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When did we accept having to use only 1 dial plus a ton of multi-function buttons to adjust our exposure? Why do we not just have 3 dials?

The Fuji X-T3 is the closest thing to my ideal implementation of this: Seperate knobs for shutter and ISO. Aperture doesn't have it's dial but I can forgive that since some Fuji lenses still have an aperture ring on them.

I'm still a noob, so correct me if I'm missing something, but this just makes much more sense.
nikon has two dials, sometimes 3
sony has 3 dials, sometimes 4
fuji controls suck. leica controls are good because they don't include the out of place canikon dials.
but at least it's not canon
>his camera is so shit that he can’t trust auto-iso
Sounds like a Fujislug alright
And also somehow ok with not having an aperture dial, which affects your image more than iso does lel.
seriously it's the best.
everything on auto? camera in full auto.
everything on auto except aperture set? aperture priority
it's such a brilliant way of doing it and i miss it badly whenever i use any other camera, including pasm fujis
I can see how thinking about it and playing with it would be extremely satisfying to people with aspergers but in real use it's just slower and less convenient to adjust your settings when a shot shows up.

It's literally designed to be like that to encourage f/11 1//250 zone focus snapshitting. No wonder their autofocus has 0 effort put in.
I'm not a pro though. I have time to agonize over setting up my exposure. Is that time wasted? Maybe.

At the end of the day you could easily have all three dials but one is designated as the exposure wheel for whatever priority mode you are on.

This too by the way. So many times I realise my depth of field is way off and I'm scrambling to adjust the aperture. Just give me an aperture ring or a dial dammit.
Pros are the ones who can coast on fixed exposure settings. Events are basically 1/500 f4 auto iso and just zoooooom. Amateurs shoot a new genre a minute. Street, bird, landscape, portrait, car, all easy to fit in 5 minutes with one 50mm lens if you’re on vacation.
I really like them, but they are unnecessary. A standard PASM dial with custom user modes are better for most people, and definitely better in professional environments. They're probably a good way to learn for hands-on people.
It's nice on the Fujis that you can use them or ignore entirely in favor of the traditional dials. With some of the Fuji's, the shutter dial is easily accessible by thumb like a normal command dial so it's not that out of place control wise. For manual shooting, I actually prefer dials. They also help for seeing settings at a glance when dual shooting, lots of mirrorless lack a top LCD display that normally helps with that.
The Zf dial implementation is absolute garbage in comparison. ISO dial on X-Pro/100's is also garbage.
Aperture control on lens is an absolute must for me, much more so than top dials.
>The Fuji X-T3 is the closest thing to my ideal implementation of this
too bad the fuji results suck dick with apsc phone tier resolution and fucking WORMS all over the files no matter how you edit them
As a photonoob as well, I also like the Fuji dials.
But for professionals or people who don't have the time, I can see why PASM works for them.
Its like driving manual or automatic transmissions
My camera has more dials than I need. Most of the time I'm in aperture priority with auto ISO so I'm just using the front dial (I don't have any lenses with aperture rings but they are an option) and then I have an exposure comp dial, one of the rear dials also controls the aperture by default and the other does nothing. It would be the same situation in shutter priority. If I wanted to shoot manual then it would probably be with auto ISO so that only requires use of one extra dial and still leaves one unused.
these classic dials went out of phase for a reason, and one reason alone, they are terribly unergonomic. Yeah they look cool but when you're actually trying to take shots and need to change settings on the fly, they require you to take your eyes off the finder, or the finger off the shutter button, or contort your hands to change them. Having several multi functional dials at the reach of various fingertips, that can be customized, eliminates all these issues which is why they are dominant designs, and it's preferred by people actually care about taking photos not looking at their cameras.
>it's just slower and less convenient to adjust your settings when a shot shows up.
....what? how?
you just leave everything in auto if you need the camera to handle it, or you set it to what you need, or bind control wheels for instant access to iso/expcomp/ss/whatever
pasm feels pants on head retarded when you need to bind down two parts of the exposure triangle, as is often the case
I shoot Fuji for years now but only use the manual controls (other than aperture ring) in maybe 1% of instances
It's much easier to switch back and forth between my Fuji and film cameras. All the muscle memory carries over.
>since some Fuji lenses still have an aperture ring on them
You mean almost all of them except for the shitty XC lenses?
You sound like a fag.

Dedicated dials "went out of phase" because of one reason: expense. What's more expensive to produce? A featureless plastic scroll wheel, or a custom engraved aluminum dial?

Hint: if you picked "featureless plastic scroll wheel", you're wrong.
Sony are the only company that treat photographers as professionals, with an excess of dials and fully customisable buttons so your camera works exactly how you want.

Meanwhile Nikon are like "here's a jpeg mode dedicated button", Fuji is like "here's a fIlM SiMuLaTiOn dial", canon is like "we've invented ergonomics with fat handed downies in mind"
nta but you are the one who sounds like a butthurt little faggot lmao
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Classical film cameras really only a shutter speed knob.
There was no need for an aperture knob on the camera since the lens already had a ring to control it.
Separate controls for shutter and aperture only happened with auto-exposure cameras, and there was no precedent for where to put them since the need for them was new.
Similarly to change the ISO you had to actually put in different film! The ISO setting on the camera was really just to tell it what speed of film you'd already put it. On manual exposure cameras the ISO only mattered for the meter, and cameras that didn't have a built in meter also dind't have any ISO setting. The ones that did, it was often combined on the same knob as the shutter speed or built into the rewind post or something, since it wasn't something you twiddled on every shot and access to it didn't need to be fast.
"Real" ISO control didn't become a thing until digital, and brought up the same question of where to put it.

