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>new Adobe terms and conditions

What's the best Lightroom alternative? I could go cracked, but I'm interested in other options away from Adobe software.
capture one. now fuck off
Can I upload my photos to it online?
why don't you do a little of your own reading about it, retard
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Not anymore because adobe software is a literal botnet that scans your hard drive to train AI lmao
Darktable is everything you need
you block everything adobe related in the firewall
i NEED, more than anything else, a program i can launch and simply make good photos with, not a 7 day task of redesigning the UI, profiling my own camera, and making correction profiles for every lens I own.

i do not NEED 5 different demosaicing algorithms or to reorder the signal processing chain. there is only one best way to do that when i am not making glitch art. therefore i'll just use capture one lol

also, anything "GNU" licensed is infected with literal communism that denies a software developer the right to a trade secret and makes software development as a professional economically impossible once it has infested a project (it is a license that legally denies everyone involved the right to own property - software once infected is legally "owned by the party", it is so marxist they call it copyleft), and the JEW, yes he is jewish, richard m stallman who co-designed GNU licensing designed it to be highly contagious. also, the exact same JEW (richard m stallman) went on the record to defend pedophillic contact with children as young as 7, claim that bestiality should be legalized without exception, and to defend HIS CLOSE FRIEND EPSTEIN by saying that any "abused" children actually gave their full consent. i use as little GNU licensed shit (hard because it's so contagious) as possible for this reason.
I don't think you understand how Adobe works nowadays.
i got pirated adobe lightroom classic 12.3 and it works just fine
Everyone involved in free software is some sort of awful freak or an unironic glowie except for torvalds. He’s just a red blooded family man who got bored in college.
Do you know exactly how the crack works? Have you checked every .dll to see what they contain? Even if it's a keygen or pre-cracked, the software is altered ahead of time. If you're just blocking the .exe you're not in the slightest bit secure and it isn't "fine". It's 2024 not 2008, you need to do better.
I reckon that RawTherapee its also nice
Rawtherapee is just as bad as darktable and you know it

Truly a program for people that think shooting raw is meant to be a considerable timesink and done solely for pixel peeping, not artistic freedom. These overly autistic programs are ok for occasional use when you really want to fuck up your image in uniquely digital ways but for everything else they suck balls and waste a shitton of time
idk what youre on about, it works and thats all i care about
>homosexual saves photos of gay porn stars
sasuga fossfags
>inb4 how did you know they are gay porn stars
i am guessing because straight men arent shaved all over
based future identity theft victim. he installed a keylogger so we wouldnt have to :’)
Yeah, people are clueless. The trusted American software hippie days are over, it's no longer about "screw the man" it's about mine the user. All software is cracked in China now, with repacks by Indians. Even the Russian teams moved on to better things, it's a 3rd world affair now.
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>hackers dont exist those are boogeymen from tv! the shady russian crack is safe!
lol thanks for providing plaintext usernames and passwords + running a bitcoin miner for some pasty chinese kid
Run it in sandbox and unplug your internet cable if you're paranoid.
I'd just run it in a proper VM to examine it.
I just found out about this today. No idea how good it is, haven't tried it. Claims to be a fork of Darktable.
Apologise right now!!

I have been on this board for months saying to drop this trash software and use capture one.
People keep not listening to me and using Lightroom.
I was trying to help you guys. You would have avoided all of this if you just listened to me.

Don’t ever complain to me about ai if you use lightroom, you are the biggest contributors to ai photography of all time, even more so than midjourney users.
Affinity Photo 2
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but only losers and tryhards use editing software. Anyone with actual skill doesn't edit their photos, they simply take good photos with their camera.

The solution is obvious: get good.
>affinity comes out, promises to not be adobe and do the subscription shit
>releases version 2 which is subscription based
>”we didn’t lie, version one still works the same as it always did for you!”
Fuck these greedy kikelike bastards, never again.
Don't mind me, I've been using Canon DPP 4 from the jump. Yeah it's old and clunky, but it does what I want and I don't worry about AI or "content review" bullshit. Feels good man
thanks for the heads up.
gonna pirate photoshop now. for photo stuff I was using capture one for the last two years but I'm gonna pirate that, too. because capture one subscription is expensive as fuck and the perpetual license is a scam (they won't even give you minor .XX updates for free lol)
>ios only app for mobile
>$512 to buy outright in my country


