using non-Einsteinian (true) physics.
god i wish that were me
Peak male form
buy my presets bro
The Stanley thermos and the Sigma lens aren't turned to show the branding.
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It's funny how you can break down YouTube photographers into two groups. Street photographers who look like how OP describes them and wildlife photographers who look like pic related, with no overlap. Like, I've never seen a bearded fat boomer taking street pics and I've never seen some 20 something zoomer with a beanie going in a woods to snap at birds.
Older people have money and more free time than younger people... its that simple really. That guy has like a down-payment on a starter home worth of stuff if he bought it all brand new.
Some of these zoomer influencers are rocking leicas and Hasselblads which while not as pricey as an end game birding setup still cost a pretty penny. Also, they seem to have plenty of free time to fuck around in down town shopping centers. I guess wildlife just isn't as trendy.
I'm talking about the everyday person. Not an internet influencer. A company like Lieca will product placement their stuff with trendy young people who get attention.
A company like Nikon will product placement with more mature and well known photographers I find.
>not blocking all goytographer recommendations on jootube by clicking "do not recommend" and "not interested"
not the same as everyone i irrationally hate, but the same as everyone else.
You’re upset young people with money exist.
I'm not. You just have your head up your ass.
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If you think YouTube shit toys are bad, get a load of the Instagram guys. Fuckin WEW, lad. Note to janny it’s not doxing this guy is literally pushing this out there as an ad.

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Urban types are always cringe.
I started go get into photography a few years back and i feel like i was the only young person who wasn't solely taking pictures of one thing. I did less urban photography, but i don't live in a city. I can't stand urbanite hipster yuppie types because they're usually faggots from the suburbs who are overcompensating for having not grown up in a city. I can't stand that gay urban identity shit. I understand our urban development sucks, but urbanites are tools. It reminds me of gay corporate shit at work. Their identity is being a faggot urban liberal.

The US is the land of extremes for so much and it extends to this shit. They're overcompensating for our shit infrastructure. If i lived in Europe i wouldn't live in a major city, but it would still be easier to get around. These types can't fathom that. They have to be in the most urban areas with the most fucking noise and bullshit. Anyone who can't handle being closer to nature is a fucking psycho. These people want to live in fucking Courescant. Smaller European towns aren't good enough for them.

Then these psychos want to tell everyone else what to do. Some faggot who can't handle being in the woods. Not even deep in a national park woods. Just the woods 20 miles outside a city.
Show us the YouTuber sponsored by Leica
It's none of your fooking business.
This guy >>4317011 is clearly sponsored by nikon, show me where it openly says that beyond him just using the equipment and showing the logo...

No one on YouTube is going to openly say they're sponsored by a certain brand because YT would want their cut.
but I enjoy boomers talking about demosaicing algorithms and I enjoy watching zoomers waste their money on overpriced pieces of plastic
This is that case , with most of the arts

Most people don't give a fuck about creating and making cool shit they just want to be perceived as
an "artist" or a "creative" whatever that means

As an ex sound engineer use to see all these "artists" with most "crazy" styles , I mean
tattoos , green hair , "niche" band shirts ...