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>uses compact camera
>wonders why controls are neutered
FujiFilm mirrors all of that perfectly. Aperture ring on the lens, shutter speed dial where it should be. ISO dial located where the rewind crank would be makes perfect sense too, since, like you said, it's accessed much more often than the film days.
>its duh jews!
They went out of fashion because they sucked.

Nikon finally got rid of the jpeg only buttons when they received a letter saying their jpegs looked like iphone photos
>where it should be
Where cheapo designers can run a rod down to the shutter clockwork more easily. Olympus and zenza bronica had better ideas.

Nothing on a fuji is where it should be. Its awkward to use and only a building corner snapshitter or fixed settings zone focus wanker would tolerate it. Coincidentally thats any fujifag who doesnt treat the dials as decorations.
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dial gang
By using a shitty camera that is ass to use when you're casually snapping, you will reduce the likelihood that you will take a boring action shot and be forcibly limited to shooting building corners at sunset, creating the illusion that you are a better photographer.
what is the point of the tape
I don't like the white text on top, and been too lazy to just remove the paint
I cheaped out on the hot shoe thumb grips (no rubber or screw adjustment), so it just keeps them in place
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Why would you prefer a dedicated dials when all modern cameras have 2 or more dials that can be configured to adjust exposure/shutter speed/fstop/iso

||I adjust the ISO using the lens control ring :^)||
When there is no grip whatsoever, the front/back dials stop being ergonomic to use anyways, since you'd have to shift your grip and possibly leave the shooting position. but the location of fuji dials is stupid. it was never a great idea to put them there. it was a cost cutting engineering compromise. it's way nicer to have them on the lens/mount since you'll basically always have a hand up there, but also more fiddly and expensive to manufacture a camera that way. on digital, it would still present the same problems. either a deeper mount and probably more expense, or adding expense to each lens. top plate dials are a bean counter/engineer design, not a camera user design.
>nikon has two dials, sometimes 3
Which budget used beginner cameras have the good number of dials?
Nice digits, what chapo camera should I get, no more than 1-200 bucks?
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did someone say dials

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Based Pentax had the best form of controls. TAv is kind of a cool halfway point between shutter/aperture priority and fully manual, giving you the best of auto and manual, with the green button to instantly switch back to auto.

The green button to switch iso back to auto in AV and TV modes is cool too

Dunno if other camera companies have similar stuff, they normally end up copying Pentax eventually
I like having one dial and using buttons to change what it modifies, it's faster
that's so sad you think that, oh well we were all young once too
How does TAv work? Also what does the dial that has stuff like ISO and wifi do? I'm not sure I'd want a button dedicated to switching ISO to auto when I have it on that most of the time, but I'm going to assume they made the logical choice of allowing you to reassign it.
TAv is what some other manufacturers call "manual with auto-ISO"
it's what I keep the K-1 set to for basically anything without a tripod
the dial with ISO/WiFi/etc changes the mode of the one top dial without a label
so you can use it either in ISO or EV comp mode, for example
some of their choices for what you can choose from are… odd though
like WiFi/grid/SR (scroll between… off and on? ok) or crop (personally never need access to it that readily)
I think they struggled coming up with stuff to put there honestly, especially when one of the settings is "none"
Does it let you use exposure compensation in that mode? That's pretty neat if so. I've used lots of bodies that have auto ISO available in manual, but still only tries for 'normal' exposure within the range you have set (if available) and won't automatically knock the ISO up or down to reach +/- X EV without you locking the ISO to a single value and doing it full-manually.
So if you set it to manual and then tap the auto ISO button it functions identically to TAv? That does sound a bit silly and like they were just trying to fill up the dial as much as possible. I like that they still managed to squeeze 5 user modes in there though.

I like the idea of having the dial to control the function of the other dial, but you're right those are some odd choices. A focus mode (like different zones) would have been a good one. Is the crop setting continuously variable, like a digital zoom without the upscaling? If so that could be handy, although really you'd want an EVF for that.

Also am I right in assuming the lights behind the screen are intended for seeing the rear buttons in the dark? That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Backlit buttons would have been a more logical solution but it's creative. And I'm guessing the light near the lens mount serves a similar purpose to see the focus scale in the dark. What body even is it? I want to read more about it.
body is a Pentax K-1 (mk1 in this case)
TAv is continuously-automatic ISO, not push a button to calculate ISO, if that's what you meant
>A focus mode (like different zones) would have been a good one
see that's a great idea
and unfortunately they hard-coded the things you can control instead of making half them configurable
>Is the crop setting continuously variable
no it's just those four modes
there is a digital zoom for LV focusing, you just press the OK button then use the aperture wheel to zoom in/out in steps
>seeing the rear buttons in the dark
yeah, backlit buttons would have been a more standard choice
maybe they wanted to do more with the funky screen armature? but it is a downside that you have to extend the screen
on the other hand, the light does end up softer than backlit buttons, and seeing how the K-1 has a heavy astro emphasis, maybe it was a feature targeted at that market
oh and the light on the front is ostensibly for lens changes, but given the astro bit possibly also the focus dial, hadn't thought of that
That's a pity indeed. Nikon z-fc and zf are lack an auto mode on their dials, and their shit grip cancels out the fun of having some nice dials.

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