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Z6iii edition, get in here lads


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very hyped, currently the closest I've been to switching back to Nikon, hoping this doesn't push me over
it just has to be priced ~2100$ and it will be golden, no need to buy sony anymore.
I will probably swap my z7ii for this

But if it turns out to be halfway between the z8 and original z6ii body design i'm done with nikon Powershot g7xii is enuf.
What specs/features are you expecting this to have before you consider upgrading?
>autofocus that can compete with a 7 year old sony
>pixel shift
>focus shift shooting with finer gradations, more user friendly, start w/ shutter not w/ menu
>same body size or smaller
nikon makes amazing lenses, but without good body features digital is just pixelated film with moire and any camera with an ok lens can get the job done. the photos will simply be smaller.
Why would you trade your Z7 ii in for a low resolution body.
Because I'm not using the resolution as much as I used to and would rather just have good body features to accomplish interesting and technically difficult shots with less bullshitting. If not I'm content to ditch all my digital shit for a pocketable PNS and a MF film camera. No sense staying in a premium system if the most premium thing it offers is an MTF chart.
top retard
I agree. Buying into nikon when there are no really good FF mirrorless was retarded. Nikon just showed the most promise for improvement. Shoulda waited.
bought a zf w the 40mm 2.0 what am i in for?
>interesting and technically difficult shots
>bird on building corner
Wow, real advanced anon, we’re so proud of you.
low image quality
>bird on building corner ft. sleeping cat, co starring dog running and MC flower
i was gonna get the a7cii but efcs is a turnoff
the a7iv isnt that much bigger. compare it to the zf. sony’s 40 is also a much better lens.
I'd get an a7iv to replace my z7ii if i could get confirmation on whether "shading correction" settings are separate for video and stills. With how small snoys lenses are getting it's a good middle ground between a PNS and yuge ff.

I'll give nikon a chance to improve the z7ii firmware at least first (and release a serious 24mm f2.8)
> improve the z7ii firmware
They likely won’t. All the goodies will be supported by the newer processor which will be in the Z7iii whenever that’s announced
Bought a 2nd Z9 instead of waiting for this Z6III. Pretty happy with the decision, now I've got one kind of memory card and one kind of battery and one set of menu settings, simplifies my life on set considerably.

I'm betting this Z6III is going to be hot shit though.
looking to upgrade my Z50. Is the Zf worth it?
I was a D600 shooter for about 4 years, sold it and went for an A7RII. Missed DSLRs, got a D200. Love that camera dearly. Potentially going to buy a D800 on Friday for $300. Feels like an unreal amount of camera for the money.
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>baby z8/nikon branded r6ii
>mirrorless is so small and light!
>nikon was already the 2nd fattest body
yeah, bye nikon. whats the fucking point? anything bigger than the z#ii bodies is d750 sized. the zf is an ergonomic clusterfuck. there's no camera out that i want. broo the fps, the flippy, fuck that. i am a photographer, not a sports videographer.

they update the z#ii autofocus or i have 4 lenses to get rid of
mirrorless could have been better but the only company that tried to do it right was fucking snoy
so just use a d750 what's the big deal
>go back to the blobs bro
I already have a d200. It's like using a d750, but actually interesting. Fuck modern digital cameras. Enough of the bloating, the unending FPS obsession, and the technological regressions. I have one wedding left to snapshit and then everything made after 2005 is turning into film money and I am telling my family to fuck off if they want more high resolution group portraits

Gearfaggotry was a waste of time. Shoulda stuck with film.
you are a hobbyist/artist who has experienced the top shelf shit of last century, shot film, and therefore has high standards for equipment and image quality. new cameras are not made for you. they are made for people who buy brand new cameras with warranties, new lenses with warranties, support services, and paid firmware upgrades, and then do it all again next year - rental houses, press photographers, and professional videographers.

well, ok, leica and hasselblad might make a camera for you. and if you weren't discerning, didn't know what film actually looked like, and just posted 2mp snaps to instagram, fuji would too. enjoy your film.
lol really you just made yourself mad by arbitrarily reasoning that new bad old good
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>new bad old good
This grabbed my attention! You thinking medium format film? Also, finances permitting, I will be shooting a motion picture on 35mm film in the near future. It'll be a B movie, of course.
What are the chances that Nikon produces a more compact retro full frame camera? Maybe even in a range finder format? Would instant switch from Snoy to Nikon.
I want the zf so bad but it's too fucking huge
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yeah, it's bigger than an fm2
Since the original Z6 and Z5 are similar in price used, which one makes more sense if I want to step up to full frame mirrorless?
Depends on what you want.
Tell us, what do you want?
I want a modern body in terms of things like wifi/Bluetooth, ibis, and autofocus to upgrade from an old A100 with a kit zoom and old Minolta 50mm I picked up to see if I liked photography a few years ago.

I am a hobbyist that wants something relatively futureproof so I don't have to think about my body fur a while, with third party lens options (Canon RF glass looks like it costs an arm and a leg). I'm also considering the Sony ecosystem, and a used A7ii or iii body.
> i am a photographer
could you share some work? I'm curious what you shoot
its probably huskyfag. no one else has a z7/d200 combination.
he’s a wedding photographer apparently and has never been happy with a digital camera
It’s a poor artist who blames their tools. If you’re unhappy with the images you’re making, a new camera isn’t going to change that. Taking some level of pleasure in using obsolete discarded tech that nonetheless still performs just as well as when it was state of the art, that’s fine. But positioning that as the one true way forward is stupid.