>probably revoke lifetime licenses later like 99% of companies have done
Affinity 2 is not subscription based, it is one time purchase and inexpensive.
The company was recently bought, so there is concern that the follow up to Affinity 2 will require subscription, but there has been no evidence either way of how that will go.
This. It literally does 100% of raw development and the results look great.
Oh turns out you’re right, they aren’t subscription based for version 2. I remember now, they pissed everyone off by not providing a v1 to 2 upgrade despite basically advertising themselves as “you’ll always receive updates” when they were first breaking into the scene. So my rage is justified regardless, which really is the only thing that matters in the end.
Why Capture1 and not for example DxO Photolab or Affinity?
Just yank the lan cable out, you retarded faggot.
I'm talking about features, you retarded faggot. Back in the day you could pirate 100% of a suite's functionality. Now you can't.
Gave the git version a spin.
The GUI is just as shit, a bunch of features were broken.
Most of the changes are technical, code optimizations and removal of things the dev decided were bloat.
His blog had some fair criticisms about the current state of Darktable but he seems to be a douche which is probably why he had a falling out with the rest of the Darktable team.
photoshop is literally $10 a month.

Stop being a cheap bitch. If you're serious about your photographs you will get the best. The only software that doesnt have absolutely dogshit User Interface.
Why did you mention photoshop in the first sentence, and then start talking about capture one? Are you mentally impaired?

>type the exact correct captcha
>now have a captcha timer
so what, they want to see the nude photos I have taken, oh well, big whoop
Pixelmator pro
>he doesn't know who billy herrington is
Faggots wish they could be as respectable as him. He was the biggest gentle man anyone ever saw
So he is a gay porn star... and anons that don't know who he is are faggots... mhm yes, I see.
But you don't have to get that autistic about it if you don't want to? Darktable has pretty sane defaults (and the UI customization it allows isn't even a thing in Lightroom--that's a pro, not a con) and good compatibility with any mainstream camera and lens, which it can auto-recognize the files of to apply the correct profiles. The different demosaicing algorithms (which it does a good job of auto applying) are part of why it never struggled with certain brands, like Fuji, the way Lightroom has, which is one of the benefits of Darktable. It also has a wider set of modules performing more complex functions, ensuring I would never have to bounce to something like Photoshop to get the edits I want for my style.

I get from this post that you haven't ever used it, at least not recently, or gave up immediately after launching it and now just wanted to vent about the anti-FOSS chip on your shoulder. I'm not a big FOSS guy myself but whatever retardation Stallman has been a part of and so on doesn't change the fact that Darktable is a free alternative that actually beats some of the paid options in certain areas and is competent in the rest.
Darktable doesnt support many cameras and lenses unless you still use a d34xx or something
Whats the last good version of Photoshop? I'm still on CC 2015
DxO Photolab
Actually worse raw profiles, looks like the stock Adobe profiles, just more punchy. No camera matching profiles (they look like Adobe Color not like the camera matching profiles, eg no PT, no ST, etc) which is one of the strong points. /p/ is fucked in the head.

There's literally nothing else let alone with an Android tablet app where I can take my catalogue anywhere via cloud.

Here is what I need for proofing
>Cloud rendering so that edits only upload Metadata not re-upload entire image
>cloud soft proofing that can generate picks/new album without manually selecting or manually uploading
>cloud export albums for client downloading actually kinda suck since it still exports in P3 with no sRGB option last I checked
>entire catalogue viewable/storage in cloud, not just for 1 month/last shoot only (C1 cloud)
>fully featured Android tablet app, or at least ipad pro app (I switched to s9 ultra from iPad pro desu)
>ability to pull up any part of catalogue anywhere with internet on any of my devices

The soft proofing is a big one. You still have to generate the album via lightroom web instead of any of the apps which is stupid.. but it's very convenient none the less

Everybody else is so far behind it's not even funny. C1 might be alright on a shoot by shoot basis if you finish within a month but it's actually more expensive for that feature and no full catalogue in cloud, no tablet, no matching profiles so it's a complete bust.

If open source ever got any good this could technically be possible by either self hosting on your home machine or Azure Functions / AWS Lambda self hosting, still needs an on parity tablet app first.
i've been using fastrawviewer for culling. it seems perfect, since you can tag shit quickly (either stars, or color tags), then move the color tagged into new folder.. then repeat process (especially if shooting people)

what I miss from OG lightroom (haven't bothered trying the cloud versions) is the "library" module, and how you could quickly browse stuff, quickly enter develop mode. I guess the dever photolab is getting there, but I remember older DXO version being slow AF when browsing stuff in "library" module.
How about digiKam
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what makes capture one worth the $300? Is it really better than something like darktable or pirating and older lightroom?