And guess what they made the most generic
trash imaginable

While the semi autistic lowkey weirdos made music that blew me away

They just want to be an artist not make art
Cool story anon. Show us the YouTuber sponsored by Leica tho.
Are you stupid or something?
Has he ever taken a single good photo?
Most youtube "photographers" are youtubers first, photographers second.
Once you realise this you'll understand why most of these faggots only talk about gear, it's easy content.
If you actual start taking photos you begin to realise that gear matters a lot less than they would have you believe.
I'd recommend looking at the videos of Tatiana Hopper, she mainly talks about photography and not gear, so that is a big plus.
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lol the beanie cuckold phenomenon
for me it's simon dentremont
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taking good photos is below him
If you're so discerning, what's your YT channel?
Show us how it's done.
Takes time and effort, doesn't it?
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mediocrity and coombaits have been pushed to the top for years now, art is dead, wake up
>the grossed out look on the chick on the right in the first pic
As if most of that isn't staged. I bet a few copycats "trying to make it" got slapped in the face when they met reality.
>If you actual start taking photos you begin to realise that gear matters a lot less than they would have you believe.
Yup.. You need to take photos that people are willing to look at for more than a couple of seconds rather than focus on gear, but having an eye for the interesting is something many don't possess and as a coping mechanism they buy gear instead.
You can do anything with a d70 and a 35mm but i would rather leave flashes at home, never carry a tripod, and not cross highways spending 30 minutes on just one photo ok
gear matters when it gets unusably bad, like fuji worms and larp dials, micro four turds phone quality, phones in general, and self destructing snoys (cant take photos with a broken camera)
just get ANY canon (preferably a dslr) and never have a worry in the world
>Check out my presets! They enhance every photo with the click of a button
>It looks like fucking shit
Presets are the biggest fucking scam.
If you even know the basics of editing, you'll know that even self made presets rarely work across different cameras reliably.
>No one on YouTube is going to openly say they're sponsored by a certain brand because YT would want their cut.
This post was sponsored by betterhelp
>show me where it openly says that beyond him just using the equipment and showing the logo
He mentions it when doing gear reviews.
>street faggographer with a $6000 Leica and a $4000 Summilux
>bird boomerographer with a $3000 Nikon ans a $7000 telephoto
>both haven't taken a good photo in years
>implying you have
I love/hate grainydays, he can actually be funny sometimes and I don’t mind his videos usually, but I hate that he’s basically one of the prototype progenitor of all these camera basedboys.
/p/ tube needs more qt grills
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We achieved perfection early with Chelsea so I guess no one feels like they can compete.

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What tripod is this guy using??
dont be a photo phag then. Play vidya games like a normal person.
Looks like a Gitzo systematic and RRS BH-40 ballhead. Thankfully the labels are conveniently facing the camera!
SnapChick is the original
According to their account “about” pages, you are incorrect, tony and Chelsea joined YouTube a whole two years before snap chick.
Tony's youtube channel is older, but it wasn't even photo related at first. SnapChick has a two year head start over Chelsea if we're talking about photo related videos.
Lost interest when she starting putting her husband in stuff also she's a Leica goober
>gear doesn't matter guys
>here's 500 videos of me buying new expensive cameras
meet the boss
there's crossover between guys that hunt and guys that shoot wildlife, you shouldn't be surprised that tthey look similar. both take the mentality for squatting in cold/wet conditions for hours.
Matthias Burling is super obnoxious about this. He literally changed his channel name to "Gear doesn't matter" and all he does is review camera gear but because he reviews older cameras he doesn't think he's a gearfag.
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Does /p/ support closeted couples?

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For me it's the yearly best and worst
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Jesus christ, from a channel called "gear doesn't matter"
bro just explaining that gear is good you just a hater
the most american looking man ever
she is still hot after all those years
The bigger the camera the less normies seem to care about getting their picture taken. If you take photos with a phone people give you the dirtiest looks, but when I hauled an old VHS camcorder to a festival everyone was waving and smiling, jumping into frame to make a face, etc. Having a huge stupid camera seems to make public photo taking okay.
Don't forget the generic mid-atlantic accent and infomercial appeal.
I think it's pretty worrying, we can sit here and make fun of their wank writing but the truth is a lot of people (women) out there think this is moving and good writing, and vibey photos and whatever. I literally did not believe it until I was it with my own two eyes.
The irony
It's awful writing, and the picture is just an ok snapshot. The general public is retarded. Better to accept it.
Bumpin redditfrog thread
Kys retard
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Same, I have an old VHS camera I take around and people love to interact with it. Maybe its because there's no stigma of a phone where the video on there could end up anywhere on the net in a few minutres.

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They're targeting people who want to appear artistic by carrying around a camera while looking mildly bohemian.
When I think about it, most people don't get cameras for photography itself...