The fact is, every digital camera made in the past ten years is totally fine for use today. Film is still great. Everything is great. There’s no reason to be a miserable fuck unless that’s just your misanthropic, shitty personality shining through. Get over yourself and take some fucking pictures and quit back seating the engineers who make this great stuff.
None of that tells us what camera you need. How do you like your current body? What does it do that you like and what's mising? What do you currently photograph? Do you ever "see" a photo, and try to capture it but can't? Be honest with yourself, is the issue gear or technique?
I think there is a difference between blaming your camera for a bad photo and being angry at FF mirrorless getting larger and more video/sports oriented while older models receive little support, after spending probably $2000+ (or $5000 - 4 lenses on niggon…)

Nikon is special here. A lot of people bought expecting improvements towards being sony but good. Compact high performance FF mirrorless. Nikon has decided canon sports blobs but nikon branded is the way forward. Dude’s clearly a leicafag at heart being left behind by the slow death of digital photography. Everyone else like that already went to film. Stop complaining, straggler, its your fault for expecting digital to be good.
you've obviously never used a canon rebel
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I'm not unhappy with the images.

I can take a photo that's just as good on any other camera and I don't enjoy doing photography "professionally" anymore so there's no point in dealing with japan bloating up their cameras and pricetags with features I don't want or need. There are no digital brands left for me and film is more fun anyways.

Definitely medium format. Every time I see it, it looks otherworldly compared to digital, which is just like 35mm film but 4k ultra hd retina display. The cameras are big but they make it worth it.

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that's kinda sad
i've been really enjoying this era of cameras, so many more options both with lenses and bodies, so much more functionality, smaller size, etc
Based gearfaggotry quitter
I got the D800. Can a better camera be had for 300 dollars? I don't think so. Insane to me that when I was in high school I paid $850 for a D5000, which honestly was a pretty shit camera, and now I can get what is one of the best sensors ever made for less than half the money.
>can a better camera be had for 300 dollars
10 chaikas
>features I don't want or need.
Why the fuck would anyone, the camera makers least of all, give a flying fuck what features you want in a new digital camera when you've made it abundantly clear that all you want is an old film camera? You're not part of the target audience here so there's no reason for the camera to match your preferences. Just as there's no point in making a car to fit the preferences of someone who's dead set on getting a horse instead. That much should be fucking obvious.
Yet here you are.
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>hates video faggotry
>hates fps obsession
>wants smaller bodies
>wants long term support
>hates “blobs”
>calls the ZF a clusterfuck
>only one person wants smaller bodies instead of more framerate/video stuff
bigger body = better cooling, hence the trend. hfr cameras get hot. the rumored 14fps mech shutter probably needed some support hardware too.
>making a car to fit the preferences of someone who's dead set on getting a horse
It's more like making a good semi-sporty 4 door sedan with a 6 speed manual option that is fun to drive, but could be better, and then instead of making it better, replacing it with a front biased AWD pseudo-luxury crossover with a CVT and six million driver assists because that's what professional taxi drivers wanted after releasing a pseudo-retro roadster with a fake manual transmission and a 1l i4
>fuck this im buying a 1992 miata
unironically based
It's just a Lumix with a fancy badge
i inherited a lot of really nice nikkor lenses. they all have the old f (?) mounts. can i simply buy one of the 20 euro adapters on amazon and put them on my fuji x-t20 or is their any upside in going for a (newer) nikon camera like the zf or z6 ii to
pair them with? i am a father now and would love to take pictures of my children with the same lenses my father took pictures of us with when we were kids. thanks!!
If they are old enough to be your granddads lenses, you will definitely be able to find an adapter that will work on any mirrorless whether they're pre-auto indexing lenses (the ones with the little fork sticking out).
DSLR compatibility is more complicated. Very old lenses like pre-AIs will just work like a dumb adapter even with the ftz. Obviously it's fine

Going full frame will provide you with a sharpness bump with lenses designed for 35mm and let you get the original character the lens designers intended instead of just a magnified center crop. If it's just for manual focus you do not need the nicer bodies like the zf and z6ii that have better AF processors. The z5 and z6 have onscreen focus magnifiers and decent screens for eyeballing focus.
>the lens designers intended
Aka the best compromise he was competent enough to squeeze out of the budget&size limits he had to work within.
Miss out on 3d pop if you want to
>the center is the sharpest so its all you need! -no sovl
>the center is the sharpest so it's the most boring -sovl
Would work fine with a cheap adapter. You can get a better adapter to get them closer to how they'd work on a FF/35mm camera (wider FoV, shallower DoF, etc). You can get adapters that add tilt and/or shift functionality.