Also, whats the best way to get all of my photos backed up from lightroom? I did pic related so have all the originals but is there any good way to have the edited settings or versions as well that may be able to be imported into one of these alternatives?
>Actually worse raw profiles, looks like the stock Adobe profiles, just more punchy. No camera matching profiles (they look like Adobe Color not like the camera matching profiles, eg no PT, no ST, etc) which is one of the strong points. /p/ is fucked in the head.
You must be a snoy if you think lightroom is better. Sony "colors" really benefit from lightroom's aggressive color destruction and camera jpegs aggressive color NR and global moire wipeout. Saturating shit makes saturated shit - punch only looks good if the color science was already perfect
I have affinity photo but it was a photoshop alternative, not really a lightroom alternative. Is affinity 2 more like lightroom? The first one was not good at importing and editing batches of photos in the way you do in lightroom, more for more serious image manipulation.
>Actually worse raw profiles
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Honestly I'm not sure, I haven't used a Adobe product in forever, and I have no idea what I'm doing anyway. It seems to be a pretty full-featured program on the editing side. For file management, I use XnViewMP, but maybe it's lacking some features that some people need, I dunno.

I tried Darktable a few years ago and found it utterly horrible. Maybe that's why Affinity 2 seemed so wonderful when I tried it.

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The added a develop mode which is the raw developer, similar to photoshop's, comparable to Lightroom. If they have support for your camera it works just fine for most.
I moved from lightroom to DxO. Does enough for me. If not that then capture one but that shit is sluggish on my mac.
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but does it have the ability to see all your photos in a grid or a timeline below the one youre editioning like this? When ive used it to switch images you have to actually go open the new image which is a huge pain in the ass for this kind of image processing
I have no idea, I use DPP for my raws, I only go to affinity afterwards if I want to do a photoshop type edit. Download the trial and see if it works for you?
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I tried using darktable and besides the UI being worse it seems like its handling my pictures much worse than lightroom. There is so much more noise / grain especially in the sky in this image for example compared to when i open it in lightroom (or just opening the CR3 file in windows photos). It's very odd. I am sick of spending $10 a month especially since ive been not doing photography that often but besides pirating older lightroom i or paying $300 for capture one (and then cant use edit on mobile/ipad) i dont see a real alternative

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They're being sued over this, actually
Better luck next time, Adobe suck-up
More like Darktable is actually showing you how shitty your photos are :^)
so my camera and every other photo viewing application is lying? I dont see that noise when i zoom in on my canon. I also print my photos at 13x19 and have never seen issues.
>"Free" software has worse or no color profile support for most cameras, worse noise reduction algorithms, etc
Only free if your time is worthless. I know a real life rawtherapee user. He insists on using an MFDB and some zeiss makro planar so he doesn't need "post processing", because free software doesn't even really do it. He also unironically uses gentoo linux in his 30s, when that's usually something you do in your teens or 20s before you get a job.

C1 all in one with mobile is $22 a month if you renew yearly.
>C1 all in one with mobile is $22 a month if you renew yearly.
Lightroom with 1tb storage and mobile is $10 monthly, i already own affinity photo on desktop and ipad so any photoshop features are not needed by me. The whole reason i want to move away from adobe is subscriptions are bullshit, i just want to buy my software once like i was able to do with affinity photo. Its just a shame they dont offer a real lightroom alternative.
>know a real life rawtherapee user. He insists on using an MFDB and some zeiss makro planar so he doesn't need "post processing", because free software doesn't even really do it. He also unironically uses gentoo linux in his 30s
He sounds based and you sound like a little bitch
I think he became that way by imitating someone else, or trying to live up to 4chan/4um shitposts he was making. He's in that "pwn the noobs" culture age range. For all that he pays me to "fix" his shitty 500cc motorcycle (make basic adjustments) after breaking it with his own attempts.

People who care about cloud storage are weird to me. 2tb portable drives are way better. Imagine your stuff being stuck on a file host subscription. Where's it gonna go when that expires? Yeah, a 2tb portable drive. Might as well just have the portable drive in the first place.

>subscriptions are bullshit
They also hit the budget spot for 99.999999999% of humanity and better fund the continuous improvement that can keep up with the fast paced bullshit of the tech industry. The downside is when the company goes under, so does all licensing, but by then the software will have a trustworthy crack or someone will sue whoever made off with the most money for a permanent key.