When you find a jaded pro with a potbelly talking about the time constraints and budget for a commercial shoot, you have reached peak YouTube.
Am I the only one who purposely avoids JewTube photography channels?

I watched one guy I don't even remember who it was but he was a total goober and the feeling I get from most of these channels is people grifting off of a hobby and they don't know shit about it.

I miss when PhotoshopR did his live streams, that was some genuine carnal knowledge until faggot mods ran him off.
No. The only good channels have next to no subscribers and are run by pros who post once per month.

Automotive channels have the same problem with everyone being shills or wrenchlet influencers.
the algo works based on your browsing habits. says a lot about you.

I have noticed that on the automotive side, when Donut dropped the Probe video and completely botched everything about it I knew they were just grifting.

Nolan is pretty cool though I ran into him at Bonneville and honestly anyone making a serious effort at Bonneville is a certified /o/tist, wrenchlets can't pass tech and they were out there running some flavor of roadster which is a whole different level of car autism over fixed roof guys.
>no video on post processing ever
>snaps of leaves and rocks, vintage cars, windows, rain reflections
Would you rather they snap bald gay black wimmin
Kek. Word salad guy.
The only one I enjoy is Simon D'entremont mostly because I'm a noob and he demonstrates what he talks about well, and the usecases even if his titles are clickbaity. His videos on exposure compensation, histogram, and metering types were invaluable for me starting out.
Agreed on the auto channel part, even mightycarmods has gone to shit over the years, Garbage Time is really the only one that stuck to his roots. God speed you weird down unda' fellow. Other ones are probably Vice Grip Garage, Junkyarddigs, and Pole Barn Garage(peak jank) but mostly enjoy them for the long format stuff.
>Simon D'entremont
Great educator. I'm following a tiny no-nonsense channel called The Photography Rebuttal. As for cars I only watch Harry's road trips, and Dave's Auto Center.
hilarious considering all of their channels will crash and burn in a year after this shit stops being trendy again.
normie women who know nothing about art will eat this shit up because it's a man doing an art. no matter how poorly.
Couldn't have been said better honestly. We're entering a new era, social media makes every normal think they need to be unique. As we all know, normals don't know how to have original thoughts, so they just shit out endless imitations of real art. They'll never understand and they really don't want to, it's all just an aesthetic to them, a personality trait. So fuckin obsessed with being different.
Kill yourself hard
Does he really have to be hard
It's out of respect for David Carradine.
>Harry's road trips, and Dave's Auto Center
haven't heard of these, I'll take a look thank you.
And to be honest Simon is the only one that interests me besides 1 or 2 astrophotography channels(like nebula photos). I do like Duade Paton's content at times, mostly the in the field stuff cause dude is just having a blast, and Ausie's have beautiful birds.
The rest all seem gearfaggotry or streephotography related.
>I've never seen a bearded fat boomer taking street pics
thats literally me.
>no one will ever give a shit about your photos. Ever.
My photos are vital to national security. I'm sorry you're a shitter.
>not Missy MWAC
>not the original
Or what was that azn whore on DRTV that /p/ used to lust over cringily?
Yes, it's important for national security that nobody wastes the time on your garbage
/p/ used to actually do snarky hard critique quite well. what a shallow pool of piss it became.
At least his video thumbnails aren't variations of him basedfacing.
It's just the sex reversal of a woman involved* (in the vicinity of) cars or firearms.
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Sounds like you problem mate.

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Her name was alamby, but does it count if she was just supposed to be the eye candy and not a photographer herself?
Why are you assuming he has not? At least he's taking photos, unlike you.
Her and her husband both are aging like fine wine
I almost bought one of these at the thrift store today but it was $80 and I know these fucks are gonna fleece me and the thing won't work
goddamn thrift store jews pricing shit higher than ebay prices for tested and working goods
>in the inner city
imagine following street photographers
>how much they look alike
lmao what? are you blind or something..

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