Zf uniquely has subject detection with manual lenses which is pretty awesome. Combine with the right adapter and you get accurate focus confirmation and can even trap focus (hold shutter and it fires when lens is in focus), don't have to deal with peaking or zooming for focus.
>/p/ hated the a9iii, the r1, the g9ii, and the z6iii
>didn't even notice the gh7 or om-1 ii
film website
>m43 good, ff bad
why not a gfx 50sii?
recent leak indicates 4K/120p on the Z6III
I really hope the improvements aren't too video-centric and that there's something for the stills shooters too.
4k 120
depends on if the lenses are manual focus or AF, and if AF what kind of AF.
if they are manual focus, it doesn't really matter what camera or adapter you get.
if they are AF-S lenses (2000s or later) then the FTZ adapter will autofocus them.
BUT if they are "original" nikon AF (circa 1986) or AF-D (90s) then the lenses were designed to be focused a focus motor built into the camera. You can still adapt these but they will be manual focus. To autofocus them you'd have to actually buy a DSLR.
Fortunately the AF/AF-D and AF-S look nothing like each other so they are trivial to visually distinguish.
This is what an AF-D lens looks like:
And this is the equivalent lens on AF-S:
The differences between these two are typical of all lenses of their type, fixed or zoom, wide or long.
>stacked sensor
>dude trust me
>dude trust me
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Apparently just the AF improvement that was due starting with the original z6 lel
I shoot the z7ii in wide area or single point AF 99% of the time.

the difference isn't that extreme desu, however
this stuff really looks nice

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Weird, the oranges, reds, and sharpness are totally different between nomacs/c1 and firefox

every fucking time
>trust me, dude.
If you think 45mp FF can compete, you’re not zooming in enough.
Nah, z7/gfx50 is a wash. I looked for full res brick wall photos to be extra sure. It depends on which mount has the better lens in your preferred focal length and if the photographer can hold the camera steady.

6x7 in color is a little lower resolution but film looks nice

One more day to see if the nikon r6ii is real
*sensor dammit
As I suspected, there's fuck all for stills shooters here. Slightly better AF is about it. I can get a brand new Z7 ii for slightly cheaper than this thing or a Z6 ii for way cheaper, so why would I opt for a Z6 iii? Disappointing.
if you shoot only rocks and leaves u might just use your iPhone, bc no one really cares about your pictures.
The biggest issue with z6ii it had inferior autofocus, Nikon fixed that and added:
4k60p @ full frame
120fps @ 24mp jpeg
Low rolling shutter
Superior 5.6 mil ultra bright EVF
this alone kills the competition at the price point
>4k60p @ full frame
Irrelevant unless you're a videofag
>120fps @ 24mp jpeg
Irrelevant unless you're a videofag
>Low rolling shutter
Irrelevant unless you're a videofag
>Superior 5.6 mil ultra bright EVF
The Z6 ii EVF was already very good. This is nice but hardly a gamechanger.
>partially stacked
lol what a disappointment

>No one cares about your photos BUT BRO THE ROLLING SHUTTER AND 4K 60
People think my photos are cool but nobody has ever given a shit about the 5% video quality gain from shooting 4k60 "uncropped" (actually is 1.3x crop from real full frame, 44x33) or video quality in general really

Same for FPS. All those bird photos everyone loves and imitates? Shot on 5-10fps dslrs lol.
At $2499 and doubtlessly going on sale in a few months, it's a G9II fag buyers remorse inducer, and the feature set totally destroys any point flagship micro four thirds and fuji X-H series cameras ever had.

However, approaching the size of the Z8/canon bodies and being from the "everyone has a 1d" era, it's not an attractive purchase for stills shooters who are hardly utilizing sports-centric features to begin with. Nikon might as well put a shoulder mount and a handle on it and call it NikkoCam
>>4k60p @ full frame
stopped reading here
Yeah, it's irrelevant.
>soap opera FPS
>99% of video viewers can not discriminate between 1080p and 4k unless trained in the art of looking at literally everything but the story or suffering from myopia and sitting 2 feet away from fullscreened video on a laptop-sized 4k screen, only the editing guy can notice every time
>shooting video in full frame means absolutely nothing, the extra stop of noise is NR'd out, for one, because video does not suffer from so many "ShOw Me ThE RaWs!" idiots who think they are an unedited sensor dump that allows them to benchmark hardware performance, then dithered out by the illusion of motion or oversampled out by camera processing AND dithered out by the illusion of motion - hence why top tier professionals can get away with m43 and 16mm film for entire films
Also inb4 cropping affects dynamic range

If a shadow detail was visible in FX mode does it vanish in DX mode? No. Computer SNR measurements do not correlate perfectly with a human viewer determining if a luminance value is within the range of the camera or not. Cropping magnifies the noise and math becomes more uncertain about the detail, but human brains are still better at this and can see through noise that computers consider impenetrable to reason. You need a full 2x crop from FX for the noise to start to get bad enough to visibly interfere with dynamic range.

