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Most people’s instant film pictures suck. I look through Instagram and it’s so boring. Why do people spend so much money on the film just to take a picture of their boring friend and post on Instagram with “Photographer” written in their bio? It’s either a picture of their boring friend or like some random building.

Are there any good instant film pictures you guys would like to share?

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You sound mad
Little bit
Pictures of friends are good, they are not your friends, you have no connection, therefore they mean nothing to you. I love my instax wide, it’s just fun, anon. Resolution/sharpnesa/Quality etc takes a backseat. If you’re a friendless turbo autismo of course it won’t make sense.
because they're having fun and you're not
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I took these at a local park a couple days ago with a handmedown Polaroid 660AF

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actually good wtf
Newsflash: about 5 billion photos are posted to social media every day. At best, perhaps 1 in 10,000 of these don't absolutely suck shit.
I think I wasted 3 of the 8 shots just troubleshooting the flash. It just doesn't work. I can only ever shoot this in perfect lighting conditions
These appeal to the absolute most casuals of casuals
They absolutely suck because these self titled in IG bio "photographers" are doing it for fun and nothing else. And more serious hobby photographers use them as a gift to get others into photography as well
If I let mine sit, it can take several minutes of half pressing the shutter to get it to charge back up. Either way, very nice shots.
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Just snap stuff and have fun lol
>Most people’s instant film pictures suck.
the fact that more and more people are getting into film in 2024 will never make me mad
you sound like a Ham radio boomer
zoomers getting into P&S film cameras, CCD digitals, and doing street photog is a godsend, it'll prevent the hobby from dying the same slow boomer death that ham radio is currently dying
What is so fun about ham radio anyway, it's just r9k for old men
Have any of you tried the new black and white emulsion Polaroid recently announced? Looks much improved.
Fundamentally I have a dislike for nuPolaroid after it’s been proven multiple times that “we can’t fit 10 shots in a cartridge we can’t figure it out so deal with less for higher prices please” was proven to be bullshit, and they’re just going to only keep putting 8 shots in a cartridge because the hipster brigades love to get assraped for the vibe and just keep paying for it regardless. Yeah, great that they kept it alive, but the shekelberg bullshit is icky.
I have a Sun 660, but it's just as expensive to shoot as medium format so I don't use it at all.
Pictures of someone else's friend are shit photos, but photos of MY friend are great. It's like a crutch, but it only works for people who know the guy in the photo. Instant photos on modern Instax film are technically kind of shitty, but they have soul and they're fun. I use Instax primarily for snapshitting people when I'm out at events or hanging out. It's comfy and it's fun. It's also a perfect wallet-sized print.

>the fact that more and more people are getting into film in 2024 will never make me mad
same here (for the most part)

I would love to use a polaroid but when I decided to get an Instax mini I had good reasons. Instax was (maybe still is) a better emulsion than polaroid, AND it's multiple times cheaper. I get my mini film for about 60 to 70 cents per shot. Polaroid is closer to like, $2. That's a big difference.

If I could mod a polaroid 600 to spit out Instax prints and add some sort of mask to the viewfinder that'd be cool.
What are some good instant film cameras? The Instax seems pretty good
You don't buy instant film for good quality, you buy it for preserving memories.
I went for an 80 kilometer bike ride with a friend of mine the other day and we took a photo in each town we stopped at. Now I have a sequence of photos on my wall so I can relive the fun of that day.
I hate the cold blue tint of Instax
I want to get one but I'm afraid I'll look gay-- I kinda associate them with teenage girl photography. They seem like fun though, I'll probably end up getting one anyways.

I've also heard that the quality of polaroid is dogshit (like even casuals notice) which is funny considering how expensive their shit is.
>but I'm afraid I'll look gay
This implies that you are gay and you don't want people to know.
I'm not gay, but I'm afraid of people thinking I'm weird and gay because people associate instant film with teenage girls. I feel it'd be like seeing a 30 year old dude playing with barbies, exagerration but you get the point.
You've got to get out of your own head. No one actually cares. If people think your weird, it's because you're projecting an aura of feeling weird. Part of photography is learning to control how other people feel by setting the tone yourself
Very true, I've noticed this first hand too when out with my regular camera. I just don't know if I can pull off an instant film camera out in public, it's kinda like how some people just can't pull off certain clothes. I still might end up getting one, but reserve it for family and freinds.
>No one actually cares.
t. autist
Normies are the most judgemental cunts you'll ever meet. You should hear how they talk about each other behind their own backs.
the black instax models don't look that female
it's npt easy to share a hobby/interest with fundie hipster girls
Just don't get an instax mini 9 or whatever and get the mini 70 or 90
I got a Lomo'Instant Automat for $36 used and this is my 1st instant camera. Did I make a mistake?

Automats seem the cheapest Instax camera you can buy
Mistake? I doubt it. $36 is less than most, if not all, the actual Fuji Instax cameras, so if your camera works, then whatever. Seems like a good buy. Have fun with it anon!
any other instant homies want to be friends, i just started

kaidsnap on instagram
Since everything is getting more and more digital people want to get something they can touch with their hands, and as quick as possible. The image quality really sucks, but let's be honest normies never cared about it any point. I still remember those shitty photos people took with their nokia phones back in the day. Instant film pictures are an improvement on that.
Has anyone tried the Mint RF70?
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>get my gf a polaroid because she didn't want me to be the only one taking pictures of stuff on our trips
>every now and then a pack of film has a few defective exposures, where it either doesn't properly develop or the chemicals were fucked up from the start, resulting in a blank "image"
Surely, with modern technology we haven't managed to fuck up a tried and true snapshit method this bad
Polaroid are janky like that and the hipsterfags accept it because impossible co gives them lame excuses like “it’s old machinery we had to reinvent the process” and bla bla bla. They also blatantly lied saying they didn’t know how to make thinner sheets and that’s why they could only fit 8 per cartridge when OG Polaroid gave you ten (the community since proved this to be complete bullshit but impossible dot give a duck) etc etc etc. it’s great that they saved the format and the process from extinction, but (((they))) aren’t consumer friendly at all.
Meanwhile Fuji instax just works. Shoulda bought her the Fuji bruv

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