C1 *is* the real lightroom alternative, it's just for a slightly more autistic and experienced kind of user so the way of doing things is a bit different and not exactly what you're used to. It's like jumping from whatever garbage you learned in college because of some business deals with the school, to what real businesses actually use (it's always different).
>People who care about cloud storage are weird to me. 2tb portable drives are way better.
Its just included with the plan, just one more backup site that i get without having to deal with it. For example if im travelling and editing on my ipad i dont bother to backup to an external drive as its just a waste of time but when i get home i can just grab all the raw files from where lightroom stores them on my PC and back those up to whichever locations id like. It's definitely not a make or break. Also they are definitely not 'stuck' on adobes backup service, you can pull them down to any device pretty easily as far as im aware.
>i cant plug this thing into my ipad
>guess i have to use shitty spyware
>yes adobe pls train your ai on my stuff, make me obsolete
the state of itoddlers
>>i cant plug this thing into my ipad
never said that. I have an external HDD that i can plug in, its a bit annoying to use a dongle and then the cord that plugs into the HDD but its not that big of a deal, it's what i used to do. But i just dont need to do it anymore because i can just do my personal backups when i get to my house. If i was doing professional work then maybe i would create a hard backup on site as well but at this point i just do not need to.
I hate apple, i bought the 2018 ipad pro for mostly photo editing as it was slow on my MS surface and thought it might be better (it wasnt) and it reminded me again why i hate apple. But it still gets the job done.
Would you rather use a dongle (annoying to connect two rectangles with a wire? tell that to your ancestors who had to hitch horses to carriages to travel faster than a jog) and keep your stuff or use "the cloud" (adobe's servers) and let them use your photos to create marketable data products and train AI without compensating you
Yes. Cameras and most photo editing software apply all sorts of automatic corrections to hide your badness from you.
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It's not lying, it's providing you with processed data by default. ALL digital photos need processed from something that looks a bit like this. Darktable provides you with less processed data by default because its developed by people who are unpaid, and they are unpaid because they are not competent enough nor enthusiastic to figure out how to provide a more workable default for every slightly different camera there is. Their solution is to provide you with minimal processing and let you figure out the rest for them. Why would they figure it out for you? They're not being paid. If you want a fully processed result and for further decisions to be creative rather than technical, learn to program and fix it yourself! That's the FOSS way.

AKA communism in action
>why does frozen pizza come as separate crust, sauce, and cheese? was worker drinking vodka too early?
>sergei can not be ass to make your damn pizza figure it out yourself capitalist man-baby. come to factory and put pizza together if you are bother, american pig.

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>let them use your photos to create marketable data products and train AI without compensating you
If you have posted photos to anywhere like instagram or here this same thing applies. It's really easy to scrap the internet for images, even if it is from a personal website and has copy right good luck proving they used your image in the AI training.
>doing things by yourself is communist
>the foss way encourages mastery of one's craft
>this is also communism
Based comrade
mastery of soulless technical details so you can spend less time thinking about light, color, shadow, contrast, story, etc. just spend all your time figuring out how to turn digital data into jpeg.
Communism distributes the most menial labor so no one has time for higher thought
>mastery of soulless technical details so you can spend less time thinking about light, color, shadow, contrast, story,
You do that while taking the photo nigger
Sounds like someone hasnt read his ansel adams
The photo taking is just the content, you're getting as much information on the camera as possible so you can create what you want.

banal technical garbage like demosaicing, noise reduction, and unsharp mask settings just get in the way of this.
>hold on, before you try and remember what colors you wanted
>let's dive into profiling sensors and lenses with macbeth charts!
>hey you have a grid to photograph to determine distortion correction right? are you even a photographer?
>capture one dev: photographers do that? you mean... a raw editor programmer?
Slop consumer mindset. This creature is a cattle not a man.