I always do video with a 1.5x crop because it looks just as good to people who aren't youtubers who loop a 2s clip at 600% crop to do le heckin tech check, and on every camera i own it reduces rolling shutter and shoots oversampled 4k so the footage is actually slightly cleaner
Unless I shoot a lot of video, why should I care?
Can we see some the video work you do?
You first since 4k60 uncropped is le heckin game changer and you NEED full frame video. You must be a real pro shooting for netflix right? You the crash cam guy for some imax feature? It sounds like thousands of important customers are watching your video on great screens with a discerning eye, so surely, you must be great. After all one does not simply stare at a single video frame and soak in the detail. Movies move, stuff goes on in the film.
>there is only me in this world
most people in this world dont benefit from any of that even if they shoot a lot of video because their shit is only ever viewed on youtube lol

the video wars are megapixel wars part deux but worse because having your video viewed in a way that it finally matters means succeeding as a serious filmmaker and any retard can print his vacation snaps 20"x30"
>text wall of cope
i just think its silly you cant see the value in 4k60 even for normie stuff
yes, that's what you're doing right now to try and maintain that idea in your head that says this would be a smart purchase lol
>autofocus still hunting in the review
>fatter z6
>the 4k60...is not le 1.5x crop! *zooms in 500%* SEE LOOK
4k60 is ok for uh, slow motion sequences, and really awful looking video with humans moving, but does it matter that it's uncropped? No, not really.
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newfag redditor thinks he benefits from 4k60 being full frame like his footage is being shown in imax theatres kek
>its a game changer bro!
Frame peep that noise harder
it's too close in price to a Z8 for a specced down fake sensor
>Imaging Recipes
They want that Fuji money
Hardly surprising, Fuji are fucking rolling in cash.
they’re $1k apart right now because of a sale, MSRP’s are $1.5k apart
fuji's a small brand relative to all things, but growing among young people in asia. canon is the #1 brand worldwide. so nikon execs thought
>what if we made an r6ii with film simulations
snoy and canonshit fags on suicide watch
here's to crashing z6ii prices
The vegan video guy says they put the mode dial on the left, meaning you can't change modes when handholding a long tele.
Canon has had those since dslr. no they aren't good.
he's right. In my ethnostate videographers hang.
I am an artist - a photographer. video is for PORNOGRAPHY.
because you only take pictures of rocks and leaves, no need to video them
filming rocks and leaves is a billion dollar industry, chud

rockographers demand the highest bitrates, framerates, and resolutions to show the smoothest motion possible, the smoothest gradients in their bokeh skies, and every last little detail in their very interesting clips of grass blowing in the wind
We are having a whole month for you video peoplem
I wouldn't call homosexual pornography a real job.
>trade in current body and get ~$700
>might even get a discount on next purchase
would probably come out to ~$500 price difference or less. I'd rather have the Z8
>current body is worth $1000-$1700
nikon hq is now in tel aviv?
we'll see how the IBIS stacks up, m43 stabilization is really good. Panasonic FF is getting close though
What are you using and why?
I'm really curious to see who the new color grading options for the picture profiles work out.
The old levels adjustments etc were always kinda disappointing.

If they add it to the Zf I could see an entire "Zf Preset Pack" cottage industry popping up.
I want a zoom for my d750 that goes out to 24 (not 28). Considering the 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 VR or the 24-120 f/4 VR. Is the more expensive one "worth" it?
24-120 also sounds almost like a "superzoom" range, too good to be true.
zf, m10, and lots of fuji gear, ditching the xpro3 soon either way, but might just bulk offload a bunch to keh next month
z6iii seems solid, but pretty marginal improvements outside of video, top of my nikon wishlist would be reasonably sized f1.4 primes, with better design (like the f1.4 GM's) and better compact f2 primes (like the fujicrons)
>ANOTHER “sony is exactly what i want but i refuse to but sony so i get angry at nikon” poster
Why do you idiots like huskyfag gearfag this hard instead of doing the rational thing and buying the camera that has everything you want (sony)?

Just buy a sony. It’s that simple. The a7iv and a7rv are flawless. The a1 and a9iii are flawless. The a9ii is excellent. The a7v will be flawless. There is no rational reason to avoid sony. Nikon is never going to release 1.4 GMs or small bodies. Nikon is never adding aperture rings. Nikon is going to keep adding video features to the d750 senskr and making $5000 f1.2-f0.9 primes.
because /p/ will greentext memes at them if they dont strip exif and they’ll never be able to brag about their camera here :(
already used sony for years, an a7rV and 24-70 f2.8 could absolutely cover 95% of my shooting, i agree they are awesome cameras, just not for me
also used gfx for a few years, but sold that too, no system alone has exactly what i want
>firmware bugs
>bricked and broken cameras
>firmware bugs
Is there another camera that covers 95%?

>new cameras have bugs
Z8 and Z9 recalls lmao! The ZF has bugs too
>broken a7ivs
User abuse issues and a small firmware mistake. Get your Z8 back yet?
>The a7v will be flawless
this fag literally said in 2 weeks
Of course, I could do 95% of my work with dozens of camera models and simply a 24-70 or 35-150 or 28-70. I started on a D60, and several dozen cameras since then. Everything nowadays feels like magic in comparison. I'm realistic what's "good enough" for my needs and output, and I'm fortunate to have the funds to pick and choose what cameras I just enjoy using the most. More megapixels and faster AF just doesn't really appeal to me at all anymore, I'm more concerned with handling and usability, and fun.
Anyone can do 95% of their work on dozens of cameras, 100% if the last 5% isn't dependent on special features, but the question is if they enjoy it and if the missed shots - every camera will get in the way of some shots for some reason - bother them more than they are having fun.

Buy a sony and the issues will definitely eclipse the fun.
>sony isnt le fun!
Why does your fun magically stop when your soulless digital box says sony? Go back to your canon DSLR, coper.
Maybe, rajesh, sony will let you use their camera one day and you will understand
What's a must have lens for the zf?
Don't fall for the snoys

There is no perfect camera that doubles as a personal camera and a work camera. In the end I think it's better to buy something that's flawed/use what you have and just rent an r6ii+24-105 f2.8 for work and make the other guy pay for it. I know that's what I'm doing after this massive disappointment of a release. $400 for 7 days means if I schedule 2 shoots in a week I can just charge 2 people $200 and never worry if my camera is good enough for professional snapshits again leleelelel
26mm f2.8
28mm f2.8
voigtlander 35mm or 50mm f2 apo
etz21pro + snoy 24 f2.8, sugma 90mm f2.8, zeiss loxias, etc
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>no 36mp
>no smaller body
>no improved dynamic range
>no AI powered autofocus
lol enjoy your $2400 firmware update niggors.
I'm just going to shoot my d800 forever. I don't need the autofocus there's no point upgrading to mirrorless is there?
there is! the z6 1/2/3, a7 3, somewhat the r6 1/2, s5, s1, are top tier lowlight photo cameras.

think a7s, but photos.

they literally are d5/6 tier lowlight cameras.
i am hoping for a bargain on th z6 2

fwiw the z6 3 may suck in low light (iso wise)
dont tell me you watch the cameraville and think 7 stop pushes from base iso = low light photography....

All you get is a dual gain sensor, video, and sharper lenses. The AF on your D800 is actually slightly better in some ways.
I just got a D800 and might sell my Sony A7R. D800 has more dynamic range, and basically the same effective resolution.
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A sony 40mm f2.5
how sony glass preformes on z bodies?
I really wanted the z6iii to be a Zf in a modern body for the same price tag. I just want a good Nikon full frame with great IBIS and AF for less than $2000. I guess I'll just have to wait for a z5ii and hope.
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>onions pimped zf
wow wtf go back to rdt you absolute faggot. holy fuck you must be the most homosexual person I've ever seen here
sure you don't want to sell your ZF and go back to fuji and/or shooting film?

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>I just want a good Nikon full frame with great IBIS and AF for less than $2000
yeah wait till the z6IV or the ZFII comes out and then buy used
are you completely new to the game? people who aren't consoomerist retards always buy one or two generations older than the hot shit right now. cameras are like cars - if you buy $current_model new you're a financial nigger
Anybody shoot the 28-400? Is it better than the old 28-300? Superzooms are just so damn convenient for travelling.
The df only got one revision so i think the zf is abandonware unless market trends swing hard. The z6iv will undoubtedly be z8 sized to fit even more features in it. Nikon kind of has a pattern of camera development, where the pinnacle is a feature packed behemoth.
buying used is like getting a girlfriend that had 100 dicks inside her already
I don't blame anyone for buying the E mount 24 f2.8, 35 f2.8, 40 f2.5, 50 f2.5, or 90 f2.8
Or switching to snoy over the small lens situation

Nikon's compact Z lenses are garbage desu.
>40: field curvature, ass qc, made of plastic
>28: soft, ass qc, made of plastic
>26: f2.8 lets in 1/3 stop more light than f4, soft by midframe, x100v autofocus experience, focus breathing you can actually notice
I thought f2.8 was a full stop faster than f4.
Not when your lens vignettes almost 3ev

Central sharpness is excellent but lol, lmao. Nikon could have done so, so much better if they weren't trying to beat some gay size record no one cares about. The cannot POS R 28mm isn't weather sealed but it's objectively a better lens. So is literally almost every other 24mm and 28mm.

Nikon has no good small lenses. None.
generally speaking, all compact lenses will have compromises to get to that size, like you even mention as much as a troll you are.

If you are a real man and insist on highest quality, just carry a big lens unless you are 60+ years old. If you need smaller you have plenty of options with specs and compromises to pick.
the canon rf 28mm has no mandated compromises. only canon’s own decision to omit weather sealing.

leica makes dozens of lenses that are tack sharp and small.

the only compromise SHOULD be being slower than f2.5.
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"There are no compromises, aside from this decision that is a compromise."
>weather sealing is an optical compromise b-because it just is, ok?!
Wow I didnt know a fucking rubber O ring had anything to do with the optical construction

>a troll
I have trialed or owned all of those lenses. They all suck. The copy variation game is tamron tier and not worth anyones time. Do not buy a nikon mirrorless yet if you like small primes.
no. it's just a device, it's not a relationship
>is this art?
let me guess, you need more?

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>Always out of stock
I need less
i've seen some samples on this lens they look very nice.
that a nice lens too
>BUT dubyoo tee eff mates, if nik dids’t thouest hast makers thine unholy z6iii, what would it have that a ZF doesn’t already have?
It’s coming, just like me in my jeanz.
Brix will be shat.
Mysteries will be revealed.
A great pressure will be relieved.
From my balls.