LR auto applies denoise, lens correction, CA correction, cranks the saturation, and cranks the sharpness by default before you get to touch any sliders. Darktable lets you pick if you want those things. Darktable is broadly more powerful and flexible than Lightroom, though certain modules (particularly anything LR is using AI to do) lag behind, and it has a much steeper learning curve since you have to understand every processing step you are applying to your image.
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Granted i didnt spend long looking and i probably should before i re-buy lightroom but i couldnt even find the tone curve in light room, the only similar thing i found was the color zone. I also get that this is just a user problem but going from just importing from an SD card in lightroom and then the originals are kept on my computer and cloud backed up is so much nicer than having to take them from the SD card into a folder then import them into Darktable. I hadnt realized i would have to do this so i just imported from the SD card and then windows ejected it so i couldnt work on them until i unplugged and plugged it back it. I know these are just workflow differences but one is definitely better than the other.
Please, computer nerd. STEMbug. Soulless button presser. You are cattle. Your yoke is a keyboard. Your plow is silicon. Your master is a machine. You are a cog in a system that makes 0s and 1s look like pictures. As if anyone ever gave a fuck about any of that pixel level bullshit! Thank you for appeasing your mathematical MTF analyzing master by dialing in the algorithms and a:bing at 400% zoom to be sure your math is beautifully minimal and truthful to the quantum photon counts or whatever such atomic garbage.

Actual humans will let the machine be a machine and concern itself with the local contrast of an individual line pair. We see what machines can not. What’s in the picture. Not what equations go into it. This is the linux/windows debate… one person programs the computer and writes a personal suite of lisp scripts forever. The other person makes the computer bend to their will and create what it can not compute. Something that does not exist or logically follow. The latter takes the role of a human. The former is closer to AI, a calculator and data recombinator.
Beautifully said. I actually HATE people like him.
Congratulations, photography itself just flew over your head. These people are everywhere you can find tech. They're so in love with computers they want to be them.
Keep in mind that if you aren’t using Lightroom classic specifically, it won’t have some it those options. Adobe in all of their infinite wisdom made a phone snap centric editor and slapped the Lightroom name on it, and the renamed the old style catalogue+editor “Classic”. Very different applications. Personally classic still works just fine for me but I’d probably still be using apple aperture if they hadn’t sunsetted it. I don’t need much.
Can we see your beautiful photos that are only good because you started with no lens corrections, no denoise, a generic color profile, and no unsharp mask?

Just one?

FYI I have never seen one single good photo that was processed with darktable. Nada. The users are too busy fiddling with charts, DIY profiling, and consooming more gear because "l-lightroom lied to me, i cant use that lens it uses software distortion correction"
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Imagine needing more

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Capture one does not just have this tool, it has a better version of it with reasonable defaults.

>Moving files is bad
If there is one thing I don't like software doing, it's deciding where to put files. I like to put my raws where I want them so I can more easily find them if I want to use them with different software or send them to other people who aren't on whatever cloud platform. The only thing the editor should catalog is where I put them and the associated edits.
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I am not using classic, if that was the case id just get a cracked version (which i'm still tempted to do). I've been using lightroom CC so i can use it on phone (i have a galaxy fold so decent for editing) or ipad as well. Some of the features like auto correcting geometry and some other features are nice but its mostly just learning this completely different UI seems like a pain, capture one seemed at least more similar to light room. Shit like this also is just confusing, how is it that white balance is beign applied twice, it doesnt say where the two are from or help me locate it. Changing my white balance shouldnt be that hard and there should be easy auto options even if it isnt made for slop consumers,
looks like shit

All that settings fiddling and time spent personally approving every pixel and it looks like the jpeg output
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>If there is one thing I don't like software doing, it's deciding where to put files
You can just choose where you want it to keep the original files. You can also still just do this manually. I dont usually wipe my sd cards so the import feature in lightroom just showing the new ones is nice, doing it manually i guess id just select everything and when asked choose skip if its there, then in darktable import just the new ones. Not that big of a deal.

Is there any way to (quickly and easily) see the before and after version of edits in darktable (or capture one)? Being able to just press \ and see the before and after is very useful.
In capture one you press "y"
in darktable you write a lua script to add this feature yourself
It's called "tone curve" in darktable. You should be able to to use the "copy and import" button to copy from an SD card to the darktable library.

I called you a slop consumer because you said home cooking a pizza instead of buying a frozen one was communism. All the other shit you wrote was extremely gay.
Sorry anon Lightroom (sans classic) is widely known to be a stupid piece of shit. Can’t offer anymore help, I would never.
I never made any pizza comments stembug
Even gayer that you got all worked up over me hassling someone else then lmao
what makes it a piece of shit compared to classic? It's been a while since i used classic and i remember being annoying with a few of the changes but cant remember what they even were.
It's not like home cooking a pizza. It's like a lazy public "worker" sending you a half finished product. Both buying a finished pizza and truly making your own (not playing with a half done toy) are better options.