36mpx, bring it. …just like they were somehow able to do w the d810 in 2010, wtf
>36mpx, bring it. …
Yeah, no, they revealed the specs almost a week ago. At least try to keep up, will ya? Even if you're only really here to shitpost.
I fucking hate that new Nikon lenses optically spank their best old lenses, but are a considerable step down in build quality from when they were made in Japan. These sonsabitchin things make a great goddamn image but holy fuck are they ever ugly. They look like they were designed by the same gooks that put them together in chinkistan. Where tf are the useful Ape + Focus rings with the square knobs, the motherfucking placement so I can still grip the lens wo rotating a ring by occident, and bastards if I paid fucking S prices I want my shit to have a gold god damned ring around it and be made by the granddaughters of samurai warriors in an island paradise. Fuck China man.
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gat dam nikon man releasin camcorder 24mp two thirdsa d810 14 years ago man goin nowhere designed by bugs man cant grab a got dam lens man got bigger mirrorless scam i tell you what man not even a dang ol aperture ring man aint buyin no fuji i tell you whaf im out goin for some dan gol joy of reflex snappy snappy got that mirror ovf hate screens n stuff like that anyway man dang ol dawg deserves better autofocus man i tell ypu what about that decisive moment man dont need no precapture man dang ol gimmick

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Buy a zf and voigtlander lenses, embrace the larp

Otherwise idk fuck off from consooming, I sold all but 1 Z lens.
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Name a better two-body combo. I'll wait
I've got a zfc and fancy going full frame. Skipped the zf as I was waiting for the new z6. Looks decent but that price is a bit jewy. Unlimited buffer, pre-capture and 120 fps sounds great for my fav subject, people dropping things and reactions. Anyone actually buying at this price?
GAS affiliated people or people wanting to do a video project right as of this moment. Those are the two.
A7III and X100VI
Videographers, sports pros, and wedding photographers because this is basically a canon r6ii that has a wider lens selection (can even adapt sony lenses) and lumix g9ii-esque specs. The 4k120 is a 1.5x crop instead of a 2x crop. Nice.

Hobbyists seem to be going with the zf or ducking out of gearfagging however. This is a pro beast and its nikon’s new direction.
I'm a hobbyist but tempted to get this and dabble in some macro video. Thinking this will work great with the laowa macro probe. Damnd expensive hobby this photography malarkey
Better than holding fiat
You could just buy a lumix m43

Nobody cares about sharpness and noise in video
Oh they do which is why there were endless threads on video forums about oversampling and low light performance. So they shoot full frame video but then complain about how too clean and sharp (digital) the footage is and do the same film simulation shit photographers do.
>Autistic people exist
>Damnd expensive hobby this photography malarkey
only if you're a teenager or a broke failure of a man. do you know what expensive hobbies are? cars, sailing and women. photography is a pretty affordable hobby if you've got non-burger flipper income
where do you think we are?
if you do macro ofc sharpness is important you dumb retard
Looking to upgrade my Z50. Would you guys recommend a ZF or Z6iii?
ZF. its normal camera sized (sort of).
it doesn't matter, just don't shoot rocks and leaves.
whichever has an ovf

why would you upgrade? Z6III has modern grip
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Why are muh niggons getting so obese over the years
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Traded in my Pentax K1 and 2 lenses to get back onto nikon with a D4S, did i do good?
Not that guy, but the z50's AF isn't amazing. It also lacks IBIS. And the z50 is crop, where the ZF and Z6iii are FF. It's a shame all the ZF's nice features are locked inside this unergonomic retro body.
>paying 2.5k for 24mpix
t. D850-chad
Sailing is not as expensive ... you can get a GOOD fully functional sailboat for the price you pay for a z6ii.
Yeah now you just have to rent to dock it somewhere or buy a trailer and a decent truck to haul it, and don't forget the maintenance.

Digital cameras are one and done. Your basic kit will likely last 20 years before dying and then there's a possibility a repair person will replace the shutter or button or whatever for $200.
where are you buying GOOD $1050 sailboats? are they highly liquid assets?

I "rented" (bought $1150, sold $1150) a z6ii to see if i'd enjoy a lower MP model. Don't think you can do that with a boat. It didn't cost me any money to keep it around or move it place to place either.
Well it's obviously location dependant.
But there's lots of people who just want to get rid of their boat. Hell some people give them away all you gotta do is sign over the mooring / docking fees for the year.

If you have a backyard you don't even need to store it over winter. I guess it all depends on the various budgets out there. Photography can get quite pricey over time. It's definitely not like cooking or playing video games as a hobby.
Photography can easily be a single fee hobby if you keep it purely digital. The spending only starts if you want to keep up with video specs or make physical media. Although, producing physical media isn't really that expensive if you print digitally instead of working in a darkroom.

Owning a boat has built in maintenance, transport, and storage costs that are inescapable.
>paying $1500 for a clapped out DSLR and still needing to calibrate each lens
Out of the two, the Z6iii. Mainly because of ergonomics and buttons, though it's also a better body.

If you can swing it, get a Z8 instead. I did, along with the 24-120f4
how is it?
Z8s great but that’s a heckin big body. Coming from FM2’s & FM3a, but then getting pulled into the D2/3/4 line, the z6/7 body made going mirrorless very attractive bc it was so svelte and maneuverable. I got a ZF and the thing was like some freaking huge puffed up FM2/3 like it’d been stung by a bee. The z8/9 is even bigger. I wouldn’t even hesitate if they made a minimalist photo-only, high quality 36-45mpx body without video, viewfinder or detachable display, just to make it as compact and high quality at simply shooting photos as possible. …prob what the ZF/ZFc should have been from the start.
>Photography can easily be a single fee hobby if you keep it purely digital.
this requires you don't get GAS
if you can stick with one lens, then yeah you're all set
but if people did, the industry that caters to this hobby would not even exist
this whole world only exists because of people that buy another lens every month
Very sharp at all focal lengths. No noticeable purple fringing wide open. Quiet and fast AF. Excellent value and a great all-round lens. Really nice to have the extra reach, which also helps to blur the background.

I was going to get the ZF as I jumped from Fuji, but the ergonomics just didn't work for me with a zoom lens attached. The Z8 is big, but balanced against the weight of the glass, so it's comfortable to use for longer periods. For snapshits I've got an XF10. Love the feel of the ZF with the 40mm f2.
I had that lens for a while before switching to the 24-70. It's probably the single best lens on nikon if you live in daylight. It's sharper than your average F mount G prime at every focal length except 24, where the edges are a bit shit, and has excellent color and contrast rendition and smooth, neutral bokeh like all the other S line lenses. It does not outresolve the z7/z8, but it perfectly matches 45mp so unless nikon adds 61mp cameras it'll be sharp enough for every body forever.

The only thing that kills it, besides being the size of the 24-70 f2.8 and not having VR like its predecessor (IBIS loses 2-3 stops of effectiveness at 120mm), is f4 hobbles the autofocus badly in dimmer light especially if you dont have a z8.
One camera two lens is fine (35-85 or standard-wide and macro, usually)
3 lens if you're catering to other peoples requests or have a separate hobby that involves photography (ie: birding) maybe
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interesting, a budget 35 f1.4 is not what i was expecting
would definitely pick up over the 35 f1.8 s i think
They're actually going to redo the big f1.8s to copy snoy's 1.4 GMs before doing a set of small lenses. ZF compared abandonware.
i hope so, id love smaller premium f2 or f1.7's or reasonably sized f1.4's like this, the f1.2's are massive
the f1.4 gm's are like ideal size
Is going to be shit wide open, sharp at 1.8, an apology for the expensive 1.8 s being shittier than the cheaper 50mm
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the 1.8 for comparison. im betting the new 1.4 will actually be optically worse than the 1.8 at 1.8.
Guess I'm not terribly surprised, Nik's always pushed their popular & very good 35.
They were in AIS days too. The 50 pancake at 1.2 version was worse than the 1.4, and the 85mm was better at f2 than the the variant that went up to 1.8. That last stop is always pushing it just a little too far.
for sure
wonder if they'll evetually have f1.8 and f1.2 s options across the board, with budget / "character" f1.4 options like this
and rumors say 35 f1.2 s is still coming, as well as a similar 50mm f1.4 non s
What was the main reason you got rid of it?
Another disappointment from nikon.

>expect f1.4 night vision lens that looks normal wide open
>get another dumb dreamy portrait lens
>but probably with less character than the mountain of vintage f1.4 lenses already in existence including the f mount af-s one
I'm buying a Voigtlander 50mm 1.0 and nobody can stop me
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the f-mount 35 f1.4G for comparison
definitely a character lens
big difference from the 1.8 s
It's a mix of the clinical, cold, modern look and smeary low image quality. Another big win for voigtlander's sales.
Are we going to have to wait another year for a successor to the z5 or zf?
df was abandonware
zf is abandonware
nikon will release a z10 that's 2x the size of a d850 and shoots 120fps 16 bit 61mp raws and records 8k60 4:4:4, right after their super sharp f0.6 prime lineup
The Zf isn't a year old yet. Come back in 2027.
Not a direct upgrade, just something that fills the same role. Why is Nikon's best >2k enthusiast FF locked inside a retro body that requires a 3rd party grip?
What about the z5? That came out in 2020 and there's no Expeed 7 upgrade.
Because nikon is clueless as to what enthusiasts actually want. They have excellent value share from selling z8s, pro zooms, and tele primes, but not much market volume share because of this.
Zf is 8 months old, probably looking 2027 for a refresh, pending sales. Seems to have sold a lot better than the Df. Half my complaints with it could be fixed by firmware, but it'll never happen.
Have to imagine Z5 refresh is pretty soon, just hit 4 years, and not everyone wants to go the used z6/z7 (or zf) route. Would be odd to introduce a new line of budget lenses and forget about the budget bodies.
>Another big win for voigtlander's sales
What sales? Voigty just discontinued the 35&50 apo lenses for Z mount.