In the photography sense, that would be using capture one/LRC/camera jpeg, or shooting film with a 100% analog process.
>Unprompted and clumsy political allegories on the photography board

>You MUST use pricey corporate slop or shoot film
Darktable is free and does everything Lightroom does, that's all I need. I don't care that I have to click 3 buttons to apply the Lightroom defaults.
>his cope transforms from “i am better for using shit software” to generic 4chan troglodyte “spending money bad”
I remember the mid /jp/ days when it was “having money bad, working = cuckoldry”
I don’t think Darktable supports the compressed lossless RAW of my Z9, does it? Last time I used it I noped out fast but that was like 12 years ago.

I use Capture One (20 or 21, I forget which) and Affinity Photo now. Photo Mechanic when I’m editing sometimes.
That's true, but the paywalled features are AI dogshit.

Only thing I kinda want is the captioning and transcription features from premiere.
>adobe FUD shilling
holy shit
lol what darktable dev could ever afford a z9?
pirated capture one studio + pirated pixelmator. simple as.
damn, thank you anon for this
just tried it and the result is great
feels less snappy than adobe stuff but I can live with this
You will not regret it, also be sure to use the Picture Style Editor for images you want to really control the colors.
It's a separate download on the Canon page, but links up with DPP and EOS Utility.

Edit the hosts file to and problem solved.
>thinks they use the signed .exe
you are a trucker
>insulting ANIKI
anon, I will pray for your soul.
>yes he is jewish
So is Steve Ballmer, what's your point?
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105 KB PNG
Red blooded, huh?
Speaking of Darktable - I still use old version (2.6) with all presents I made so far but I face problem with update. New version does work much faster and smoother but I cannot simply install over (it straight out states that it would cause problems due to large difference between 2.x and 3.x versions) and in 2.x there are no options to export presents or at least I couldnt find them. How to get around that?
>linus agrees with IQ tests for gun ownership
Horsehsoe theory

probably not the best of the best with honors, but gthumb + ufraw_batch is possibility
Capture one and phocus are the actual industry standard editors for working photographers, the kind you'd call real photographers, not the ones that shoot for the newspaper.

A yearly C1 subscription is so cheap a minimum wage employee can afford it. You probably spend more on beer, so the solution is to buy less beer.
Does Capture One use gpu to generwte thumbnails faster?
Capture one is $25/m just for desktop in Australia

that's expensive for a photo editing app, $505 for one time but then you don't get updates.

$25 doesn't include mobile app either
I just got Affinity Photo 2 (actually, the whole bundle) and I'm pleased with it as a lightroom alternative for my needs.
It's not a lightroom alternative for everyone's needs -- e.g. no batch processing, the tools aren't as deep.
But I'm just a hobbyist and focus mostly on the artistic side of photography, I'm not trying to process 1000s of wedding photos. I want to edit my photos and have fun and make some nice results, and I think Affinity Photo 2 does a good job of that. It might also be my style -- I tend to take more time on fewer shots vs. just spamming the shutter release like most of you all do.
For the hobbyist, the main missing feature IMO is library management. You'll need a different tool for that.
Definitely something I recommend to hobbyists as a Lightroom Developer and Photoshop alternative in one software package.
Darktable is a great example of why open source software will never properly take off. It's dominated by autistic developers who shouldn't even be in the same room of anyone with a say in UX.
>darktable is created for photographers, by photographers.
Correction: by autistic photographers for autistic photographers.
Sure, it's "technically correct" in practically any regard you examine it.
The software works great if, at the beginning of the process, you can look at the photo and know just about what modules and settings it's going to need to get a desired final result. That works great for optimizing fidelity of over-the-horizon wind turbine pictures and other autistic photographic obsessions.
It fucking falls apart for the vast majority of photographers who need a degree of explorability in their developing process, because frankly, the vast majority of good art is inherently ambiguous and has too many variables to consider with various compromises and no right answer.
This makes the autistic photographer seethe, of course, who'll find ways to dismiss this art on technical grounds then blame women as to why 99% of people prefer that photography over their autistic train photo collection carefully curated for maximum sharpness and details present regardless of any compositional considerations.
And that's the kind of photographer Darktable works well for (and generally, the example of the failure of open source software to succeed).
People seems to recommend Phocus but is it actually working with other camera systems?
apple photos, hit a few sliders, crop and export... i don't get what y'all are on about, make better photos
sunk coast fallacy imo
It's perfectly usable if you aren't braindead, you are just salty you overspent on something that's hardly any better

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