>nikon is dying as a photography brand
>will be a video brand soon
They also just put out the 75 f1.5 for Z last month, and the 50 f1 Z was a few months ago.
I can totally see the market for the Z 50 apo being too small. The 50 f1.8 S is good enough with AF at a cheaper price. The e and m mount versions had several years head start, which is my case, had the m-mount already so no need to buy the z version.
I really wanted that 75, my friend has the M Mount version (which looks cooler IMO, cool stepped case, the Nikon is a beer can) but I couldn’t justify it when the 85 1.8 S is right there for less money and has autofocus and is properly weather sealed. VC needs a different price strategy but I understand they probably can’t make them any cheaper and be viable as a business. The niche of MFers who prefer nicely damped well built mf lenses over sloppy focus by wire but incredibly convenient 1st party AF lenses can’t be large.
weird since voigt lenses are basically all just a few screws and a metal mount swap that couldn't cost them more than a buck or two. wonder what's behind it really. not enough demand is bullshit when they sell L mount lenses lmao.
The Z lenses are redesigned somewhat, not just a mount swap. Different MFD from the M versions. Who knows how soft the sales are or what they need that factory line for now. Maybe they have enough stock and need to tool up for the next thing.
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It's a neat little lens, just wish I liked the focal length more
Weather sealing is a big selling point now. Every other social media influencer does travel photography and street photography, with lots of rain. How is voigtlander not just putting a few O rings in? How hard is it to seal a manual focus lens?

And where do they get off pricing their shit higher than optically better autofocus lenses? They're going to have to bring back their film bodies if they want that brand image.
Can we see some pictures you took in inclement weather?
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here u go cheif
Ah yes, surely the voigtlander could not withstand such a downpour
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I wouldn't have risked it for a joke photo
Facts, no way anyone could use a voigtlander in that kind of rain
A few raindrops is all it takes to always kill any non-weather sealed gear
Do you use all the dials or did you remap everything to function like a modern camera? Also, how's the shutter button feel? It seems far back once you attach a grip.
It could happen, it has happened. Non WR lenses have gotten otherwise WR camera bodies killed just from dripping water and it would be a shame to lose a $1650 camera over using a meme manual lens.
Dude, chill it with the fanboy persecution complex. He didn't say Voigtlanders are trash that rot the moment they hit any moisture, he just suggested a bit of basic weather sealing could help their sales pitch.
That lens is sharper than most voigtlander lenses and renders the same. Who buys voigt trash? If you want a classic lens with classic rendering buy an actual classic lens. Voigts are the tamrons and sigmas of leica M mount. Sharp and sterile or just not as good.
By how many 3d pops per depth rendition does a voigtlander 50 apo trail a leica summicron 50 f2
I use all the dials depending on what I'm doing. They are functionally much worse than Fuji dials though. Shutter button feels fine, same placement on lots of other cameras.
I just think it's kind of a silly point to make. The type of person that would want the voigt 75, but pass on it because of weather sealing just doesn't exist in my mind. They've had decades to add better sealing if the demand was actually there, and seems people just take their chances anyways and have been fine. Anytime someone brings up weather sealing, I'm expecting they shoot in downpours not drizzle.
Indeed, the 24-120 is an awesome lens.
>They've had decades
They're a tiny company and it seems the majority of their sales go to leica and fuji users who have lower standards anyways.

They could expand their customer base but I think they might not be able to afford the sweeping changes to their production lines if they're already discontinuing nikon lenses
Both a downpour and a drizzle can get enough water inside a lens mount to require a $500+ repair to the sensor/ibis/shutter, or worse.
Where I live drizzles randomly happen even on sunny days a little cloud cover. I wouldn't trust a voigtlander lens in the long term. They really are missing out on sales. but they're basically the sigma of leica and don't have a lot of free resources to expand.
Which lens of theirs would immediately purchase if it simply added weather sealing?
I love the FL. I am considering picking up the 50 and 75 Speed Panchros LLL is putting out once they're out there. Would be cool to have a whole set and get them rehoused.
>They are functionally much worse than Fuji dials
because of the lock?
Locks are part of it. Fuji just locks/unlocks wherever. Zf only and always locks on 1/3, B, X, T, which gets in the way.
Auto ISO is dogshit on the Zf. The ISO dial doesn't override it, and enabling/disabling it via custom button can only be done when on C, so you always have to disable first, then change. I basically never use Auto ISO with it.
On X-T's, I find the location actually very accessible from the thumb, and use it like a normal command dial. The Zf is much more stiff and in a location such that it really requires moving your hand to change. I end up just leaving it on 1/3 step and using the regular dials.
On Fuji's, the dials allow for quick full stop adjustment, and then you can use the regular dials to fine tune +/- 2/3 ev.
Both are retarded. Nikon, canon, and sony have near identical ergos for a reason. Good isnt a preference. Everyone has the same hands, just different sizes. The dials are bad. They were designed for camera manufacturing (cheaper assembly and cheaper mechanical linkages), not hands, which is why they’re never on “normal” cameras and havent been for almost 40 years, just special released marketed specifically for the larp.

Nikon just slapped them on an already abandoned z6-2.5 like they did with the df to raise money via clueless hipsters before the current batch finally wised up.
I don't view things so black & white, everything has pros and cons, and different people like different things. Worst case, I just ignore them and use the regular dials like normal, best case it gives me extra control options, not less.
It must be such a burden to be upset with other people like different things.
Switch to panasonic at that point
Switch to panasonic
>Worse autofocus
>even larger body to get pixel shfit (s1r)
>focus bracketing still starts with a menu
>larger body
>panasonic does not make amazing lenses
nigga expected nikon to make the z7ii competitive with a sony from 2017 but has grossly overestimated nu-kons technical competence

there are no options except giving up on pixel shift and going to canon or buying into the z6iii/z7iii baby z8s

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